Saturday, September 10, 2011

On the Go with Lil' J at Walmart Baby Days Sales {$50 Giveaway}

If I'm not at work, I'm usually out with Lil' J trying to find something fun to do. Monday we're going on a bike ride downtown, and Tuesday we may go swimming, or to a yoga class together. We are two girls always on the go.

I've learned how to pack her diaper bag quickly but that doesn't mean I don't usually forget something. I try to keep an extra pair of clothes, of course diapers, and some snacks on hand to keep her happy and entertained while we're out.

Watch the video below to see what we take with us on the go (and to see Lil' J's walking debut).

I love Earth's Best Yogurt Fruit Smoothies. They are tasty, don't need to be refrigerated, and easy to give to Lil' J when we're out and about. She loves them too, and if you're one of those moms who goes nuts over organic stuff, you'll be happy to know they're stamped organic by the USDA. I buy these things close to by the case full and give them to her as a breakfast snack on her way to school.

I also now have the Johnson's Take Along Pack in her diaper bag for emergencies in case I'm out and forgot to pack baby lotion, shampoo, powder, or diaper cream. Or in case a friend is in a bind and needs one of those things. It's all of those things in a travel size pack for under $3.

Growing up my family always joked that we were going to my dad's "favorite store" when wed head out to Walmart. He's a bargain shopper, and I've turned out to be the same way. I love that store. Don't hate.

Right now online is having their Baby Days sale and it continues until September 16th. So you can take advantage of even lower prices than they already offer, and get deals on things for your little ones. I took advantage and got Lil' J a new car seat. She has an infant seat and a kid seat but she needed a convertible for in-between so she can still face backwards. After reading this years car seat ratings from Consumer Reports I decided to get the Graco Comfort Sport seat. I'm not going to go into my confusion over paying $300 for seats that are rated the same or lower, but I will say that I'm stoked that I got a top rated car seat that has exactly what I was looking for for only $80. More expensive doesn't always mean better.

To make her ride more comfortable I also got her a portable DVD player ($55), and a Yo Gabba Gabba DVD ($9.96) to drive me crazy watch while we're getting where we're going.

Last but not least, I'm obsessed with As Seen on TV items, and I've been dying to try the Gyro Bowl ($12.88) and the Pillow Pet ($34.99), so I ordered Lil' J both to test out for me.

I got all but the pillow pet sent to my local store where I could pick it up without any shipping cost.

The estimated delivery date was something like two weeks away but I got them items just three days after placing my order! The pillow pet also arrived the same day to my house.

From now until September 16th you can participate in Walmart's Baby Days sales online. Also, many of the baby items (96 to be exact) qualify for free photo prints too (I personally love uploading pics to their website and picking them up at the store while I'm shopping. It's a genius idea).

I hope you enjoyed Lil' J's and my video as much as we enjoyed making it. Poor thing, I think she's going to be a talker like her mama. Future news anchor maybe? We'll see.

As stated in the video, there's a giveaway. Three winners. 
One will win a $50 Walmart Gift Card.
Another will win an Aveeno Gift Basket.
And another will win a Johnson's Baby Gift Basket. 

Leave a comment below letting me know about your on the go ritual to enter. GFC blog followers or email subscribers get an extra entry. Just leave a comment letting me know you're one. Also make sure you leave an email address so I can contact you if you win.

Giveaway ends next Saturday the 17th at 11:59pm. Good luck!

*This post is sponsored by BabyCenter in conjunction with the BabyCenter Blog Network. All prizes and compensation are provided by BabyCenter, Walmart and Johnson and Johnson. All opinions expresses, as always are my own.


  1. Your baby is sooo cute! You are so blessed to have her!

  2. As a mother to two little boys, a 1yr old and an almost 3 yr old , everything i do seems to be on the go! I also have a lot of rituals/ routines for the boys, I find it helps the day to go a lot smoother especially times like dinner and bath and bedtime. I always seem to carry snacks in my purse, sippy cups in my car and diapers in every bag, container and spot i can shove one! My sons love the baby freeze dried yougurt bites and gold fish crackers the best for snacks so we seem to stock up on those but I have yet to see a snack they won't devour! as for rituals and routines I think the most routine thing we do is bath time... my 2yr old runs naked into the bathroom to claim his spot up front by the water spout and my one year old scouts his cute naked butt behind him screaming with glee because he loves bath time. First we squeeze lots of bubbles into the bath and then add a fe toys too next we clean and scrub and wash their hair so then they can focus on playing and splashing and before they get out we brush their teeth and they love that too! I'd love to win any of the prizes you are giving away... it seems like any gift card i get is spent on them anyways and we can never have enough or too much bubble bath or snacks in our house! Here's to hoping I win..... email is Thanks and I love your blog!

  3. YAY! I am so so excited about a Walmart giveaway. Girl, I love me some Walmart--definitely no hate here! In fact, I just ordered myself a fantastic pair of Signature Levi jeans for $18.99 that actually fit, along with cozy Fall shirts and a cute dress. Addicted. ANYWAYS.

