Monday, August 15, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 30

Sorry I'm posting these late. I have to make it quick because we're going on another quick trip to Lil' J's school to drop things off and let her play for a little bit before her first full day Wednesday. Please link yours up! I love seeing the photos you take and letters you write! Some of you don't even have your kids yet and I think it's just as beautiful! Check those links out. They rock.
Bow and dress from LillyBug Boutique
I love this shot. I took it as the sun was setting in the field by my house.
Bow from White Suggar Creations
Sweet reader Elizabeth suggested this advice and I thought this photo was perfect for it this week. Thank you!
This is my journal from my first year at BYU and through the first year or two of marriage. It's hilarious to go back and read.
Dress from Tea Collection
Love her eyes.
This as one of many things I made for her while I waited for her to arrive.
Dress from Dapple Gray Designs
We played with chalk and water guns this hot afternoon. She found it cold double as a sippy.
I sometimes see this sweet face and look when I come home from work. She's saying something like: "Come here!! Pick me up!!"

(highlight and push "CTL and C" to copy the button)


  1. I really like the message in da 220 :)!

  2. I love these! I started to do them & then didn't keep up - maybe I'll try to start back up now that you have a linky party :)

  3. Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It's really awesome!

  4. The last one is my favorite! I'm going to try hard this week to get Moo and JJ to be still enough to get some awesome shots so that I can start linking up too.

  5. 'Twas I that suggested the quote from Day 225. :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)