Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayers Please

It's Sunday so I'm hoping perhaps more people are focused on prayer today. If you are, and can spare some room, please include us! This week is going to be a doozy with the hubs starting his new job tomorrow and Lil' J starting school (daycare/whatever, I like calling it a school and by definition it works) Wednesday, and I'm going to be a wreck.

Thank you so much!


  1. Praying for you! The transition is always difficult, especially with the first child. I believe you can do it. & Little J will enjoy being with other children during the day. :-)

  2. I will pray for you right now. I agree it will be hard, if I said it wouldn't be, then you know I would just be sugar coating it! However with that being said, YOU CAN DO IT, and it will work out just fine. :) and just because I said it will be hard, doesn't mean it will be hard always! Change is always scary because you don't know what to expect, but once you get the hang of things, it will be nod! Just remember the silver lining in all things, keep your chin up and remember to stay positive! I personally believe when we get too down we are not thinking realistically. Things are NEVER as bad as we think they are. :) This will be a great adventure for you, and a great opportunity for your husband! I am glad to see you support him so much! btw you have so much blogging talent! Wow! I personally would love to talk to you sometime about things ;P You seem to realistic, have a head on your shoulders, understand and know what you are talking about! Have a happy Sabbath and remember LIfe is a Journey, not a destination. Enjoy the Journey you have now, the bumps and all. :) Love ya!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. awe sweetie thinking of all of you!!

  5. sending prayers and some positive thoughts your way!

  6. Of course! Prayers for you not only today but always :)

  7. Thinking of you...prayers you have! YOU.CAN.DO.THIS. And so can the hubs, I just know it.

  8. Putting you guys on our prayer list and praying that you all will adjust to your new arrangement. Also, praying that J makes lots of friends!


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