Monday, March 5, 2012

Our weekend in Instagrams

This weekend, after work, Lil' J and I had the task of staying out of her daddy's hair so he could study for his police final (which he passed today. Woohoo!!).

We stayed busy. Here's what we did captured via Instagram:
Our first non-freak out, long trip to the fabric store. I got these pretty spring fabrics I plan to turn into three dresses for Lil J. Some buttons, and thread, all for $13.
Bubbles: The reason for surviving our long non-freak-out trip to the fabric store. Got a 6 pack at the dollar tree.
That's where we also go hooked up with some sweet $1 sunglasses.
Then we went to the mall, where mommy was able to get a new pair of jeans in her old size (pre-pregnancy). 

We also had smoothies and shared a giant pretzel. 

The next day, after work we went to the kite festival.
Raisins and fruit cups helped us survive the long lines to and from the shuttles.
The kites were beautiful. I got to play with my new camera (5D Mark ii) which made one of my same old lenses feel brand new and FABULOUS.
And at the end of it all, we did get to see daddy a little, before bed.

I hope you weekend was fabulous (technically Tuesday is my Sunday, so I'm still enjoying my official weekend. Hope to do some sewing, and play-dating). 


  1. Awww looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend! Congrats to your husband on passing his final! We were in the same boat when my husband had to study for his Series tests for finance in 2010. Not fun, but glad it's over! Anyway, you and I are the same size (minus the long part - LOL!). It's such a good feeling isn't it to get back into those old sizes? Enjoy your "weekend" and can't wait to see what fabulousness you turn that fabric into!

  2. Old Navy 4s make me feel so good about myself! Gap does even more vanity sizing, so occasionally I can squeeze into a 0 (though 2s are more comfy.) :D

  3. Glad you guys had a fab weekend! I'm so happy for you too. Congrats on getting your pre-pregger bod back. Still working on that pouch! One more size to go! Gotta lay off the snacks. lol. Lil J is so cute. I show her off all the time like she's mine. Hope you don't mind. hehe. Wish we could set up a play date:(

    I was actually referring to a play date with me and lil J. But I guess I can bring Princess along. lol.

  4. What exciting news about your husband and his test!
    I also found some fabric store bargains this weekend, and shared a pretzel with my little at the mall too! :) lol
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. Haha, NO, Old Navy sizes are pretty on...that's why I feel good about myself when I can fit into a 4. Gap sizes, on the other hand...

    I'm calling myself a fake 2. :)

  6. Looks like a fab day! She looks just like you!

  7. Love the fabric choices for the dresses. I'm on the hunt for a sewing machine since mine has called it quits on me.

  8. My g/f went to the kite festival...I would have LOVED to have been there. The weather could NOT have been better. So lovely....and feel free to make a dress for Layla too. I know they will be fabulous...

  9. Whew! Okay...Good. Oh, and quick question: Have you ever bought Old Navy tops online in tall? I'm between 5'9 and 5'10 and I feel like normal shirt sizes are sometimes a little short in the torso for me.

  10. awww this is just lovely! Really enjoying your journey Jennifer! Thanks for having us on board!!!


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