Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spending quality time with my girl this summer-- #GladWildlife

When it comes to quality vs quantity I'd probably say most of the time I'd choose quantity. As a kid I never cared how big my birthday or Christmas gifts were, I just wanted a lot. I loved seeing a big pile of gifts strung around my bedroom.

As I've gotten older and more mature I've started to realize how much more quality means to me. I've especially had to live by this with my daughter since I'm away from her during the week at work.
Even now, more than a year and a half after returning to work post-maternity leave, I still have moments of envy, or wonder when I compare my situation to stay at home moms. So I remind myself, it's about quality, not quantity. At least for me (thought it would be nice to have both).

I love summertime. Even though it's bloody hot in Texas, there are so many fun things to do when school is out for all of the big kids. Every weekend and most evenings before the sun sets, I'm trying to jam-pack a schedule I think she'll enjoy.

This weekend of mine we went to the zoo with our good friends, had a mother-daughter dinner out and browsed a half-price book store.

I wasn't snapping away as much as I normally am during these types of occasions but I was making a conscious effort to just enjoy it for once. I caught myself on more than one occasion wondering what happened to my little baby, and marveling at how fun my little girl has become.

Now that she's older there are so many more ways we can have fun. I browse my favorite sites for free fun things to do in Austin, stalk Groupon (and sites of that sort) for deals, and search Pinterest for summertime activities to do with my toddler.

I'm co-hosting a Twitter Party with Glad and SocialMoms on Thursday, June 21, 2012.  Where we'll be talking about summertime activities with kids and more! Please make sure you follow @SocialMoms, @BabyMakingMama and @GladWildLife before the party! We'll be tweeting under the hashtag #GladWildlife and giving away twenty $20 Amazon gift cards randomly to people participating. You can find everything you need to know, and RSVP on the Social Moms site.

Hope to see you there and discuss fun things we can do with our kids this summer!I'll bring my list, you bring yours! 


  1. Cool! What perfect timing. I'm doing Summer Family Fun Series on my blog this season. I just posted my first yesterday. Hope you don't mind that I share my link!
    I think it's so important to spend quality time with our kids. You and I are in the same boat. I think I may even have less time with Princess during the week. Talk about guilt!!!

    I would love to sign up for your twitter party. Never attended one and it sounds like fun. Summer is also my favorite time of the year. It's gonna be in the 90s here in NY (I know that's nothing to you out in TX haha). But I can't wait!!

  2. How fun!! i will try to join the party! She is growing so fast! Thanks for sharing!

  3. It would be nice to have both quality and quantity but I agree that quality is much better than quantity sometimes. I think that it's really important to make the most out the time we get to spend with our children. It's in those moments that we have a chance to shape and mold them and make lifelong memories.

    See you at the Twitter party!

  4. Quality time with the kiddos is the best. What is even more beautiful is when they remember and bring it up later and then you know that it was actually quality time well spent.

  5. When it comes to children I think both quantity and quality time are important, because they really do grow up fast, so it's great to have a lot of time with them, and a lot of time well spent.

    I don't think you would ever regret being a stay at home mom, especially while your babies are young.

    Being a working mom can make you appreciate time with your children more, because you don't have a ton of it. I remember my mom saying that when she was a working mom she so looked forward to seeing us when she got off, and that made her appreciate the time with us more sometimes than being with us all day when she became a stay at home mom.

  6. Looks like a lot of fun! Glad you could get out from behind the camera some and enjoy yourself, although we do love, love, love your photography.

  7. I think this is a great idea! My mother was fortunate enough to be able to work around her schedule to spend a lot of time with me, and it made a huge, positive impact on my life.


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