Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simple Pleasures and Party Planning

We went on a trip to the pool today and oh my goodness Lil' J had a blast. I'd never seen her so excited to get out of my arms before. Hopefully she'll be a better swimming that me someday, I can barely swim to save my life. 

I was too scared to bring my camera in the water but I captured some other fun moments.
We had a picnic and she played on the swings again. A random little boy came up and started pushing her on the swings, which was a little weird but cute and funny at the same time.

In less that 6 weeks Lil' J turns one. ONE. It's insanely crazy. Nuts. I can't believe it! But I'm coming to terms with this bittersweet monument by planning her birthday party.

Of course this year, and the next few to come are the ones she won't remember. But I will. So it's gotta be fabulous.

Sadly, we don't have any family nearby, so it'll be our friends who celebrate with us. There are also talks of my mom and siblings coming out too, so this has the potential to be a great memory (again for me, not for her, but she'll have photos).

Since our place isn't very large, I decided to do it at a park. But since her birthday is in the heat of the summer, I decided to do it at one with water! The space is reserved and we're having it a week before her birthday, on her due date actually, since my husband and I thought many people would be out of town for the fourth.

I have never planned a baby birthday party before--Why would I? So I'm worried I'm going to forget something. I'm still not sure yet what I'm doing for food. What's good for tiny kids? I'm thinking sandwiches and fruit perhaps.

What are good for baby goodie bags? Fun and easy decoration ideas? I think the venue should provide enough entertainment but should I take anything else into account?

Alright, those are all of the questions I can think of right now!


  1. How fun for you! Depending on what time of day you pick to have the party will determine if you are serving a meal or just snacks. At our "first" birthdays, we did finger foods for all the little ones: fruit, cheese, crackers, and sliced sandwich wraps make a great summer park or party food! Treat bags.... BUBBLES are a must. Our kids are 8 and 10 and still enjoy receiving bubbles. And of course your party theme will help determine what else goes in the goodie bags. Don't forget to celebrate with a commemorative Piggies & Paws print!

  2. For my little one we did sandwiches, fruit, and cheese for the kiddos to eat and had some popcorn chicken and chips, etc. for the adults. Her party was Mickey themed and so for treat bags I did Mickey cookies (homemade), bubbles, stickers, and crayons. Nice that it wasn't candy, etc.

  3. The folks over Young House Love


    just did their daughter's 1st birthday party and they had a lot of ideas as well as planning tips.

  4. I KNOW you will make her party uber fabulous! Can't wait to see THEE outfit. ;-) You have the right idea. Keep it simple. Fruit, everybody loves, including adults. Chips and dips, and small sandwiches. Bottled water and capri suns. Make a birthday banner, there are free templates all over the web. And BALLOONS!!! That's all you will really need outside, by the water. And I say, go to the dollar store and purchase sand pails. Use those as your gift bags. Put fruit snacks inside and party sized play-dohs! Call.it.a.day!!! Well, with cake of course!!! So exciting....can't believe she will be ONE either. Wow.

    p.s. Blogger is being a pain again and NOT letting me comment...this is melifaif, just a lil FYI.

  5. Finger foods for 1st birthdays are always a hit:
    animal crackers, goldfish, puffs and or teddy graham crackers served with hotdogs or chicken nuggets. As for goodie bags, any type of fruit snacks would be good, or you can go all out and do a mini tote box favor or sand pail (since it's a water park) filled with a juice box or mini water, candy, cake pops, shovel and maybe sunglasses. Here's one cute idea:

  6. Cute pictures.
    I am planning my little one's first birthday right now too. Some people have told me to have activities for lots of ages, and to ask people who don't have kids or who have older kids to help you with the party peice so you can hang out with your kid and enjoy the time.
    I picked a Monster theme for Jay's birthday and then I have been searching on other blogs that have done the same theme to get some ideas. They have great finger foods. I also got one of those party helium tanks ($20) for balloons. Then I am ordering some mini beach balls from Oriental Trading company and a few other things for party favors. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  7. I actually follow a blog called Kara's Party Ideas. I love it. Lots of wonderful ideas, and very helpful advice.

    My youngest son is a Halloween baby. I used lots of orange, black and purple. I made a birthday banner that said 'Happy Birthday Grayson'. It was actually quick and easy. I bought everything I needed at Michael's. I used my Cricut to cut out the triangles, circles and letters, and then I used an Elmer's craft glue pen and glued it all together. Then I put used a hole punch and put some ribbon on it, and VOILA..Banner. Everyone was very impressed. Favors? Bubbles are always a hit with the younger crowd, and since it's summer, you can get them super cheap in large packs. I was able to find some big serving bowls on clearance at Target 4 days before Halloween (3 days before his party). So, check Target for them. They like to get rid of all the memorial day stuff to make room for the July 4th stuff, even though it's essentially the same thing.

  8. Oh, check out this advice from babies r us:

  9. She is such a puddin' pop:-) lol Beautiful pics!! You look like you've been working out too!

  10. How exciting. Lil J is so cute. And you are looking great too girl. What a hot momma :)

  11. Don't go overboard with balloons if lots of other babies are going to be there. Once they start popping a crying fest might ensue. Make sure to have lots of wipes on hand because babies love smashing cake. LOL

    The Dollar Tree is always a great place to shop for decorations. As far as goody bags, huge lollipops that won't get stuck in their throats are good. Not sure what else works for kids her age. We didn't do goodie bags for Moo's first bday.

    Remember just to have fun and go with the flow.

  12. I'm on a scavenger hunt to find the best blogs and I chose yours. I love it! This post stood out to me because I just recently had to plan my son's birthday. I can totally relate to the stress! I think your venue will provide plenty of entertainment! As far as food, maybe a sandwich tray and a fruit, cracker and cheese tray? I agree with an above poster that bubbles would be great for the little bitties! Hope you all have a blast!

    Rebecca @ArtIs4YourHeart

  13. I'm on a scavenger hunt to find the best blogs and I chose yours (and not just because I had to ;o). I (DO) love it! Your photography is not only gorgeous, but I love the way it captures your love for Lil' J. This post stood out to me because I have planned oh, about 16 parties for my kids, but the four "firsts" hold a special place in my heart. AND because you used the word "bittersweet." I so often feel bittersweet when I experience my kids growing. :o) and :o( Your party will be fabulous because your love will be there. @memoriesbyheart

  14. I'm on a scavenger hunt to find the best blogs and I chose yours. I love it! This post stood out to me because I just planned my three little girls' birthday party. Yes I said 3. There birthdays fall in weeks of each other and instead of trying to coordinate family and parties every weekend I decided to do one big one. To help me keep my sanity I try and plan food that I can prepare a head of time or order. That way the day of the party I am just decorating and setting up. I went to the dollar store and bought a whole bunch of goodies. They had bouncy balls (all ages likes those) and these water sticks that were for all ages. I especially like the parties were you can go somewhere and not worry about cleaning up afterwards. I know Lil J's first birthday will be a success.
    Patty @ArtfulPatty

  15. She may not remember these early times as such but happy childhood experiences help to from a happy adult.They will become part of her. Good luck with the party.

  16. I just had my daughter's 1st birthday party about 3 weeks ago. I had so much fun planning it and decorating everything. I only had a few balloons as most of my decor was tissue paper balls. For food, I had easy stuff like sandwiches and bean dip. I also went easy on the gift bags, cookies, candy and bubbles for the kids. I finally posted her pictures.... feel free to have a look!

  17. whaaaaaa?!?! I *cannot* believe she is almost one!!!!


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