Sunday, July 31, 2011

I smell...

Like a sexy mama.
I'm not really into fragrances. I hadn't bought a perfume in ages. Partly because I was afraid it would hurt Lil' J's nose or something and partly because I just couldn't find one I like.

In college I loved Abercrombie NOW. I never shopped at the store but I was turned on to that fragrance by a roommate. Then it got discontinued.

I tried different scents from the typical Clinque Happy, Lucky, and even tried some celebrity perfumes like JLo Glow. Yuck, yuck yuck! I don't like powdery, or too-sweet scents.

Take me to a cologne counter and I'll fall in love with most of the scents. I love Ralph Lauren Polo, and Black. One sniff of Aqua DiGio and I'm off in la la land. Probably because it's my husband's favorite.

But meet me at the perfume counter and I can't find a single scent I like.

I did like a Mary Kay Bella Belara perfume for a hot second. But not enough to keep buying it. It's was pretty and classy but not quite what I was looking for. I settled for mists and inexpensive stuff from Bath and Body Works. You know right out the gate what Japanese Cherry Blossom is gonna smell like if you've been using the shower gel.

In comes Express. I was at the store grabbing some new editor pants since Snoop decided to chew up my long-lasting pair. I grabbed my size as quickly as possible, and while I waited for the cashier to ring me up, I sprayed some of the perfume that was sitting there. A feeling of sexiness washed over me.

MINE! I thought. But it was like 50 bucks! (I don't spend that kind of money on myself these days... Well, besides the $70 pants I was buying).

I had some questions about my Express credit card that was stolen and waited while the cashier called to get some stuff figured out. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this but also kinda not--When he turned around I grabbed the bottle of perfume again and sprayed it like 3 more times. I know it was totally overboard but I wanted to make sure I could have my husband smell it when I got home and I wanted some of the scent to still be there.

The cashier looked over his shoulder at me, probably thinking I was trying to pack something in my bag real fast because I was moving pretty fast and looking awful suspicious. Really, I was spraying free samples all over myself.

I noted the name "Love EXPRESS."

Got home, husband approved. And I ordered the 1.7oz bottle online via eBay for a discount. It came it today and smells just as I remembered. I'm not sure if it makes sense but to me it's a perfume with a cologne class. It's not a pretty little girl scent, but a sophisticated smell of flowers. I just looked it up so I know what I'm talking about now and here's what it has in it: Blackberry and Lily of the Valley, Notes of Tiare Blossoms and Sheer Vanilla Musk. I normally don't like the real musky scent in colognes but I don't notice it in this. Or maybe subconsciously I do and that's why it reminds me of a pretty cologne. Anyway, I love it. So much so I took a picture of it, and I decided to share it with you.

Every day I'm doing a little better at feeling better about being me.


  1. i haven't shopped for perfume in the longest time! we aren't allowed to wear perfume/cologne at work due to some severe allergies but mostly because we have a crazy controlling boss ... but anywho, i remember how excited i use to be to find a scent i loved! it's been a while, i feel like i'm missing out.

  2. I'm not much into perfumes either - I'm pretty sure I'm slightly allergic to them. It doesn't hurt to try every once in awhile though :)

    And I totally get how hard it is to feel good - as in really good - about yourself. But I have to say, as an outsider looking in through your blog, you are such an awesome, beautiful person. And if a great perfume helps you feel more like that, then $50 (or discounted) doesn't seem so bad anymore!

  3. I'm glad you found something you like. I don't wear them because I'm allergic to everything. I for me. lol. Also, I wish you more days of feeling pretty and sexy :)

  4. I have been dying to buy some real perfume. For the past 2 years I have smelled like Johnson and Johnson lavendar baby lotion... I use to love Ralph Lauren in the blue bottle but I can not bring myself to spend $50 on it now. Though I am heading out to the mall today so maybe I will just spray myself with it so I can at least smell puurrrtttyyy for the day :)

  5. I love perfume so much! I always wore Beautiful by Estee Lauder. Since I have kids I don´t like the smell of it anymore. Isn´t that weird? So I found me some new perfumes which I love.
    Good for you that you found the right perfĂșme for yourself. I love it when people smell good!
    Have a great week!

  6. I love this perfume as well! They also have a little roller ball/pink lip gloss that I carry around in my person. It's so convenient. Aqua DiGio is my absolute favorite cologn :) You have good taste!

    ***I've been reading your blog for over a year now and this is my first comment! Sorry for stalking without commenting for so long...***

  7. As moms & wives, I think we do lose ourselves a little bit. I am glad that a simple thing such as perfume is helping you to like yourself and find you again.

  8. I am so with you on the Aqua diGio. my absoloute fave. SWOON. thankfully hubby got some just cause i love it so!

  9. Hmmm, never tried it. I will have to check out this "sexiness" that you speak of. Not that I need any more right now. I have tons sitting in my bathroom, but have not worn them since preggers state. Like you it takes me a while to find something I like, and I did not want pregnancy to ruin the smell for me, so I didn't wear any at ALL at the time. Still don't much these days.


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