Sunday, September 11, 2011

I normally don't do this. But since it's the 10th Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks

I thought I'd share something with you.
Patriotic Dress: Jean to Fashion
It's often I write about my life as a mom and a wannabe domestic diva, but I don't go into the other important part of my life. My life as a news reporter and anchor.

I wanted to share a 9/11 story I produced myself. From finding the story interviews, to the filming and lighting down to the writing, voicing, and editing. It's quite possibly one of my favorite stories of my career thus far.

10 years ago today I was in high school, in my broadcasting class, watching the reports of the terrorist attacks live on the news. Today, I'm on the other side of the television, living my dream and reporting and anchoring about that very event.

This story I did touches my heart because as an American, I remember how it felt that day, learning the news of the attacks, feeling vulnerable, and violated. But as a mother, I know how special this day is to Shelley and her son, who was born that very day.

Happy Birthday Christopher.

And God bless America, and the world on this day. Let's remember how we pulled together as a country and do it again.

Born on 9/11 on Vimeo.

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Where were you on September 11th 2001?
If you want to see the story with my intro, click the photo below. Or you can also click here.
My Story


  1. Jennifer! I love seeing you in action. Oh how I wish I had your job. My dream job! This story was fantastic. Well done!! Miss ya girl!

  2. Great story. One of my very good friends had her son on 9/11/01 too. I remember sitting in my hotel room and our mutual friend calling to tell me he had born. It was nice to cry some happy tears that day.

  3. That was a very good story. I was in class teaching my 6th graders when one of my colleagues informed us about the first plane. After that period was over, we were informed about the second plane. Some of my students' fathers worked in NYC and were concerned. I let those students call home to make sure that their parent was okay. Because the flights originated from my area of the country, we had friends who lost spouses on the planes. One friend, whose husband was on Flight 11, has started an annual Peace conference to commemorate the day she lost her soul mate. Very sad time here in the suburbs of Boston.

  4. I was in my entrepreneurship class. When I came in and saw what was happening on the tv, I wanted to melt down. Both my parents' families are from New York and DC. One of my cousins worked at the Pentagon. I remember that we didn't do anything in class the rest of that day.

    I couldn't wait to get home and figure out if anybody had been contact with our family from up North. Thankfully, every one was accounted for. I'm so thankful that God had his angels around my family and that my cousin was able to make it safely out of the Pentagon after the attack. So, for me and my family September 11th is a reminder for us to be thankful for family and to keep touch no matter how far apart we are.

  5. I looked at your blog a few times before you had your daughter and somehow lost the link just after she was born, major bummer :) i just rediscovered it through top baby blogs! Your little girl is so adorable, and so big! Just thought I'd stop in and say hi and a late congrats! P.S. Did I see you in a BYU orientation standards movie? (My little sis just started her freshman year there)

  6. I love the pictures you take of her and your 365 is the best. I write my baby girl emails all the time, She is due in December. For now our ritual together is me waddling around. I love it though, took a while to get to where I am so no complaints here!

  7. I was on my way to school- senior year. Heard it on the radio and then watched it almost all day at school.

  8. The link to the story with your intro isn't working (neither of them)!

  9. It was super coolio to see you in your element!!!!! I feel like I know someone famous. :-) Excellent work, btw. Great story!

  10. Great story! You're a very good reporter - I feel like I got to know you a little bit more!

  11. Jennifer, that was such a great story! I was deeply touched by it - you did a fantastic job!!! Living in NYC (when it happened and up til now) we are all so deeply affected by the events in our own, personal ways. I'm so happy you featured this family, and also really glad his parents have found a way to make he day positive and special for him.

    Btw, you look amazing!!! I love seeing you in action. :-)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)