Thursday, June 30, 2011

6 teeth down and 5 teething remedies

I’m happy to report we are long past the days of up every two hours, which I thought we’d never escape. I decided to give her some time to see if she’d put herself back to sleep instead of rushing in her room right away and viola! After a few nights she stopped calling me in to nurse her back to sleep. remedies 

But there are some exceptions.

When a baby is acting a fool, not sleeping through the night, or just plain driving us nuts, we parents usually like to blame it on one of two things: Growth spurt, and teething. I automatically assume it’s one or the other when Lil’ J is working my nerves or not sleeping. But truthfully, she doesn’t feel as good when she’s cutting a tooth, so I’ve been working through ways to help her to feel better. Here’s what has worked for me in no particular order:
  1. Ice cubes in a wet towel: My yoga instructor told me this trick and it was my “AH HA!” moment. She’s not a big fan of the cold chew toys but she loves ice. I would give her ice cubes in the past but they’d slip and slide all over and she couldn’t keep a grip on them. I put an ice cube in a baby washcloth wrapped with a rubber band, and get it wet with cold water and tada! A homemade teething toy, which she tends to hang on to.
  2. Baby Orajel® Naturals: I used Orajel when my wisdom teeth came in and it was a lifesaver. I looked for a baby kind to use as a last resort when Lil’ J was cutting her first tooth, but stopped using it after awhile when I read about some of the active ingredients. But they recently came out with a new natural kind I like that’s dye-free, paraben-free, alcohol-free and benzocaine-free. It seems to work as good as the other stuff and I feel better about using it.
  3. Amber necklace: A friend of mine gave us their amber necklace because her little boy has most all of his teeth. The chemical makeup of amber is supposed to have a natural pain release that works through the skin. I’m not positive of it’s effects but it seemed to help when she’d wear it. Problem is I’d take it off at night and I’d have misplaced it by morning. I can’t find it at the moment.
  4. Tylenol: Another last resort for me was good old pain relief medication. If she just seemed to be hurting, running a fever and inconsolable I’d bust out the drugs and give her a dose. Shoot me.
  5. Cuddles: Last but definitely not least, snuggling and nursing my little girl always seems to help her feel better. She loves mommy time and usually in my arms, everything is better. This usually means my arms are looking extra toned by the time the tooth comes through, so I guess it’s a win-win.
So there you have it, Lil' J's 5th and 6th teeth (he ones next to her two font teeth) just made an appearance and we actually hardly noticed. So maybe it gets better? Or maybe it's just wishful thinking. Let me know if you have other suggestions I've left off to try next time.

This post is sponsored by BabyCenter in conjunction with the BabyCenter Blog Network. As usual, these are all my own opinions.


  1. I just don't know how it's possible for your daughter to keep getting more and more gorgeous with every picture you take!!

    Good luck with the teething...Linky was pretty easy on us when he went through it.

  2. Sophie helped lil man a lot. The orajel helped but only for like 5 minutes. I found just giving him a burp cloth to chew on all day helped too. She's so beautiful!

  3. My little man is 5 1/2 months, and I can see his first tooth through the gum...Any day now it'll pop through.

    He has been a chewing machine, constantly gnawing on his fingers, Sophie, me, anything he can get his hands on. I haven't had to use Tylenol or Baby Orajel yet. I bought the natural kind to have it stocked and ready, and I'm glad it works as well as the regular kind for Lil J!

  4. My daughter still only has two teeth at 15 months, so we aren't teething experts yet, but my hubbs' great aunt told me to give her green onions to chew on. The same active ingredients in Orajel are supposedly naturally found in green onions. I tried it once with the first tooth, but my daughter just ate the onion! When the next teeth finally come along, I'm going to try again...

  5. Thanks for the compliments on my pics mamas! :)

  6. I am thinking ahead of myself and teething is one of the things that might keep us awake when baby is here, thanks for your tips. I like the ice cubes one.

    How old was Lil J when she started teething?

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