Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Nickname to Remember

Decorating my daughter's nursery was no freaking joke. To some it may look like a pink dragon threw up all over the room but to me it's awesome! I've never completely decorated a room like I have her nursery. From finding cheap bedroom furniture to making curtains, I did it all on a budget. And there's so much to look at, I can tell she LOVES her room. She really does. She laughs at the mobile I made her, and smiles at her name on he wall above the diaper changer.

I also have a special spot for my favorite nickname. We started with Spawnie. That was her first nickname. Then came Ladybug, Junebug (born in July). Little , Lil' J and here at home I call her a slew of other things.

My husband likes to call her poopy. I sometimes call her Baybee, Little J, Chunky Cheeks, and Cranky Butt. But somehow the nickname I call her more than anything is a name I didn't see myself using for my daughter--fearing it would cause her to be some sort of Diva. Oh, she is a Diva already. Anyway, I call her my Pretty Pretty Princess.
blessing dress
I was inspired by a saying for little girls: "Princess: Daughter of a Heavenly King". What better way to remind her of who she is and where she came from?

My friend Danielle sent us the book "Gigi: God's Little Princess." It was the first book I read to her outside the womb and I want to read it to her often.

I decided I wanted something to remind her of her divine nature so I asked Inspire Your Walls for a favor. I needed my princess quote in a size perfect for above her entryway, and the one blank space left on her wall. I wanted a crown to dot the "i" in Princess, and I wanted it all in a pretty white font. They did it all, fast!
princess wall vinyl
If you're obsessed with vinyl like I am, check out Inspire Your Walls.
princess wall
When I got it in the mail I was head over heals excited. I didn't want to just put it on the wall since we won't be living here forever and this was something I want to take with us. So I bought and painted a wood panel, and stuck the vinyl on after.

Now, over her doorway hangs a saying I hope she'll look at and reflect on for years every time she leaves her room. The true meaning of her nickname, and who she really is.

Do you use a nickname?

Everyone who comments on this post will be entered to win a $75 gift certificate to CSN Stores--Where you can buy pretty much anything. I got our baby motion monitor from there, and some nursery bookshelves. Blog followers/subscribers get an extra entry.

Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on September 21. Random.org will choose the winner.


  1. Izzy is sooo many things!

    Fat Mama, Juicy Girl, Crabby Patty, Izzy Bizzy, Bizzness Lady, Busy Izzy, Iz Biz, and Im sure that on the spur of the moment I've come up with some other randoms, lol.

  2. Our nickname started out as Junebug, since he was due in June (born June 7th), but that has since morphed into Buggie Bug, and then for some reason Buggles. He also earned Zach-Attack quite rightly being that he can be super destructive for a 15 month old, and lately I've been calling him Zippy because he's so darned fast! Oh the things I can't wait to tell his future wife :)

  3. I'm also a blog follower via Google :)

  4. What a beautiful reminder that every good and perfect gift comes from heaven above!

  5. I also follow via google reader.

  6. She is a Doll!!! And, I love your idea with the vinyl wall decal. Haven't even began on my nursery, but hoping to become inspired soon!

    I'm a new reader and spent an entire day reading your pregnancy story :) Congrats on the gorgeous little one!

  7. We call our daughter Chana B. (Her middle name is Brocha.) Even her babysitter calls her that! hehe

  8. The Princess sign is very nice! Not only is it something that she can like when she's younger but it is also very fitting for when she is older too. We decorated our son's room with baby bears so I guess it kind of works that I call him "Boo Bear" at home. :)

  9. my son is called Juice or Buddy or Crazy or Destructo

    My daughter is Scoot or Scooter or Drama Mama

  10. We have lots of nicknames for our boy. . .mostly, though, he's the Bug. Popular, for sure.

    I love your sign! I think it's awesome.

  11. I've actually been planning a vinyl on painted wood for our laundry room after you inspired me the first time - hopefully a nursery won't be far behind!! Love the quote and the pink! You're right; it IS awesome =) But a pink dragon sounds pretty awesome too.

  12. So cute! From the moment we saw the first Ultrasound we have been calling the baby Peanut. We just found out its a little Miss Peanut!

  13. Oh, the nicknames we give our kids. My current fave for Carson is C-Dizzle.

    Very cute sign.

