Thursday, September 29, 2011

"All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus!"

I couldn't get that song out of my head up until we went. That, and songs from the Yo Gabba Gabba Circus episode. I guess I thought the more I exposed her to songs relating to the event she'd get what was going on when we got there. I'm weird.

It's a whole new world, looking through the eyes of my daughter. When I noticed a free ticket to the Piccadilly Circus stapled to her daily sheet at school I couldn't resist. It was as if SHE was asking me to take her there.

So I did.

I read some reviews about the circus before heading out and got worried I wouldn't like it so much. I had been to Barnum and Bailey before; years ago with my husband. But we had such bad seats it was hard to see. This one stuck out to me because it was open seating, so if we got there early enough we could get front row seats. They were coming on a Monday and Tuesday which coincided with my days off.

My husband had to work (and I knew he probably wouldn't want to come) so I got tickets for the earlier show time and invited a good friend of ours and her little girl to come with us. After she said yes, I felt guilty and asked my husband if he wanted to come. I pretended to beg to make sure he didn't want to go before letting him know he couldn't anyway. I'm evil.

When we arrived we went straight to the petting zoo. I bought some food for the animals and let Lil' J at it. She tried to feed me, instead of the llamas but after watching me feed them she seemed to realize how it was done. Boy did they love her! And she loved them. I have a fearless child. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

We sat down on the front row and watched the elephant go back and forth in front of us as people took their elephant rides. I debated taking her on it but we ended up missing our chance.

I kept telling her "Elephant! Look at the elephant!" And she'd look in the direction of it. She caught on pretty quick.

Then one time, all of a sudden we look over and the elephant's trunk is coming over the side bar to say hi! It was the craziest thing. Her trainer brought her over to say hi. I helped Lil' J pet it but she wasn't too sure what to think. I assume she preferred watching Dumbo's mom from afar. The look on her face seeing that, in itself made the trip worth it.
During the show there were motorcycles in a ball, clown shows, juggling and balancing acts, and two more elephants doing some tricks. It was cute.

You can tell from the pictures she had a blast, and slept well that night. So did I. Just another fun experience for the memory books, and to cross of my list before baby #2. We're on a roll.


  1. Cute! I love that last picture! I am such a wuss when it comes to things like this - last time we went to the petting zoo, my four year old had to convince ME to feed the animals! lol. Blame it on my NYC roots - I'm raising my kids in the burbs so they are bound to be braver than me when it comes to nature. Awesome pictures, as usual!

  2. oh , I bet that was so much fun! We're taking our little guy to the zoo on Friday. Can't wait to see his reactions to the animals!

  3. Glad you all had fun. I've been to several petting zoos and fairs but never a circus. And I think having a fearless child a good thing. I think working with her on stranger danger and other issues that worry you about her being fearless will help.

  4. You had me laughing at your "i'm evil" remark! I do the same thing with my hubby when I know his answer will be no...I still ask him anyways because I feel guilty. Too funny!

    Looks like you and Lil J had a great day!

  5. So adorable. Lil J looks like she had an awesome time. She looks so curious in the pix :)


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