Monday, September 6, 2010

50 Weeks Pregnant

I'll never forget how I felt looking in the mirror at myself for the first time after having my baby.

"Spawnie" was gone. And in her place I was given a chunky, round, very noisy and squirmy stranger.

I felt like I had lost a part if me. Or like a loved one had died. I had grown so close to the baby inside of me and this baby in her place just wasn't the same.

It took me a little while to overcome these emotions. I loved my child but missed my pregnant belly. Missed the kicks from within my tummy. Missed the tiny hiccups and watching her try to break loose.

I was falling in love with my daughter on the outside but still longed for the baby inside. In this transition I found the best of both worlds in baby-wearing.

I remember the first time I noticed someone wearing a baby. I was at church and the woman had what looked like her four-year-old sharing a shirt with her.

It looked uncomfortable and I couldn't help but stare.

As I noticed more and more people carrying their babies around in hands-free devices I became more curious. They really look quite brilliant! Before having my daughter I got my hands on every type of carrier I could find. I know me and I'm a trial and error kind of person. I also like variety.

Wraps were one of the most intriguing ones to me. The tiny babies always looked the most cozy in those. But they looked the most complicated. One long piece of fabric and I was supposed to figure out how to get it on me and get my baby safely in it.

Slings looked the easiest. Just stick the baby in and you're done. Because of this, I decided to try my sling first. After Lil' J was born I stuck her in and we fell in love. Since she didn't like me to put her down, it was the first time I was able to open my computer and get some things done.

A few days later I got brave enough to try my Sugar Sweet Baby wrap.

I watched a few YouTube videos showing me how to put a wrap on and how to put my baby in it. After watching a few demonstrations I got it down. I tried it a couple of times to get the hang of it and it was really a piece of cake.

When I looked at us in the mirror I noticed I had my baby belly back. Only now my baby was on the outside.
She was cozy in the not-too-stretchy bamboo fabric. And I wasn't overheating. Even in the Texas heat. The best part was I had my hands free to move around the house, and when I did she fell right asleep.

I've worn this thing on all 7 of our flights, and on all but the last she slept through the whole trip! (the last one she wanted to smile and talk to the flight attendants).
baby wearing
During a family reunion I was able to eat while she slept. At BlogHer in New York City she was able to meet people and explore the world from my point of view. And on numerous trips to the grocery store, she gets to escape from her carseat (which she can't stand) and stay close to me as we shop.

A friend asked me what my most practical baby item was and with almost no hesitation I was able to say my Sugar Sweet Baby wrap. I was freaking out about not having a stroller the first month of her life but I honestly didn't need one. Now it's my new go-to item for baby showers.

I'm turning into a big softy... I love having her close to me, more so for me and my comfort than hers. All I have to do is lean over a little and I'm able to kiss her forehead and smell her hair. and she loves it too. I'd say 98% of the time she goes to sleep within minutes of me wrapping her up on me. She's close to my heart and can smell mommy too.
So now I'm on the other side of the fence. I'M the one getting the sometimes-crazy looks (four different strangers asked me if i was carrying a doll--yea, cause I'm that weird) when I'm at the store with her wrapped around me. But most of the time in getting compliments on the idea and how pretty it is.

Now it's so easy to put on I can do it in the dark. Sometimes I put it on before leaving the house and just stick her in it when we get to our destination. Here we are at the nature park.
happy wrap baby
I sure do miss being pregnant, even though I have my baby now. But until I'm pregnant again I at least get a glimpse of the joy I felt every time I put Little Spawnie in her wrap.

Everyone who comments on this post will be entered to win a Sugar Sweet Baby wrap of their choice. Leave an extra comment if you follow @SugarSweetBaby on Twitter, on Facebook or subscribe to their newsletter via

I noticed a few commenters asking how easy it really is so I recorded this quick video to show you. Lil' J is normally all gussied up but we just finished having some nakey time so don't mind her in her diaper!

You have until 11:59 pm on September 17th to enter. I'll draw a winner using Good luck!
Winner of the $200 photo session from Grand Felicity Photography: #10 Jess from My Silly Monkeys. Congrats! I'll email you to get in touch with the sponsor.
Mention my blog to get 25% off Grand Felicity Photography Packages!