  14. she is a lil princess that is for sure.....and a sweet pretty one at that.....I Love the way you dress her up - & most of all love the way you love her - its adorable :)

  15. That is beautiful!! We called our baby Little Love and Cupcake until we knew what we were having. And now we call him Little Man and the Hubs calls him Buddy. I'm sure once he's born we will come up with tons more nicknames! :)

  16. My Addison has so many nicknames! We call her Addie, Monkey, Doodle, Doodles, Doodle Bug, Sweet Pea, Love Bug, Sugar, Sweetness, etc.

    It seems as though we're always coming up with something new! :)

  17. I love how the "i" is dotted with the crown, so creative! See, these are the kinds of ideas I have to steal because I lack the creative gene!

  18. I call my daughter Moo. It started when I brought her home and my sisters saw me breastfeed for the first time. They said she reminded them of a baby cow trying to suckle from a mommy cow. And I wasn't going to call her cow so thus the nickname Moo was born and it's stuck ever since. I'm sure that will change once she gets like ten.

  19. Yes, we named my son specifically so his initials would be "R.J." and we call him that!

  20. I LOVE that! LOVE IT!! So pretty.

    I've actually been looking for something perfect to hang over my daughter's bed in her room. We just moved her to a big girl bed, and the wall above her bed just looks.....Empty. I need to find something STAT!

  21. when we first found out we were pregnant I started calling her Bean and then it became Booger, which my husband hated so it didn't last long. Once I could feel her moving I began to call her Monkey and sometimes I still refer to her by that one and it works out because (as of right now) she LOVES all things monkey. Mostly though everyone either calls her Yanna or Yanna Banana (imagine the A's pronounced with the "ah" sound).

  22. oh yeah, and I follow your blog!

  23. My oldest daughter's nicknames are Moody and Allie. My son's nickname is Jay. My youngest daughter's nicknames are Twinkle, Pumpkin and Chalupa.

  24. I love that you put it on a wood panel instead of directly on the wall! Such a good idea! No babies yet, so no nicknames, but I'm a huge fan so I'm sure there will be multiple nicknames on day!

  25. We didn't have nicknames growing up, but I call my husband Lulu (which I completely understand is a girl's name to most Americans... and a dog's name to many Brazilians, so he kind of loses out either way), but it is my little name for him so he HAS to keep loving me :)

  26. Nicknames for our kids change as they grow. Right now the kids are Lil Chicken and Sweet Pickles. :)


  27. You are so creative! I love all your special touches to the babe's room :)

  28. I love it!! It's so adorable! And a great reminder of her Divine Nature! :)

  29. I am a follower through Google Reader :)

  30. We use Princess for both my girls too. It's quite appropriate seeing as they ARE children of God. :) Love the sign. For Ash we use Cutie, Stinker, Beautiful, Girl, and Lovey. For Britt we use Pretty, Chubby, Sissy, and Britt-Britt.

  31. The Princess sign is beautiful! I had so many nicknames for my daughter.. from (the womb) Tic Tac, baby tortellini, to (outside of the belly) Stinky butt, booger head, little monster, & topina (which is Italian for 'little mouse')

  32. My son we call him bubba. Don't know why, but we do.
    My daugther's nickname was actually given to her by my son. Her name is Marissa, but my son couldn't say her name and could only say "sissa" So now the whole family calls her that and only when she is in trouble we call her by her given name.

  33. I'm still pregnant so we call him "peanut" or "pumpkin". I can't wait to see his little face and come up with more nicknames (of course he needs a real name first - but we are waiting til we see him to choose) :)

    Really like the princess sign, a lot of princess stuff sort of wigs me out but that sign is such a perfect message. I absolutely love it.

  34. I didn't even know that company existed - what a great quote!

  35. And I subscribe through Google Reader!

  36. I love nicknames. I think it is such a great way for a family to have a close bond. I also think it's nice that each family member have a special nickname for a new baby. I can't wait to see what nicknames we come up with!

  37. I love it! I've been calling my little one Little Miss Priss. We had an ultrasound and she had her legs crossed with one hand on her knee, it was too cute!

