Monday, August 29, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 32

My internet went out (non-storm related) and it delayed me posting these. I hope all of my readers around the country and your families are doing ok after the storm. My prayers are going out to all of you and yours.

It's insane how it's flooding some places yet here we're in a terrible drought with record-breaking heat of 112 degrees! As you'll see in these photos, we did our best to stay cool in all this heat. Lil' J loves playing outside but I've gotta keep water nearby and keep our play time short.

I hope some of you had fun with the love letters. Link up below so I can see!
Tutus and bows: Doodledee Boutique

Knot Dress: Lollibug Boutique; Bow: Little Star Sweeper

She's never really shown interest in TV much before but all of a sudden she loves this one single episode of Yo Gaba Gaba. My husband and I have the show and the songs memorized.
Dress: Dapple Gray Designs; Bow: White Suggar Creations; Shoes: Robeez
Old Navy bathing suit gifted
Love shirt: See Baby Grow; Jean shorts: Old Navy

(highlight and push "CTL and C" to copy the button)


  1. Each week Lil J just gets cuter and cuter! Totally understand about the single episode obsession. LOL! My Nia LOVES an Old School Sesame Street segment about the letter D. We watch it over and over and over! Babies have OCD!

  2. I don't think I've ever posted a comment before. I love your 365 love letters and I think I will do the same for my 1 yr old son. Thanks for the inspiration!

    I'm sure you've heard this many times before but your daughter looks so much like you, esp in Day 234 pic.

    On a side note, my son is obssessed with Fresh Beat Band and Yo Gabba Gabba!

  3. Oh my goodness, day 238 gave me goosebumps! It is so important to remember that as a mommy...sometimes it's good for everyone if you give a little "yes" here and there. They are all beautiful as usual!

  4. Saying yes instead of saying no, so underrated! Thanks for the reminder :-).

  5. Why is she sitting on the asphalt road if it was 112 degrees outside?

  6. Anonymous, first of all, this was the first photo last week, temperatures weren't that high yet. Secondlty, it was sunset in a shady dead end. And finally, I was barefoot and it wasn't hot ;) Thanks for your concern though.

  7. I like day 235, great message and shot :).

  8. i always look forward to your love letters :)

  9. I've loved your blog since the first time I saw it, in a none creepy way. You've inspired me and I just had to give you a shout out today as I was featured at SITS. I really have you to thank!!!

    I love how precious and more beautiful you baby girl is getting. I forgot just how close in age our babies are. I wish I could write a book like these for each of my children. Future project I hope .)


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