Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 146

I took this photo today of Lil' J and her little friend. Her headband isn't straight and her eye is squished, but you can't beat a sweet candid.

I need help with a caption. Any ideas?


  1. even on a bad hair day your true friends will love you anyway.

  2. Are you insinuating she's having a bad hair day? hahaha!! You haven't seen NOTHIN! jk jk... Thanks. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Hold on tight to good friends. You never know when you'll need them, or they might need you.

  4. Friends? How many of us got them? Friends? Ones you can depend on? Lol

    And if u threw a party and invited everyone u knew. U would see the greatest gift would be from me and the card attached would say. Thank u for being a friend.

    Lol #oldschool

  5. A bestfriend is a sister destiny forgot to give you

  6. Too cute! :)

    "A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."

  7. "Never let a boy come between you and your best friend."

  8. Friends are about quality not quantity. It's their character that counts.

  9. A good friend is worth holding onto!

  10. Boys may come and go, but your girl friends are forever!

  11. Can't think of a caption. But, I love this pic. Too cute!!!:)

  12. They are adorable. Don't you wish you could remember things from when you were that young??? I always wonder if I knew who my friends were - even then. :-)

  13. Make new friends, but keep the old. These are silver, those are gold.

  14. A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more.

    Gems may be precious, but friends are priceless.

  15. I can't think of a caption either, but she is so cute and I am jealous for my future baby girl of how much hair your baby girl has. Mine is doomed to a year of light blond fuzz thanks to me and her father.

  16. Hold your friends near and dear to your heart.

  17. Unfortunately I suck at coming up with catchy phrases or other things as such. Anyway, that's an adorable pic of those 2

  18. Thanks everyone for leaving a suggestion, and sorry for those of you who weren't able to cause my comments got jacked up. I think I fixed it now.

  19. Aww, she is so cute! She has very beautiful eyes!

  20. Sometimes friends see things differently. And that's ok.


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