Monday, August 1, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 28

It's funny how about a year ago I went from "I'm not sure if I'll post many pictures of my baby on my blog" to having possibly the most photographed baby in the world. I think I've mentioned the hilarity before.

Meanwhile, Lil' J now knows how to say "picture" in sign language. Coincidentally, it's also her new favorite sign to use and she misuses it to ask for everything.

I hope some of you made a love letter this week. I've made a button (temporary, I'm trying to get help making a more snazzy one) and a linky so link up!
A bride was having a photo shoot around the park we were taking pictures as and asked if Lil' J could be in some of her photos. She gave her this red flower to hand to her for a couple of her bridal shots. I haven't seen the pictures yet but I bet they're super cute.
Embroidered shirt, capris and bow from Jessica's Little Blessings
Another fun day at a park. The sun was setting and I saw these art bulls. We had to take some pictures on it. I got on too. I'll have to share the ones I had a stranger take for us soon.
Dress from Designed by XOXO Ash; Clippie from Sumos- Use "BLOWOUT50" to get 50% off her listed items.
She's obsessed with water. We had just been swimming a few days earlier and she kept crawling to the pool. When she saw this pond she tried to get in thinking it was also a pool. Silly girl.
Flower Print Romper: Carters
This cat loves to hang out at our door. Even though Snoop is a cool pet, he's like a sofa to her. She hardly notices him these days, but she gets so excited every time she sees a cat.
Tommy Hilfiger Striped One Piece (similar to this): Gifted
At a work pool party. I couldn't pass up a photo op. Just like always, she was ready to strike a pose.
Ruffle Butt Onesie and Bow: Sumos-"BLOWOUT50" to get 50% off her listed items.
Did you make a letter this week? I'd love to see! Link up and visit others who link up. I just ask that you link back to the post so others can play along.

(highlight and push "CTL and C" to copy the button)

Also, let's do a GIVEAWAY I've been meaning to do for a while. everyone who comments on this post and/or links up will be entered to win this snazzy hair bow from Bella Rose Hair Accessories. Adorable, no? Don't let Lil' J's hair fool you, there are some cute feathers on this thing. Giveaway ends next Monday when the next 365 Love Letters post goes up! Good Luck!


  1. I can never get enough of your adorable love letters!! I think I will totally have to do one and link up next week!!

  2. LOVE all her pictures!! <3 shes so precious :) I will make a love letter today. How fun!

  3. I can't wait to see those bridal shots either.

  4. Her petting the kitty is the cutest photo in the world. Just darling. I could melt.

  5. I can't wait to do my own set of love letters. I just hope I'm as creative coming up with captions. Anywho, love love her expression and the caption in Day 206!

  6. I love the message in day 212. I cherish pictures 210, 209, 208, 207, 206... she is photogenic :).

    Thanks for hosting the bloghop. I will try to make a better one next week.

  7. I love your pictures and only wish I could be that creative (and proactive) to take pics of my baby every day. You're amazing!

  8. =D Look at Lil J petting the kitty! Day 209 is precious!

  9. I'm always up for another bow for my daughter!

  10. i cant wait to have a baby that way i can do these love letters .. won't be for a while but i can't wait!

    your daughter is soooo beautiful!

  11. What font do you use for your letters? I just love it but can't seem to find one that looks similar.

  12. Thanks for asking Leslie! I use the "Snell Roundhead" font in photoshop. :)

  13. I wish I would have done this with my little girl!

  14. I'm in letter envy. How I wish I'd wrote letters to my little Kai. I guess I could start now that she's older than a baby right?

  15. I am a dude, and remarkably I am offended by the title of your blog. But I won' start on about that...

    When I saw your baby, I could only think that it was the cutest thing I had ever seen, probably in my life. Definitely the top ten cutest babies I have seen.

    Teach your kid early so that she is not confused about where she is descended from. Explain everything regarding her history, and do not hold back. I know I am just some random stranger, but please... head my advice.

    Confusion about ones origin... It can have devastating effects.

    Good luck!

  16. So cute! Love the pics!!

  17. I love the love letters thing; great pictures too!

    Lil J is too cute!!

  18. Love, love, love the bathing suit pic! Seriously, the cuteness of this blog is ridic! LOL
    We have two cats and Lil Man falls all over him self to get to them. I love it when he says "cat" at some random point and ventures off to look for them. :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)