  38. I call my daughter, Valerie, Sweet Pea or Miss V. My family calls her Re-Re. I've called my son, Almanzo, Little Pumpkin since he was in the womb, but now I call him Monkey (because he's SO full of energy), Little Man, and Manzo. My family calls him Zo too. Maybe someday his future wife will call him Manly just like Laura Ingalls Wilder called her Almanzo. ;)

  39. My daughter has a millions nicknames too... Clarabara, CB, Princess, Clara j... claraboo, booboo and anything else I randomly call her throughout the day

  40. I call my little one Boogs or boogiehead (because she is always stopped up thanks to her acid reflux). Sometimes I also call her The Baybee. I know real original!

  41. I have many nicknames for the kids: Logan's is Ribs, "the Lawyer" and Callie has too many to list...hahha

  42. I haven't come up with a good nickname just yet for our baby girl (due next week). Except, we decided not to share her name with everyone yet, so my sister decided it would be a good idea to name her Gertrude. Now everyone, even people who don't know my sister, calls her Gerty. It's pretty funny and is now actually cute. We don't intend on naming her Gertrude, but Gerty seems to be sticking!

  43. Little face and Suga mama. There on year old twin girls and Autumn has always been slightly bigger than Aspen...just buy a few ounces at first but now she is two pounds bigger. Biggest difference is in there face. Autumn has chubby cheeks and Aspen has a more slender face, hence there nicknames. Your daughter is beautiful.

  44. Our little girl has been called Princess, Lucy, Poochkin, Chicken, Pearl and my little fella is Sunny Bunny

  45. We call my new son Monkey, as we have since he was in the womb. Thus, his room and most of his clothes carry a monkey theme.

    Also, love the Gigi books. My daughter loves them!

  46. I call my daughter sweetie and funny bunny. My husband has been calling her baby for a long time but that needs to change because she's going to have a little brother soon and he'll be the baby of the house!

    I love vinyl wall art, too. It's a great way to get an elaborate piece of art or word art on your wall for not too expensive. :) Thanks for the great giveaway! I love how meaningful yours is!

  47. We are big on nicknames at our house! Our dogs have at least a dozen nicknames each. I'm sure our future kiddos will be the same!

  48. I must say, I always disliked when I heard parents calling their daughters princesses, and the whole princess "industry" disney promotes and what it says about womanhood, BUT, your description and the daughter of a heavenly king bit, really makes it into something beautiful!!!

    I love your blog more and more each day. And I love all the pics of lil j aka princess aka spawnie aka .......


  49. I'm also a follower of your blog. I subscribe via google reader and I'd love the extra entry! :)

  50. I have many names for my little one. Cooper is his name: Coopie, Coops, stinky butt... whatever I feel like that day. :)

  51. lol All that is an adorable nickname for her little girl! =)

    My little boy has a ton of names, especially from grandma! Santiago Eliseo has:

    Sonny, Baby Eli, Chunky Monkey, Poopoo head (lol my hubby gave that to him), Santi, Chubbers, Tubbers, Salvatori (a friend gave it, we don't know why), little man, Cutie, Hermoso, and Baby

    To me that is alot but we def use Sonny!

  52. We call my daughter the Little Miss or Missy. Sometimes she is called Peanut because she is so tiny!


  53. I'm a blog follower and love reading your blog everyday!

  54. My son`s name is Henry. His nick name is Hanky Pie or Cranky Hanky when appropriate.

  55. I always call me daughter my little peanut. I probably call her peanut more than I call her by her actual name lol!

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  56. The vinyl on the wood panel is a GREAT idea...that way it can be passed down to her daughter. You have started your very own tradition.

  57. I'm also a follower on Google Reader! :-)

  58. I'm now following you blog! We call our son Little Michael Man, Stinky Face (from the book, I love You Stinky Face), Little Monster...all in the most loving way of course!
    SHull2319 at gmail dot com

  59. All of our children have had special nicknames that only we call them. I've found they either change as they get older or they grow into a new one.

  60. Love what you made! Very beautiful! My daughter's name is Brooklyn and we call her Tia. No reason at all....we like nicknames around here. :) Have a great day!

  61. I am a new follower of your blog. Looking forward to some fantastic things!!

  62. I love that saying! Our little boy doesn't have a nickname yet, but I'm sure he'll be getting plenty once he is born!