  1. Great photos Jen. I never had a wrap - they always looked so complicated! Loved my ring slings.... but seeing your photos makes me wonder what if. ;)
    Thank you for sharing the benefits of babywearing! So important for mom AND baby.

  2. i want one, if it's cool in the heat! My sleepy wrap is super-hot .

  3. What precious pictures! I love babywearing!! :)

  4. So neat! I'd love to try this with the new one coming!!

  5. I follow @SugarSweetBaby on Twitter

  6. I love baby-wearing mamas! Definitely enter me in this contest!


  7. I'm a fan of Sugar Sweet Baby on FB!

  8. i love how that wrap looks!!! i loved babywearing with M. and just used a sling and an ergo...excited to try out wraps with smudge!

    marfmom at gmail dot com

  9. i also follow sugarsweetbaby on twitter (@marfmom)

    marfmom at gmail dot com

  10. I'm 26 weeks pregnant and have been looking for the perfect wrap for my little boy when he gets here. I would love to win a Sugar Sweet Baby wrap. Good luck with Spawnie!

  11. I follow @SugarSweetBaby on Twitter.

  12. I want a wrap this time around. I was looking into the Moby wrap, but maybe this is better? I always missed the babies inside, too.

  13. That's precious! I'm hoping to try the baby wearing myself once my little man gets here. I've heard only good things about it :) Plus it doesn't hurt having two hands available along with a content baby! I can also totally understand how you "missed the belly" I'm afraid I'll be missing it too!

  14. I could so use a new baby wrap. My Moby has weathered 3 babies. Time to retire it.

  15. I also follow @sweetsugarbaby on Twitter.

  16. Following SugarSweetBaby on Twitter @getalonghome

  17. And I follow @sweetsugarbaby on Facebook. Can you tell I'd like one of these?

  18. What a well written story! I have really enjoyed reading about your journey with Little J! She is so precious and she really loves that wrap!!

    jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

  19. She is just so cute!!! Congrats!!!

  20. It's such a great idea! Is it hard to wrap around your body? Were you nervous it wouldn't hold at first?

  21. I would love to win this! Especially with a new baby on the way!

  22. I loved and miss being pregnant too! I can't want until we get pregnant with #2. This looks like a really nice wrap.

  23. follow sugar sweet baby on twitter

  24. I've never had a wrap, but have been intrigued with them for quite some time now. I love your pink one! It would be great to have one....hope I win!!

  25. I follow on twitter @mommaJWoww19

  26. Love this! Your baby looks so cozy! (

  27. I also LIKE them on FB! Jennifer Mercurio

  28. I also get the newsletter!!

  29. Oh I have a sling but ever since hearing about those babies that died I am a bit scared to use it, this would be perfect.

  30. That is awesome! Look how happy she looks!

  31. I've wanted one of these for SO long! Looking at them for our new little baby to come. Pick me!

  32. My baby is due in 3 weeks and I've told hubby and myself that I'm just not the baby wearing kind.. my ex MIL bought me some kind of wrap 9 years ago with my first daughter and I could never figure it out, it always seemed like I was gonna break her if I let go (of course I was also only 17 myself at the time) Lil J looks so comfy in your sugar sweet baby wrap! Maybe I should try to be the baby wearing kind afterall

  33. I'd love to win one :)


  34. How long can you wear a baby? That is, at what age or weight does it become impractical?

  35. Aw...your girlie is super sweet & adorable. :)

    I'm not a mama, but I know I want to do some babywearing in the future. If I won this particular giveaway, I'd probably gift it...I know lots of people with babies on the way!

  36. how fun for both of you! she looks so adorable and comfy - amazing to hear it's not too hot! i'd LOVE to have one for the future little ones =)

  37. I would love a wrap. Unfortunately, not for me since my little guy is probably too big now and I don't see weight limits. But, I just found out that I am going to be an aunt again, and I think my SIL would just love this. She'll have a very active toddler to chase, and this would probably help her.

  38. Aww I love it and your wrap is the same fabric I used to make a nursing cover! I would love to win one!

  39. Oh I would love a new wrap! The one I have is too hot in the heat. Thanks!

  40. I follow Sugar Sweet Baby on Twitter @Chantel_Rocks.

  41. I'm due with my first baby in December, and I'm trying to get my hands on as many wraps/slings as possible so I can try them all. I'd love to win this contest!

