Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mini Mod #1: Introduce me to your tiny trendsetter

If you haven't noticed, I'm a tiny bit obsessed with children's clothing. Rarely does a day goes by where I don't browse for something cute for Lil' J, whether a pair of shoes, a new accessory, or a dress. I rarely get something from the department store, most things are from boutiques, or second hand things from seasons ago, so it's not often we see others wearing what she's sporting.

I love sharing that with you too. Out of habit I take photos of her and what she's wearing daily. I don't consider myself a style blogger but I think I can see children's style in my future. I couldn't ever keep up with posting what I'm wearing on a daily basis, but I could post what Lil' J was wearing if I want. Heck, I'm almost there already. Also, I know some of you have found new favorite shops and finds from me, and I've found some from you, this new link up idea can be a way to keep that going.

As if I haven't had enough failed attempts to incorporate a blog meme, I thought I'd give it another try.

How about every week we show off our kiddos' fashion? That's simple enough right? I'm not sure if I'll keep doing Fridays. While Mini Mod Monday sounds cool, Mondays are suppose to be What I'm Makin' Monday... Lord knows I'm not making much these days now though... Aside from PB and Js for lunch and an occasional tutu. I guess Tuesday is an option too. What day do you like? Do you care?

No need to write a novel or anything, just upload some pictures, let us know where you got the outfit (if you remember) and link up here so we can blog hop. Visit the link before or after yours and comment on it. I'll comment on any Mini Mod posts that are linked up. And with all that said, here's my first post! I hope you'll join in! I'll feature one of the blogs that links up in next week's post!

I take pictures of Lil' J daily. Sometimes we just go out and play in the grass, and other times we take toys outside and play as the sun is setting. Our neighbor's cat Queso usually trots over because he knows we'll pet him and give him lots of love. I'm trying to teach Lil' J to be gentle with him. She's used to smacking and riding Snoop like a horse.

I sat back and watched her play before snapping a few shots. She's so fearless, getting up in his face, and trying to give him kisses.
Queso eventually got sick of us and we plopped down and played with her piggy bank. I showed her how to stick the coins it and she sings. In a matter of minutes she had it down pat and was just over the moon excited about her new talent.

Daddy was inside studying so I took some pictures of the action so he could see how it all went down.

She's wearing a dress and headband from one of my favorite Etsy shops: Sumo's Sweet Stuff. I got the tiered dress and headband for $15. This was one of the first of many dresses like I ordered from this shop. It's getting small, and it's long sleeved so I rolled up the sleeves to make it more weather-appropriate. The length still works as a dress, and soon, once she's too tall I can put leggings on her and she can wear it as a shirt.

She LOVES wearing shoes. I thought for sure she'd hate them since I barely put them on her for the last year. When she was first born I had socks or soft shoes on her daily. But it got hard to find the perfect socks to match ever single outfit, so I ditched them. We're finally getting back in the habit now that she has to wear them for school, and she LOVES them! She's either laughing and trying to pull them off, or bringing them to me, begging me to put them on. The ones she's wearing here are Robeez. I bought these before she was born at a consignment sale. I love these shoes. They are the easiest to get on and of and nice and soft on her feet. I'm in the process of getting more like these, but with some boutique-style. Hopefully I'll have them for another upcoming Mini Mod post!

Ever since she's been wearing them she's ventured with walking more. Maybe her feet feel tougher to her now or something, but she prefers to stand up and try to walk than crawl now. It could be a coincidence though. I'm not sure, but I thought shoes were suppose to have the opposite effect. Either way, I think I can officially call her a WALKER now! Yay Lil' J! This should make picture-taking interesting from now on. But I'm excited for the challenge.

Feel free to link up and show off your stylin' Mod Mini and let others know they can join in. Come on, what better excuse to show off your cutie and your style on them?

(push CTL+C to copy)

PS: A commenter just informed me there is something similar in the bloggyland (who woulda thought I wasn't the first? ;) ) Called Small Style. I'm linking up there too and you should too to get more bank for your blog!


  1. You should have baby walking shoes on her little feet. Them soft soles don't have no support

  2. Love Lil' J's dress, as usual. I'm buying more from boutiques, but we have a lot from your department stores like Janie and Jack, Gymboree, Hartstrings, etc. The dress my Arianna has on (1st photo) is from Gymboree. I tried to find a small enough pic, but you can pretty much see all of the dress, except the bottom has a yellow trim all around. She runs in dresses just as much as pants.
    Lil J's hair is always on point. With Arianna, we get unique as well - LOL! My friends laugh that I comb her hair twice a day (morning hairstyle and plats for bed to care for her hair).
    I think some department store finds are just as unique as boutiques bc no one else buys some of the things I pick. LOL! but I'm probably WAAAYYYY more particular about her Sunday dresses. I even add onto those dresses so NO ONE will have what she's wearing. So reading your blog reminds me that I'm normal. LOL!

  3. Jane, she can walk in these just fine. Kids walk bare foot all the time ;) at least this way her feet aren't getting dirty when we're out.

  4. Jane, when babies are learning to walk, soft soled shoes like those are actually recommended because it helps with foot development, the baby can walk more easily and she can feel the world beneath her and learn about different surfaces she is walking on.


    Completely unrelated, I was wondering how you style your daughter's hair and what products do you use? My daughter is biracial as well, with insanely curly hair, and I can't seem to get it right!

  5. Thanks for the link Amber! I knew I had heard a recommendation somewhere but figure everyone believes something different. Moms are gonna disagree about everything ;)

    I love curls products. There's one called It's a Curl. I use the shampoo and conditioner about once a week. I had their leave in products too that I loved but they were stolen with my bag a month or so ago :( I want to get more, but in the mean time I use warm water in a spray bottle, or warm water with a brush to get the curls wet and set again. I plan to do a more detailed post on this soon once I have a set routine with it that I know works1 :)

  6. Have mercy! That is one gorgeous little girl! She'd look darling in a burlap bag (but the cute clothes a fun nonetheless!) I still browse the baby department and my 'baby' is 8!