  63. We called our little one 'Sol' in the womb cuz she was our Source of Light. When didn't name her till she was born but her first name became Ayah Sol. We still call her Sol from time to time, as well as Bizy- cuz she is a busy body

  64. We just keep it simple with Princess

  65. I'm a follower of your blog


  66. The nickname we chose for our son ever since he was a little guy in my tummy was "Bean". WE still use it to this day. He is our little "Noah Bean" now.

  67. When I saw the first sonogram of my baby, he looked just like a blueberry. Because we didn't find out the gender, we just called him "The Blueberry," and the name stuck, even when he was the size of a watermelon. He was born almost a week after your baby, so it's neat to think we went through our pregnancy together (he's my first as well!). Now that he's in our lives, he's been called His Royal Highness (and yes, we give him the royal treatment!), Barracuda (for his fierce booby attacks), and Wiggles. Your daughter is beautiful, by the way!

  68. My daughter has TONS of nicknames! :) Her name is Kaidence, but we mostly call her KK! :)

  69. I love all the vinyl you have done in her room. And I love the idea of putting it on a board since we are renting, too. I had to throw away all of our vinyl at our last place. Great idea! Your daughter really is a princess...she is gorgeous!

  70. I follow your blog. Oh and I am all about nicknames! It's so fun!

  71. We use several at our house-they kind of grow out of one and into another.
    Whitney-Zaboo(she loved zaboomafoo) Whitz or Bug
    Amber-Bamboo, squishy, Red
    Brooke-Precious, Brooker Boo, Blue
    Trevor-Trevs,Bubs and Chubs

  72. I've used pumpkin, princess, monkey, little man...obviously not all for the same kid. Lol

  73. my dad has always had a handful of nicknames for me and still calls me by them :)

    she looks like a little princess in that white dress, so adorable!

  74. I call my son Goose or Baby Boy.

  75. I called me DD pretty princess in the beginning. Then Goobie Girl (She had a clogged tear duct). Now she doesn't really have a nickname we use anymore. Just a shortened version of her name.

  76. That sign is absolutely adorable!!!! I have not decided on a nickname just yet for this little one!

  77. It's a good reminder that we women are all daughters of our heavenly king! :) I like that you put the vinyl on a board so you can take it with you if you move. I just bought a really cool shelf from csn stores, so I recommend shopping there!

  78. I love that sign. It's so beautiful. Love the idea of mounting it on wood. I have a vinyl design on my wall and want to take it with me when I move, I will be keeping your idea in mind. As for nicknames for babies, I used to call my friend's baby Goober. She seemed to like it and when she asked about me she'd call me Goober back. LOL! I just started following you today on your blog, Twitter, and Facebook, I simply love your blog and want to go back to the beginning to read about your whole journey. I think that will be a weekend read. :-)

  79. When my son was born I called him Buddy for a long time, then Bubby and now I call him Bubs or Bibs or sometimes Pups.
    I also called him Fat Boy for a while too when he was about 3-6 months and at his chunkiest.

  80. BEAUTIFUL picture :)

  81. We called our son tooter pop for the first year of his life (or shortened to tooters)

  82. We also use many nicknames for my son, Jack.
    - stinky, stinkmaster, stinks, baby, terror...

  83. We called our little girl, sweet lamb when she was a baby and MissyLouLou which we still call her. It has nothing to do with her name I just started calling her it and its stuck.

  84. I go by Crissa, Crissa, Crissay Kayesir, Crissy Poo, or CK. I wish I had a little one to give a nickname to though.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. Each of our daughters have nicknames! It is just a fun and nice way to say "we are family"

  86. More like nickname(s)! Peanut, bugaboo, love bug, Baby Kiley, princess, pumpkin ... the list goes on and on! lol.

  87. I am currently expecting our first and I call him either Trout (because that's what he feels like in there) or Little Buddy.


  88. Following your blog on Google Friend Connect @Alisha L.


  89. I LOVE the saying! And we parents always have nicknames for our kids others might think are silly. :) We like to call our Ally Ally-gator, Ally Cat, Ally Baby--although she insists we call her Ally Toddler now that she's 3, lol!!

    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  90. I subscribe through email!

    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  91. Beautiful! I think it's wonderful that your daughter will grow up knowing of her divine nature.

