Thursday, March 8, 2012

Getting behind

Sorry for my radio silence. For the first time in what seems like forever I've been going to bed before midnight-- before 10 even.

I've been so emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted planning our move (finally found a place), buying a new car and getting it situated, preparing to sell our old one. My husband graduating his academy (in two weeks... hooray!) plus baby-shower planning (for Saturday), and of course the usual work and stuff.

My poor baby got an upset tummy at school yesterday and it took me forever to get to her. I felt horrible, but made up for it with lots of cuddles and snuggles. She's feeling better now.

No time for sewing, no time for lots of pretty pictures, no time for sewing. It's been sad.

But I'm hoping to feel normal again-minus all the necessary packing and cleaning- come Monday. Hopefully I'll get my energy back. This is reminded me of my first trimester exhaustion which is making me re-assess my pro/cons asap list again.

So, sorry I've been so quiet in these parts. I'm loving my new camera and the gorgeous photos it's helping me capture. Someone asked that I write up a personal comparison of my 50mm 1.8 and my new 50mm 1.4 lenses. I hope to do that in the near future.

A few other random thoughts I might as well get down:

-Lil' J is OBSESSED with buses since our ride on one to the kite festival. Every time she sees one she says "bus, BUS" and she tries to take her seat belt off... Even when she's not in the car which is sorta weird. Or maybe she knows a sign for bus I don't know.

I looked up some bus routes to nearby parks so I think we'll take one next week to the park and back home so she can get her fix.

-I watched my first cooking show (like intentionally watched) about a month ago and I'm going to try what I learned: pico de gallo and guacamole. It was the Pioneer Woman's show. She looks older than I thought she was but that lady sure does have ACTUAL easy recipes (at least the one I watched, I didn't even have to write the directions down). I'm also going to attempt a friend's easy recipe for fruit dip.

If they're successful for the shower, I'll share here.

-Also planing to sew two St. Patrick's Day dresses for Lil' J to wear next week. I have a whole 3 binders of patterns and I should branch out in the ones I try but the peasant and t-shirt style are my quick go-tos I'll use for these since I need to be quick.

That's it for now. A bit of a brain dump for ya, excuse my typos, this is a drive-by post. Hope you're having a fantastic week!


  1. Doesn't sound like you're behind. It sounds like you're right on top of things. OMGeez, moving is no bueno. Well, it's exciting, but packing, moving and unpacking - no fun. This sounds like exciting news and I'm sure you will come back refreshed. Get your rest - as I should be doing now, but have homework:)

  2. I am so there with you on moving, we are moving from Wisconsin to Texas this summer (with 3 kids, 1 middle schooler, and 2 elementary students)... yeah that pretty much says it all! Good Luck

  3. You guys have quite a bit of things going on. We're in the process of taking a break from house hunting and just looking for another rental. We're not sure we want to invest in a home in our current city because we really don't feel like we want to call it home for forever. Either way I'm trying to prepare myself for a move with two kids under the age of four.

    1. We are moving to a bigger rental ourselves. Bigger, but still cheap enough to save for a(nother) house. Definitely not rushing in again (bad mistake the first time). Good luck you all with moving! I'm praying we survive this one. 3 years in one place means a lot of crap has accumulated.

  4. I hate moving, we have done it at least once a year every year since 2005. This is the first year we are staying put, I am so glad. Good luck with your move.

  5. The Pioneer Woman's recipes are all pretty easy. And yummy. Her Pasta with Pancetta and Leeks recipe ( is AMAZING. I use bacon, though, having been unable to find pancetta. Also the chocolate sheet cake. And the green bean casserole.

    Anyway... love her recipes.

    Good luck with the move. I hate moving, but it's so nice to get to a new place and set it all up and decorate. Especially now that you're sewing!! Fun!

  6. That is a fabulous idea about the bus to the park and back. We live so far out, they don't have bus routes! lol. Here's to getting back to normal soon!!!!

  7. My little sister was obsessed with busses when she was little too. My mom would sometimes take an afternoon just to take her on a bus ride around town, just because it was cheap and she LOVED it :)


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