  7. You might be interested - There's an existing blog hop for kid's style, called 'small style' on Thursdays- you might want to link up!

  8. I actually have to agree with Jane on this one. It was the first thing I thought about when I read your post! While J is learning to walk, the soft-soled Robeez shoes you have her in are perfect. But once she starts to run (which won't be long), you should really put her in a good shoe. Babies don't have arches in their feet until they are two, and the bones in your feet are not fully formed until you are 5. Ill-fitting shoes, non-supportive shoes, or second-hand shoes, can actually do some harm to your babies developing feet! Stride Rite has great shoes, they are pricey but worth it. Payless also has a great brand called smart fit, that is much cheaper. I usually buy my kids one pair from each store. The shoes are also really cute! My ped's husband is a podiatrist so she is always giving us advice on shoes : )

  9. My pediatrician said no shoes are best, too. Of course, not when we're out. but you know my mom and grandmother did not agree with that one...LOL! I'm a crazy hippie mom to them - breastfeeding forever, Montessori at home, playing in dirt (exploration) and more. ROFL!

  10. Dude, I appreciate yalls concern about her shoes. I assure you she has many more shoes, some of which also have harder soles. She JUST started walking so shoes are new to us but we'll be getting a variety for her. I mean what, are kids suppose to wear them 24/7? Trust, when she starts running we'll get her a snazzy pair of sneakers too. Haha.

    Joanna! Dude! (I can believe I've used that word twice in my comment) that's like exactly like this! Haha. Oh well, there are 2 dozen Monday craft linkies and a lot of wordfull/less linkies these two can coexist right? Haha.

    Maybe if I do it Thursday we can share visitors. Hmm. I don't want her to think I "stole" her idea either though. I'll ponder this over. Haha. Thanks everyone! Loving the links!!

  11. Hi! I have been lurking on your blog for a while now. I don't have kids yet and I don't plan on having them anytime soon, but I still love your blog and can relate wholeheartedly with the premise of this blog. I love kids and want some of my own some day. Just thought I would introduce myself.

    Oh, and I love the clothes you get Lil J! They are so chic and cute! :)

  12. I LOVE the shoes ;) My first word was "cute" and guess what I was looking at... My feet-with my new shoes on! Ha ha!

  13. OMG, I just read the post, and typed this big long thing, and it deleted my post to make me 'sign in'...I could have sworn I was signed in. Oh well.

    Anywho...I avoid payless or vinyl (watch out for vinyl on etsy too...). Breathable is important. Can you imagine a baby getting a rash or having super sweaty feet all the time? Think athletes foot from their shoes?!

    I think the first poster is old school.

    Million dollar companies, see kai run, pediped, bobux, robeez (now owned by stride rite), bear feet, etc all wouldn't be selling shoes without some sort of reason behind the soft sole phenomenon...they figured out that hard soles and 'supportive' weren't the best for little feet. Enough said.

    I have had doctors and dentists differ on their opinions, even o.b. doctors who didn't agree on current procedures and ways to do things...I've come in more researched on topics than some of them! So podiatrist smiatrist, it's like a barefoot in the kitchen 50's type a statement to me to require rubber soles for running/walking but to each his own!

    The bones don't form until they're five years...which is why I don't understand why we shove kids' feet into regular shoes at all. Ill fitting shoes are ones that are too tiny (you couldn't imagine how many parents are too cheap to buy the correct size or acknowledge their kids feet grow 1/4 inch every few months those first months). Or buy a size too big to let them 'grow into them'. That's ill fitting. You try walking around in shoes two sizes too big and tell me how that goes! I concur on that one! And second hand shoes? Just fine. Just shop smart. Look for no signs of wear to the soles (rubber soled, no removal of the rubber pattern or tread - indicates hardly worn or never worn and no real threat to growing feet if you choose to put them in traditional shoes.)

    I personally can't stand traditional rubber soled shoes, my kids ended up with scars (even from the $40+ stride rites I HAD to have with my older two because that was pediatrician recommended). The rubber soles are mostly glued or stitched and protrude at least a quarter inch...making them tripping hazards. They most certainly didn't help them learn to walk nor run! I guess we all do have our strong opinions! I didn't realize I was such a soft sole shoe nazi!

    I prefer softer soles, no character styles, and no heels or wedges. My kid doesn't fit into target shoes without blisters and red marks. What newly walking baby needs to have blisters!?!! Or elastic marks on their ankles...have you ever had a hair band pulling your hair up too tight? IT HURTS! Exactly the same type of thing here.

    You just keep doing what you're doing, let her wear soft soles until she can't fit into the sizing anymore, and you'll be just fine!

    Or you'll be one of the moms searching online and etsy for custom TODDLER sized soft soles 2T, 3T, 4T, because you and your little one LOVE them and want bigger sizing. ;)

  14. Oh she is adorable- I love her dress.

  15. she is the best dressed baby!

    i love the idea ... wish i had a little one to show off their fashion ... hopefully this theme is going strong when it happens, hehe.

  16. My hat is off to you! I've been following along with all of your 365 posts and admire the effort you put into her outfits because I could and would never be able to do all that you do!

    One thing I am curious about, didn't you get a lot of clothes for her at your baby shower? I got easily a year's worth of clothes for my baby girl so I can't reconcile buying new clothes for her, no matter that they're not exactly my style.

    So I'm living vicariously through you and the pretty clothes your baby has!


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)