  42. I follow Sugar Sweet Baby on Twitter!

  43. I also follow them on Facebook. :)

  44. I'd love this! I enjoy wearing Carson in the Baby Bjorn but it's not very comfortable. J looks darling in it!

  45. Oh, and I follow @SugarSweetBaby.

  46. Following on twitter :) @zanditaylor

  47. I love wraps, they're seriously my favorite!

  48. I am going to get me one of these! I know I will want to have my little one (once she gets here) close to my heart at all times and this way I can get everything done.

    Thank you for sharing!!

  49. My son is due this NYE's and this would be perfect to wrap him in! Love it :)

  50. Also following sugarsweetbaby my twit name is @mrssnyder23

  51. You have inspired me to try a wrap now! You made it look easy!

  52. That is so wonderful!!! And such a convience!

  53. I'm also following sugarsweetbaby @mrssnyder23

  54. What beautiful pictures! I would love to try this wrap with my little one, it looks so cozy and sweet! Thanks for sharing :)

  55. I'm done all the baby stuff but I just had to come by and say how sweet those pictures of you and your beautiful baby are.

  56. I am a single mom of a 10 week old baby that really just wants to be held.. ALL THE TIME! That looks great! And so comfy.. going to check them out right now! Thanks for the blog!

  57. i thought the exact same thing, that slings looked much easier. i'm glad to know the wraps are manageable too. thanks for the demo and info.

  58. Oh, you and little miss J look so sweet together! I CAN NOT believe how big she's getting. And if it's possible even more beautiful!

    I've been waiting for this give-away ever since you had her! Yay! I don't know if the wrap will look as great on me as it looks on you, but I would LOVE to try and win. Too bad I don't have a Twitter account, but I'll for sure go and hit the "like" button on facebook! Keep up the good work mama!

  59. I liked sugar sweet baby on facebook! Take a look at that follow through! Lol.

  60. I can understand the feeling of missing the belly. In no way do I mean I miss pregnancy, I am in no rush to do that again, but instead I miss him so close. Sometimes I let him nap on me just so I can keep him close and feel him breath. It is over whelming how much we love them so fast. So fast that we first miss them when they are gone from our belly's yet in our arms. Love baby wearing my little one is still small, only 8lbs and he is a month and a half, lol. I love wearing him if just to give my arms a rest. Love your post as usual, thank you for sharing.

  61. I would love to have one of these wraps to wrap up my squishy! TY for offering this to all of your fans!

  62. I am a fan of Sugar Sweet Baby Wraps on Facebook

  63. I love this, thanks for posting about it! I am expecting my first, and have been looking for a good carrier.

  64. I have about every gadget for my baby girl (due any day!), but I don't have a wrap. I'd love to win this give-away.

  65. I'm following Sugar Sweet on Facebook.

  66. I am due in one week and can't wait to wear my baby!

  67. I'd love to win one! I was planning on buying on anyway but winning one is better!

  68. I also follow sugar sweet baby on twitter!


  69. I've been looking for something to carry my next baby in! These wraps are super cute.

  70. I'm due in February with my third and I have a sling I love but really want to try a wrap!

  71. We had a Moby when P was small and absolutely adored it. Between that and the fleece pouch, we had her strapped to us more often than not. Being an October baby, it was so nice having her against us out in the cold -- it kept us from worrying about her temp and whether she was bundled up enough. I recommend babywearing to everyone I know. I'd love to have a wrap like this to share with any of my many pregnant friends.

  72. LOVE this idea!! She is adorable and the wrap is so convinient! I always thought those wraps looked soooo confusing, thanks for adding the video! It is so simple looking now! Beautiful!

  73. I'm pregnant with my third and having never worn my babies before I can't wait to use such a darling and easy wrap with this little one.

  74. I love my Sugar Sweet Baby wrap! Baby E is so much happier being close to me all day. She's a happy baby anyway but there's still a noticeable difference on days where she gets worn a lot. I think every new mom should have one of these! (Or two or three or four...)

  75. Also, I found this contest through Sugar Sweet Baby's feed on Facebook. :)

  76. I've got a little boy on the way, and I'm looking forward to wearing him as much as possible. I'll be going back to work, and it seems like such a great way to bond and connect at the end of the day.

