Friday, September 3, 2010


With all the traveling we've been doing I got behind on ordering our birth announcements. I got to choose some courtesy of Tiny Prints. I had over 100 pictures of my little girl to choose from since I went crazy taking pictures with Tara, and more than 100 designs from Tiny Prints. I narrowed it down to my top 5 and my husband chose this one! We even got matching return labels.
little j announcement_m
Cute huh? So, it took me two months to order these, hopefully it won't take me another two to send them!

If you live in Central Texas be sure to check out Tara from Forever Bliss Photography and her new facebook page (she has photography packages starting at $75!).

And of course, no matter where you live check out Tiny Prints for your exciting announcements!

Also, I have a few extra so if you want me to send a real one your way let me know!


  1. How beautiful! I love it!!


  2. I would love to receive one! Pls let me know where to send my contact info! Gorgeous!

  3. I live in central texas & will check her fb page out! I need new family pictures of us soon! Little J is gorgeous!

  4. looks so adorable. I feel bad for not ever sending any out for Moo. I just got so overwhelmed being a first time mom and forgot all about them. Thank goodness for birthdays because I can send out birthday announcements every year to make up for it.

  5. Tell Hubby he did a good job picking the best announcement!

    Come by when you get through mailing them...

  6. So, so beautiful! Hubs did a great job picking out an announcement. No way mine would have been as good! I bet your friends and family will LOVE them!

  7. Ohmygoodness that is such a CUTE picture!!! She looks like a little cherub! So precious!

  8. awww....she's adorable!
    I bet she has an amazing name. I guess everyday what it might be.
    Cute picture....

  9. She is adorable. All BBM, your baby is an angel :)!

  10. Oh, too cute. Does this mean you're done traveling for some time. :).

  11. She's so beautiful! Our girls share the same birthday! My little one was born July 3, 2010 at 8:58 pm! Congrats!

  12. I LOVE the announcement. Thanks for the tip. I am due to deliver in early January and since this will be my last baby, I'm gonna check out Tiny Prints. I usually just send out a pic card from Walgreens. You have inspired me to do better this time.

  13. she is so precious! I miss her, I need to cuddle her again!

  14. I just came across your blog. I've only read a few posts and I'm already a fan!! Your little girl is beautiful and the announcement is adorable. I'm a first time mom (little girl born on April 22, 2010) and I'm looking forward to your future posts!

  15. Your little girl is so beautiful! I love your anouncing card!

  16. I absolutely LOVE your birth announcement!! She looks like a little ladybug, but much much cuter! (that's totally a compliment! Ha- I'm seeing polka dots in my nursery/scrapbook planning right now- so ladybug just popped into my head! Plus, don't you call her your little ladybug?? Maybe not- but maybe I'll be calling mine that instead of 'spawnie' ;) ) Again, gorgeous announcement!


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