Friday, September 30, 2011

Mini Mod #6: Pretty at the Park

Welcome to Mini Mod! Where each week I showcase some of my favorites in kid fashion and you can share your favorites too. Who doesn't love showing off their kiddo? If you posted some photos on your blog this week, let us know where you got his/her outfit and link up below so we can stop by and visit!

We're slashing at our "To do before #2" list. We went to the circus last week, fed ducks this week, and will be starting some sewing lessons next week thanks to a dear friend, who is helping this lost soul out. Guess it really does take writing it down to get at your goals!

Lil' and I went with some friends to feed the ducks at the park. The last time I had done this was almost 7 years ago, right after I got married. Lil' J had never seen ducks before and, like any other animal, she was pretty intrigued. She would throw them bread and watch them eat it. Then her friend would try to feed her like one of the ducks and we were one big happy bunch.

Towards the end she even held out her hand of food toward them. I did it too to make sure they weren't biting and they were pretty gentle.
Before anyone reprimands me... Yea, some lady at the park made a point to tell us bread isn't good for the ducks, so next time I'll bring vegetables.

Afterward we went to the park and she found her new favorite thing: Slides!
Her dress is from Adelaide's Boutique. I just ordered my 4th dress from there and my addiction is getting ridiculous, hence the need for sewing lessons.

Her shoes are from Cambria Laine, and her bow is a cheapo from Halo Heaven.

I loved looking at last weeks' Mini Mod links (still looking and stopping by). I just had to show you this little Carnival Diva from Hartlyn Kids! How gorgeous is she?
Visit her and show this cutie some love! And link up below so you can blog hop! Hopefully we'll get more every week!

Mommy's Idea
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)

Also linking up to:
Small Style


  1. Just love lil J! The petting zoo looks so fun. P would try to pick them up. That little carnival outfit is beyond cute!

  2. Love her little dress! So cute and colorful :)

  3. Your daughter is way too adorable!!! And your photography is sick. Thanks for sharing. I love mini-mods!! Thanks for visiting us and sharing the picture of my sweetheart in her carnival costume. We should meet up in Trinidad for carnival lol!!!

  4. THAT DRESS!! I have to have one when L is walking and bigger. How do you make the pictures in more of a collage rather than just boring old centered individual pics? It looks great.

  5. Those are Mascovi Ducks (not sure I spelled their name right but that's their name) - I love those particular ducks, we used to raise them when I was in High School...

    Your little one is growing like crazy! She's such a cutie!!

  6. I still haven't fed the ducks or geese with Moo and we have tons of them here. They're just not as gentle as the ones you all seem to have.

  7. Ahh, the cuteness! Jayda's getting so big! If I had a girl, Adelaide would have ALL my money, lol! Ruffles and pleats and colors, oh my!


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