  77. I follow @SugarSweetBaby on twitter as @keepingfeet

  78. Great story...I am anxious to check out the rest of your blog! I am 26 weeks pregnant and have been trying to decide what kind of carrier is going to be best and Ive heard so many good things about this one!

  79. Your baby looks so snuggly in the wrap!

  80. Ohhh...and I follow them on facebook!

  81. I am also following Sugarsweetbaby on FB

  82. Oh, that wrap is so awesome! I love the idea to wear your baby in the grocery store, etc instead of carrying around the big, bulky car seat.

  83. I wanted to try a wrap with my last baby but thought it looked far too complicated, just watched your video and don't know what I was worrying about, you made it look soooo easy!! Thanks for the info!

  84. I am pregnant with #2, and I am totally longing for a cute wrap like this to use to keep my hands free for chasing around my two-year-old. I agree with the other comments...I don't think i could look as cute as you with it, but it sure would be nice!

  85. I absolutely love those wraps! I live in Germany and even though we have a car sometimes it's just easier to go places with public transport - that would make it so much simpler! You look great in your Sugar Sweet Baby Wrap - I need one of those!

  86. I absolutely love those wraps. I live in Germany and even though we have a car sometimes it is just easier to go some places by public transport - these wraps would make it so much simpler!

  87. Ever since I've seen these I've wanted one! I tried out the sling thing and it was always a pain for us. A wrap would have been so much nicer!

  88. I follow Sugar Sweet Baby on FB! LOVE looking at all her new stuff :)

  89. So, I read your post, and watched the video before realizing that there was a giveaway attached... even before I noticed the giveaway, I was thinking: OOH - I want one of those wraps for when I have a little one in December!!!

    And then I noticed the giveaway, and about died. It would be so nice to win!

    Your video was awesome :) Easy to understand, and I love how you got all gooey when you said "then you get your baby"... I can tell you're really happy :)

  90. I'd love to win one!
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  91. FB fan of Sugar Sweet Baby.
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  92. This is so beautiful! Would love to win one! Love your blog. :)
    sully_debbie11 at msn dot com

  93. I have always wondered about those wraps. I use the bjorn but I always thought a wrap would be better!

  94. I too love is amazing.

  95. O yea, and I follow @SugarSweetBaby on twitter.

  96. You did great!! Loved the video!! Myles is getting all excited seeing Lil J on screen! LOL

  97. Your photos are stunning!! You and baby look gorgeous. Don't count me in the giveaway, though. Past the wrap stage...

  98. LOVE the post! Beautiful :-)

  99. I follow @SugarSweetBaby

  100. I would really love to try this wrap! Thank you for posting the video it really helped to see someone else putting it on.

  101. Wraps have always scared me and I thought people were crazy. This one seems so strong and comfortable I would love to try one when baby boy arrives in December!

  102. I follow Sugar Sweet BAby on twitter!

  103. I joined their newsletter!

  104. The wraps always kind of intimidated, but intrigued me... I'll have to look into this one when the time comes.

  105. When women who just had babies see my pregnant belly they tell me how jealous they are lol and how they miss their belly! I hope my baby likes wraps...little J looks so cozy in yours! I registered for the moby wrap so we'll see what we get!

  106. Thank you! Always love a good baby item review!

  107. I love the wrap. I definitely need to get one of these for my next baby...due in March!

  108. I've wished I had one of these when my baby wants to be held and I need to get things done!

  109. I would love to win this wrap!

    michloves80s at gmail dot com

  110. I can't wait to use one of these!

  111. Looks like Lil J really enjoys her wrap!! I like that it has a cute design panel on it too.

  112. LOVE it! I can't wait to use one myself. I have never understood why more people don't use them? They just make so much sense.

  113. This wrap looks fabulous and easy to use. I've used others but not this one.

    P.S. On my computer the aduio on your You Tube video was very, very quiet, I couldn't really hear (but I got the point by watching).

    comichelle51 at hotmail dot com

  114. I've done the sling (unsuccessfully) and the Baby Bjorn (awesome), but would love to try a wrap with #3 on the way!

  115. I'd like to post for a chance to win this wrap :-)
    But also I would like to know about the safety concerns of these... I remember earlier in the year when numerous baby slings were recalled due to suffocation risks. Is there a suffucation worry with these things?

