Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My new business venture

As if I'm not crazy busy enough, I've decide to add another little somethin' somethin' to my list of to-dos.

I think I'm glutton for sleep derivation or something because just when I find my groove with my task-load, I'm looking for something else to add to my plate. But this little venture I'm working on is very VERY part time for now. But I'm really excited about it!
Lil' J's adorable dress and headband is from:
I've been shooting and editing videos since high school. I do it at work every day, and recently I upgraded my camera to a Canon 5D Mark ii.

Rewind to having my daughter. I picked up a digital camera and started dabbling with still photography. I'm self-taught with the help of my manuals and Google, plus a workshop at EVO.
This year I started to do family shoots for friends, and a month and a half ago I did my first engagement shoot. After seeing the results, how happy the couple was, and from all of your support and encouragement over the last couple of years in this photography journey of mine, I finally started to consider offering this for others.

But here's the thing, I don't want to be like every other pop-up photography business out there. And I've been resisting jumping on the bandwagon of new mom+dslr+facebook page= photography business. I wanted to make sure I feel comfortable charging, and that I'm happy with my work before taking the next step. And I wanted to do a lot of research about starting a business.

I'm getting there. I'm close to opening for business. I'm researching, and using the help of ClickinMoms forums to get going. I have a 10 page (and counting) business plan and monthly goals for the next year. But there are a few things I'm working on that I could use your help with.

Like I hinted to earlier, some of my greatest skills that set me apart lie with video shooting and editing. Naturally people may think that a family video isn't as special as a picture you can hang on the wall but I beg to differ. Imagine looking at the photo hanging on your wall, but also having the laughter, winks, and secret kisses that happened when the camera wasn't snapping. Imagine seeing some of your newborn's first blinks, and how she grabbed your finger. Or the kiss your husband placed on your little boy's head. The first thing big brother or sister said to the new baby. Oh so much you can't get in a picture!

I want to do both, but eventually I want my main focus to be on video.

If you live in the Central Texas area and may be interested in being in my video and/or photo portfolio let me know. Depending on interest I may hold a mini session day specifically for my blog readers. More details to come!
For now, I'd love it if you "liked" my (BRAND) new facebook page, and if you'd like, check out my website. It's in the VERY early stages, still so much to add, but you'll get the general idea. Part of me is embarassed to show you so soon but the other part of me wants to invite you on my journey to starting this endeavor.

I'm really having fun fixing up that site by the way. Wordpress is a breeze, I may have to consider switching this blog over too!

Also, a big huge thank you to Ceci Jane for her inspiration and helpfulness. She called me and let me pick her brain about her videography business in Dallas! Thanks to Veronica for nagging me about making a business plan, it's really helped me find a focus and get the ball rolling. Thanks Tara for being such a great friend and mentor the whole time I've been learning how to rock my camera as well as you do!. And thank you Heidi, Laura and Allisa for letting me text you at all hours of the day and run my ideas by you and for always being so encouraging.

You'd think I won an Oscar or something, but really, I'm just excited to have made it this far. Let's see how far we can go!


  1. Jennifer, this is so exciting! I feel like everything you do turns to gold. You just have a tenacity and drive that allow you to be so successful. I am proud of you.

    It's so funny because so many other photographers, you included, have everything organized and together. I grew my business out of a hobby and never in a million years thought I'd be a photographer at a magazine. Recently I've started working with graphic designers and realizing my weebly website probably isn't going to cut it. I'm so glad you are happy with wordpress!

    I wish you the very best of luck and I hope your business does well, I'm sure it will :)

  2. So, can we book you for our family portrait?

  3. It's so true video is better than pictures...I recently watched a Christ,as video I had filmed tw years ago and to hear the laughter and their voices was just melted my heart and made me realize how much they've grown....good luck I think your photos are amazing!

  4. Congratulations....if you're ever in the Dallas area, let me know!!! Adorable images of your daughter to advertise, too!

  5. So happy for you! Glad you decided to do it. I can so relate. I'm working on my 3rd video. I love making video movies. It makes a great gift!! It's time consuming, but well worth it. I wish I was in Austin! I would totally hire you!

  6. Good for you! Youre going to be incredibly successful. Youre so talented. Can't wait to see the big things you have ahead xo

  7. Wish I could fly you to Ohio to do pics for us! Or a video, that's awesome. By the way, Lil' J's hair is getting cuter by the day! She's got Shirley Temple curls! So adorable!

  8. If I'm ever in central Texas, I will look you up. We go through there frequently on trips to San Antonio or little bed and breakfast towns. I'm sure your business will thrive, you have extreme talent.

  9. Love it! You've got a natural talent.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Congratulations mama. what photo editor are you using.
    Wish you lots of success

  12. Congratulations! This is awesome. The video idea is great!! I can definitely see how it would be fun to have those moments along with the photos. I wish I lived near you!!!

  13. You did such an amazing job on those engagement photos--and not just for a first-timer, even for a pro they were incredible!

  14. You are an amazing photographer. I originally started following your blog because I was drawn in simply by the beauty of your photos. :D I think you will do great.

  15. Congrats on the new business venture! I'm super excited for you. If we're ever in Texas, we'll be sure to give you a holler for a photoshoot!

  16. Jennifer you are such an inspiration. you are wonderful and talented. I wish you all the best for this new business venture. 2012 is the year of your great achievements I remember reading it back in 2010 about your wishes. keep up the great work :)

  17. I LOVE IT!!!! So very excited for you....go go go!!!!

  18. I think your prices are fabulous!!!! Enough to make you and the family happy...not too much, yet not running you dry. Good luck.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)