  92. We call our daughter Cate, "Bitlet.". It started out as "Lil Bit" and one day I said Bitlet and it stuck. There are variations depending on her mood and activities--Stinky Bits, Snoozy Bits, Cranky Bits, AdoraBits, etc. Funny thing is, other people around us call her Bitlet, too.

    A follower

  93. Love the sign & your nickname for her!

  94. Aww, I agree your nicknames are cute. I guess Bug is a pretty common nickname.

  95. You have a beautiful baby and a lovely nursery.

  96. Love it :)
    My Mom named me "Mindy" so I wouldn't have a nickname. Although my parents sometimes call me "Min" anyway.. haha.

  97. I've heard such great things about CSN stores...I really need to check it out!

    Oh, and I'm a follower :)

  98. My husband and I are trying to buy a house right now so our 8 month old will finally have her own room (instead of bunking in with us) and I will FINALLY get to decorate a nursery!!! Can't wait!

  99. no nickname! please enter me though!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  100. My little boy is hunny bunny - just stuck
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  101. My daughter is 6 and i'm sure she'd love that even now. Pink and princess-y..oh yeah.

  102. I call my kids a few nicknames



    nancyrobster at gmail dot com
    in canada

  103. I follow via GFC


    email subscriber


    nancyrobster at gmail dot com
    (in canada)

  104. That's a lovely sign you had made. What a wonderful idea! I'm known as Sunshine to everyone, including my siblings and anything involving my work so I don't think it qualifies as a nickname anymore.

  105. Everyone has a nickname in our house! I grew up with a father who also gave everyone a nickname, so I can't imagine not doing it. I think it's endearing...

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  106. Blog follower!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  107. Subscribed via RSS/Google Reader!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  108. Subscribed via RSS/Google Reader!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  109. I love it when creative people think of the perfect nicknames for someone special!

  110. Following the blog via GFC.(panicxduh)

  111. Subscribed to the blog RSS feed.

  112. My nickname at work was Happy Fingers because I typed so fast.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  113. I really hope I win!


  114. Hubby jokingly calls all his ladies either "ms. thing" or "hm" (high maintanence, lol. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  115. We call our younges son Bumpy because he always bangs his head.

  116. We started calling our daughter Pumpkin when she was a baby. She would sit in the middle of the of the living room with a big grin on her face and not move. My husband said she looked like a pumpkin sitting there.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  117. We use nicknames all the time...depending on what they are doing.

  118. What a cutie! Our kids also got nicknames. Our oldest son we call RJ (initals of his first & middle name) Our youngest is named Douglas & we call him dougie or slugger.
    Thanks so much.

  119. I'm a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)
    Thanks again

  120. Love the sign! No specific nicknames just pumpkin and general things like that

  121. I call my daughter "Goomba". I don't know where it came from - it just came out of my mouth one day. Maybe because she's small and cute! She loves it, though!

    jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

  122. I follow your blog, as well.

    jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

  123. I'm usually calling my daughter "baby girl" when I'm talking to her! :) I absolutely LOVE that sign you made! How pretty!


  124. Our daughter has so many nicknames... my husband started calling her pumpkin as soon as she was born since she was born in October, She'll always be mama's princess and in recent days my husband has joked with her that she is a wing nut to which she says no I am LeAnne Kimberly Leonard. hee hee

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  125. yay for giveaways! i'm a subscriber!

  126. So cute! I love that banner. I sometimes call my lil gal "Lil Cupcake" lol :)

    shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

  127. I follow your blog.

    shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

  128. My husband and all his buddies started calling my son "Spud" after he was born. I thought it was cute until he was about a year old, and thought I don't want him called Spud for the rest of his life, so had to put a stop to it.

  129. The Pink sign is beautiful and good reminder for our daughter self esteem

  130. My sister Melanie was "smelly melly" as a baby lol.

  131. I call my girl baby, or cutie, or princess, or my little kicker.

  132. Pretty Pretty Princess is a nice nickname, my daughter ended up being called "George" don't ask where that came from but she grew up into a fine young lady so I guess it didn't damage her!

  133. We have Cookie Monster, Kelbug, and Tater Tot.
    monster6236 at gmail dot com

  134. We call my daughter boo boo.


  135. i call my daughters Princess. All little girls should be princesses!