  116. You surely made it look easy. Thanks for sharing. I'd love to wear one of Sugar Sweet Baby's wraps.

  117. Enter me in!! Wraps are the best. Other cultures have been doing this forever and I am glad more mothers are doing this. I will definitely use my wrap more than a stroller.

  118. I absolutely love my wrap and I used it all the time when my daughter was tiny. Now that she is bigger I love my ring sling because she can just hang out on my hip!

  119. I will definitely be "wearing" my baby. We just had our first ultrasound today, so I'm riding on that high :) 20 weeks along and I already can't wait to meet this little one!

    heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

  120. Signed up for their newsletter!

    heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

  121. Follow them on facebook! heatherscholten

    heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com

  122. I always thought these things were kinda weird, but seeing how comfortable you are and Lil J is and how easy it is to get it situated, I'm definitely interested!

  123. I'd love a chance to win this wrap! Thank you!

  124. I am having my second baby in February and I would LOVE one of these!!! I didnt have a wrap or sling with my first and I just cannot wait to baby wear with this one! Thanks for the great review on it!!

  125. I love keeping babies close to me, especially those first few months when they're so sleepy and snuggly. I use a ring sling mostly at first, then I move on to my Ergo. I've also used pouches a little bit and tried a wrap once or twice.

    My favorite thing? Being able to kiss their head any time you want, like you mentioned.

    I love the fabric of your wrap. So stylish!

  126. ps--the recalled sling (which wasn't really a sling at all, more of a big duffel bag with a shoulder strap) was one specific brand and not any of the ones that you'd use for baby wearing.

  127. What a beautiful baby wrap! it looks very secure. not like those slings.

    They are so practical for everyday use!

  128. OMG! Lil J is soooooooooo cacute... I love these pics and really wanna try a sugar sweet wrap, baby wearing is the best...

  129. I suscribed to sugar sweet baby newsletter

  130. I'm really excited about the wrap from Sugar Sweet Baby! Even if I don't win one through this contest, I'm going to buy one for this new baby! I've always been weary of the wraps, but I really have to try one. I see women in the grocery store with them all the time, and it looks so much easier and logical than carting around a heavy car seat. Thanks for the info! I love all the fabric choices!

  131. I'm friends on Facebook with Sugar Sweet Baby and I'm signed up for their newsletter. Thanks!

  132. This wrap is so cute! I can't wait to babywear

  133. Great post. I plan on baby wearing but am unsure which carriers to get. I have a Boba Carrier but was thinking of getting a wrap and/or sling as well. Think I'm leaning towards the wrap now.

    naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com

  134. Cant wait to use one with my baby comes in January!

  135. My sister-in-law has always worn one and I am really excited to try one with my new baby on the way. Winning one would be great.

  136. Adorable! This would be for my sister-in-law....I'm going to be an aunt in October! Love your blog!

  137. Wow it looks awesome. I'd love to win one to carry my little man. It ends just before my birthday too. :)

    Differjean at

  138. I subscribed to the newsletter.

    Differjean at

  139. I absolutely LOVE the idea of wearing my little one in a wrap, and wish I could afford one lol! Here's to hoping the randomizer works in my favor!

  140. I love the pics of lil j in the wrap. I want one so bad! hehe. I miss my preggo belly too, and this way probably our last babe. So bittersweet, but they're so much fun to watch grow up.

    And yay for Jess winning!! Congrats girl!

  141. love the pics of lil j in the wrap. she loves snuggling her mama! I want one of these wraps so bad; just cant afford it yet, so hoping i win!

    congrats to Jess on winning the pics too!

  142. I'm following @SugarSweetBaby on Twitter (@mamacampbell)

  143. I'm friends on Facebook with Sugar Sweet Baby (Andrea Dippner Campbell)

  144. I suscribed to sugar sweet baby newsletter
    andrea.dippner at

  145. I'm following them on twitter now @balancedmoms

  146. What a great idea! One of my friends has a wrap like this on her top 5 list of things for new moms to have. I would love one. :)

  147. I really love my Moby, but would LOVE the chance to try out a bamboo fabric wrap like the Sugar Sweet!

  148. I really love my Moby, but would also LOVE to try a bamboo-fabric Sugar Sweet!

  149. Oh my goodness! I would totally use one of those! I had a baby backpack that I used with my other two, but I always wished I had something more flexible, adjustable, and all-around cuter! I need to look into getting one of those!

