Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bracing myself for her first day

I took Lil' J to her school today and stayed and played with her for an hour. I have Mondays and Tuesdays off so this was a nice way to warm her up to the place. I watched as she explored the blocks, a floor piano, and a plethora of her favorite toy--books. She's gonna be like her mama.

Her two other classmates scooted and toddled around. I grinned as I watched her share a toy ball she found with one of them.

Her teachers were as nice as can be. And didn't seem to mind me hanging out in the slightest bit.

Tuesday I'm going to take her again for a few hours so she's ready for her first full day Wednesday. I'm not sure I could drop her off and just go home, so I made plans to go see The Help at a matinee showing with a friend. It's water day at lil' J's school and she loves water, so I think it'll really help sell her on the place. I, however, am already sold.

As far as the hubs goes... Hearing his account of his first day made me realize how exhausting the next eight months will be for him. I will need to pick up the slack at home. I wanted to ask him if it was harder than being a stay at home dad, but I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to that question.

In other news my reading escape arrived. I'm not sure when I'll have time to read this but I hear it's good.

If I disappear for some time it's because I got sucked in. It's been a while since I've dived into a fun book. Have ya read it?

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  1. I'm sure your daughter is going to love going to school. New toys, new friends, lot to do. It took me a good long month before I was a little bit ok with leaving my daughter. I've been on Summer break for three months but I go back to school in two weeks and then I will have to do it all over again. I'm not looking forward to it but I know she loves to play with other kids so at least she's happy.

  2. Oh yes, I've definitely read that book and the following two in the series. The whole series is great! Enjoy! Also, congrats on Lil J's successful first partial day at school. :-)

  3. Awww, I love that picture of Lil J. :) Looks like she's having fun!

    And oh my word... I JUST finished that book! I almost fell over when I saw that. haha It was really good!

  4. I picked up the hunger games right after Christmas and was immediately sucked in. I have actually never been so engrossed in a book...I remember reading it at stop lights on my way home from work and while I was blow drying my hair in the morning.

  5. Glad Lil' J is adapting so well to her school.

    LOVE The Hunger Games! You won't put it down until you've finished it--I promise. And, you'll have plenty of time to read it before the movie comes out in March!

  6. I have read the series. Honestly, I was totally sucked in! The first one is by far my favourite, through #2 and #3 are still great. Hope you like them too!

  7. I hope you ordered/bought Catching Fire and Mocking Jay also (the rest of the series) because they are so freakin fantastic you'll want to start the next one the minute you finish the first.

  8. I think Lil J is going to thrive at her new school.

  9. looks like she's already having a great time! as far as reading... I can't remember the last time I was able to get through a book. Sigh...

  10. Sounds like you had a success! Everything you just shared sounds like it's meant to be :)

  11. I just know that school is gonna be a surprise welcome for all of you!!! Lil J will thrive on it. I'd bet!!!!! And I hear wonderful things about that series of books....have fun!!!!

  12. I think you'll love the Hunger Games series. They are pretty easy reads! I really liked the first one, loved the second, and trudged through the third, but most of the girls in my book club loved all three! Enjoy some reading time!
    And, as always, little J is just beautiful!

  13. Good luck on her first day!

    The Hunger Games is such a great book you are going to have a hard time stopping at the 1st book in the series.

  14. awww, she looks like she enjoys it already! hope she has a great first day on her own tomorrow!

  15. Haven't read it but will add it to my list of must-reads. Congrats on baby's first days of playschool ;-)...they're always harder on us that it is on them!

  16. Wishing you well today....knowing it's the big day! You're a great mama and Lil J is just so luck to have a mama like you. She's going to have sooo much fun! Promise!

  17. I borrowed all 3 books from my SIL. It took me 8 months to finally get around to reading them, and a week to actually read them.

  18. I'm going through the same dilemma about daycare! Trying to find one right now...

  19. I agree that the water day will help to sell her on her new school. I'm sure that she'll be well adjusted in no time. I can't remember the last good book I read either. It's hard to find a quiet moment with two kiddies keeping me on my toes.

    Let me know if the book turns out to be any good because I could use some good book recommendations.

  20. You'll LOVE Hunger Games. So good!


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