  136. Perfection. Nicknames change daily around here but we like to call her Moo Moo mainly haha

  137. Thank you

  138. Yep we call our daughter Smooch.
    Thanks for the chance.

  139. I never gave my God-daughter a nick/pet name. Her name, Kailie, has always been cute enough.

    Her brother, my God-nephew, is often called the typical "big boy" by me and my sister (his God-mother) and "Mally-Mal" by my sister and his mom - to play off of his name, Malcolm.

  140. your post seriously brings tears to my eyes. what a wonderful thing to teach your daughter early on and may she know the truth of it.

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  141. i follow you now on gfc, so glad to have stumbled into you

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  142. also signing up for your emails!
    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  143. I have never really had a nickname. My husband calls me Sweetie. Does that count? :-)

    rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

  144. I follow on GFC

    rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

  145. My grandson's name (in spite of my protests) is Daymein (his mother couldn't spell either. We call him Day Day.

  146. When my son was an infant, I called him the Hungry Caterpillar. When he was a toddler, I called him my big man. Now I call him my buddy.

    rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

  147. Three kids we nicknamed all them first child was butter-butt, second one was pudgy-butt, and for some reason this last one we been calling smurfy

    waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com

  148. My nickname is Baby, my puppy is names Baby and I and now expecting a Baby. Things are gonna get complicated.

  149. I don't, but my sister was Goober or Gooberoski.

  150. The names don't stop there, as they get older though you'll find yourself still calling them the 'nickname'
    I love that above the doorway!

  151. My little girl was "Peanut" when she was in my womb and now that she's 3 and a half years old, we call her "Sassy"! =)

    treflea4 at gmail dot com

  152. Blog follower

    treflea4 at gmail dot com

  153. My daughter Nina is nicknamed Neenee.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  154. I'm an email subscriber.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  155. Never used nicknames, but some are very clever. I know someone whose nickname is "Lolli."

  156. For my son we call him Cub sometimes and my daughter is Emmers,not my idea but I guess thats how nicknames go.
    Congrats on your princess btw

  157. We nicknamed the twins to help us tell them apart when they were babies.

  158. We haven't really done nicknames, but I love the idea. Maybe we'll have to be more intentional with our next one.

  159. I sometimes call my daughter Samson.

  160. I'd love a CSN gift card! I could use some new...well, a lot! :)

    elizabethglassturner (at) gmail (dot) com

  161. My name is Susan, so I have always been called Susie Q. Your little baby girl is so precious!
    smchester at gmail dot com

  162. I follow your blog on GFC.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  163. I just call my son "The baby." I did that with my daughter, too. Also, sometimes "babe" and sometimes "beba."

  164. I don't have any kids but I have many nicknames. Most people call me Lee Lee, Lee, Cee Cee, or Lis.

  165. Aw... did we NOT just have this conversation about nicknames?! haha. Love it. And I love that Princess sign.. so cute.

  166. Out of 5 kids only 2 have nicknames.

    We cal my 5 year old "Tea Cup". She is veery tiny and slim. I calld her that when she was a baby one day and now everyone calls her it.

    My son Urijah, my hubby calls "Debo". He is huge! At 10 months old he weights 29 pounds so he is built like a tank or a Debo.

  167. Our nick name is just Rach, short for Rachel!


  168. blog follower

  169. I call my daughter 'docha', which in Russian is a 'sweet+little' version of 'daughter'

    ecoblogz at gmail dot com

  170. My daughter's name is Bridget but we call her B, Beez, Beezus, Beezy...it all depends on who is talking to her! Thanks for the giveaway!

  171. My nickname is BeckBeck. My youth pastor started calling me that and now a lot of other people do as well.

  172. I subscribe to your email. :)
    bdavisnc at gmail dot com

  173. We had to use a nickname because the name we chose didn't fit him. We named him Andrew, but it wouldn't come out of my mouth. So he was Buddy. Not anything with special meaning, but that is what we called him. 5-months later, we changed his name to Thomas. He is such a little Thomas.

    nordstromemily at hotmail dot com

  174. Love nicknames. I use them and think they are great terms of endearment!

    BTW, I have a 9yo sister (big gap like you and your siblings) and she is called ladybug, too!

  175. I'm in, and also am a blog follower. Love your blog!


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