  150. i'd love to win this wrap! haven't tried baby wearing with our new little guy, but definitely want to start soon!

  151. Hi just found your blog today and loving it already. I think the wrap is a wonderful idea.

  152. Just made my husband watch this... we are both in awe! Amazing product!!!

  153. we also are a twitter follower @ foreverdaisies

  154. I would love to try a wrap like that. We never got much into babywearing. I have a ring sling but I'm not comfortable wearing it. The wrap looks a lot more comfortable.

  155. I want a wrap like that so bad! It would be great to use on my little girl coming in January!

  156. I have been looking for a wrap for my baby girl that is coming in January! I just didn't know which one to get. This one looks awesome! I would love it!

  157. I am following on Facebook too!

  158. This is such a sweet post! I love these wraps and am determined to have one for my baby due in January. This looks like it will be the perfect thing to keep my baby close and allow me to go about my usual duties (with a 2-year-old, too!).

  159. Following them on Twitter! @kindred_spirit

  160. Following them on Facebook! (Lindsey F)

  161. I have a new bubs and would LOVE one of these!!!

  162. I have been searching for the perfect carrier! I love that it's bamboo so much better than the one I was considering, I have never heard of this one before.

    I would like to enter the contest, I'm 36 pregnant and know I'm going to miss having him inside me.

  163. Oh, I also now follow on twitter. Thanks so much for posting this... I am putting it on my Christmas list.

  164. you make it look so easy! i have a ring sling but am curious about the wrap styles.

  165. I've become pretty intrigued with baby wraps lately, too! Would love to win!

  166. I would love to get one of these wraps for the orphans we take in. What a great way to bond!

    I imagine the ones who asked if you were carrying a doll were referring to your youthfulness--they probably thought you were a high school student carrying a doll for one of those school projects.

  167. Our first baby is due in November and I'd love one!

  168. This is great information! I've been struggling with finding the perfect carrier. Like you, I like to try a bunch of things out! I've been borrowing carriers from my buddies who already have babies, all in my quest to find The One. I hadn't heard about this kind of wrap, and your video makes it look so easy! Thanks for sharing!

  169. I, too, mourned my pregnancy something fierce after I had my daughter. I cried often for about two weeks. It was so strange and unexpected. I LOVED baby wearing! Although we can still do it now, I'm not sure if my daughter would enjoy it as she loves walking independently. I had a Moby wrap and a Baby Bjorn.

    We have another little one on the way, so I'm looking forward to baby wearing again, although I'll start it much sooner this time. I'm also ready for any post-baby sadness.

    Lil J is so stinkin' cute!

  170. I'm a first time visitor (saw you on Twitter and thought I'd stop by.) You have a beautiful blog! I can relate so much to your sadness at the loss of your belly. I didn't understand why I felt that way, but it was a really strong emotion I didn't expect. I figured the best thing to do was to let myself feel it, so I did...and I cried for weeks. Now, 10 months later, I have to admit I wish I had a little less of a belly! Until next time, that is...hopefully soon! I would love to win a wrap for baby #2!

    We have a lot in common...I wish you lived in my town (or worked in my office!)

  171. That wrap is ADORABLE!!!! I would love to enter this contest, I'm expecting in January. I also follow you on twitter! Thanks for sharing the video too!

  172. I get to test tomorrow -- we'll see if I need a baby wrap in about 9 months or if it'll be a few more. Thanks for sharing!

  173. I would love a wrap! They are so cute!

  174. That is so amazing. I will be working on trying to conceive next year after I lose a good amount of weight and get in better health and recently finding and reading you blog has giving me so much info that is already helping me in future choices. This wrap looks amazing compared to the slings that I always worry about after hearing about some infant deaths due to them. Thanks for the video showing how easy it is to get on and congrats on your beautiful bundle of joy.

  175. Thanks for posting the tutorial video, and your pics are great! Lil J is absolutely adorable!!! I'd love to have one of those wraps. Thanks!


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)