    Our on-the-go ritual is still a bit hectic and rushed. We're also a couple of gals on the town most days, and now that she's able to eat real food I can pack her a snack cup of Goldfish crackers and a sippee cup of water or juice, which is great.

    One thing I need to do is figure out a one-bag scenario for myself. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten to the checkout line and realized that I left my wallet in my purse or diaper bag... whichever bag I decided to leave home that day, of course. I have a birthday coming up, and I think my own mama just might be getting me a cute bag from Thirty One that can serve double duty for Emma and me. :)

  4. Also I am a blog follower of yours for a second chance to win!

  5. I'm also a GFC follower! Thanks for hosting a wonderful giveaway! :)

  6. Ooops! And my e-mail is spontaneousday(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. I usually grab a double sized stack of diapers since I am packing my diaper bag for my 5 month old twins. I double check to make sure that I have receiving blankets, spare onesies, an extra outfit for each of my babies, an extra pair of socks, toys, and my emergency kit (including first aid items, baby lotion, powder, etc).

    I am sure to throw in jackets and a bottle of water for myself.

    I load both babies into their carseats, grab the double snap and go stroller, and I load everything into the car. Breastfeeding saves the need to pack bottles and my babies are too young for any major solids, so for now, it is a fairly quick packing process.

    (I am an email subscriber) :)

  8. As a mother of 3 children whome are all in school i'm always on the go.My favorite thing to have are ziploc bags i keep from wipes to cookies and chips in them.I also carry around disposable toothbrushes made by colgate they come in handy,the toothpaste is already inside the brush.since i have bottle water with me most the time we brush ,rinse and run ,especially if one of us just snacked on oreos or some type of cookie and dont want to run around with that excess stuff on our another one of my fave to carry is a thermos to make me some hot tea.since i have to leave the house at 6 am and dont have time to stop and have my cup of tea.

  9. oh sorry didnt leave email address it's follower. We love your stories and your 365 letters.

  10. Well, since Nanna's been here we've lately been leaving the kiddos with her so that we can pick up the things that we need around the house. Not much of a ritual, but it works for now.... Boy oh boy the ways we're going to miss Nanna when she's gone :(.

  11. So excited to finally be entering contests for baby things now that I'm expecting!! Would love to win any of these!

  12. I like to prepare the day before as much as possible to keep things less hectic. I like to pack snacks for on the go because they are a must have! Thanks for the chance to win!! Great giveaway!

    coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

  13. I always pack the diaper bag AGAIN after I get home from my previous trip. If I used diapers I replace them, wipes and so on. I load the baby up with his favorite toys for the day, lately it has been Squidward and a rattle.

    mrsweslowski at yahoo dot com

  14. Snacks and more snacks for on the go

  15. As a mom of a two and three year old and wife of an avid mountain biker, we are ALWAYS on the go in the summer. I've learned to pack the essentials without overpacking. First, I pack a diaper bag with diapers, wipes, diaper cream, sunscreen, and a change of clothes for each kid. (I never go ANYWHERE without a change of clothes! :) Second, I make sure there are things to do in the car like read books, play with cars, color with crayons (although on super hot days I pack washable markers), and play with other little easy to pack toys. I recently made some busy bags (which I posted about on my blog) for my son to use while homeschooling my daughter - they're great for traveling too because they are compact and easy entertainment. I have yet to get a personal dvd player, but that will be a purchase soon enough. Finally, we pack enough food for snacks and lunch at all the bike races we go to. I love Annie's crackers, Archer Farms fruit snacks, and kids Clif bars for snacks. I also make sure to pack fresh fruit and veggies as well as plenty of water for all of us. I love Camelbak brand of water bottles.

  16. Our on the go ritual consists of a frantic search for between one and four pairs of shoes, a hurried breakfast, and something forgotten by the door in the rush. Which is why I stay home most days. ;0)

  17. Mine is still young enough that going out is usually a breeze (once we are able to get the diaper bag packed and get out the door).

  18. When we get ready to go with our 3 1/2 year old I make sure to pack snacks such as apple, carrots/peas in a bag and wheat thins. Then I fill a sippy cup with water. I also make sure she has a change of clothes. Finally I pack a few toys and coloring supplies. If we are going on a long trip I will pack the Portable DVD player and a few movies. If its close to nap time I will throw in her blanket too.

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  19. Also I am a blog follower of yours for a second chance to win!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

    p.s. I LOVED that video... Little J is so beautiful and loved her talking too!!

  20. I'm always late wherever I go with my 2 year old, it seems! I run around grabbing extra clothes for her, a baggy of snacks, drinks, and little toys to amuse her.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  21. I follow you in GFC and I'm an email subscriber.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  22. I always make sure I have diapers, wipes, extra change of clothes and two bottles of milk.

  23. well i'm currently pregnant so my on the go is just having to lug my belly around, but I can't wait to have my baby.. I'm sure it will be an experience then!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  24. i'm a google follower

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  25. I keep a diaper bag packed and ready to go. I keep wipes, 3 diapers(cloth) a wetbag, my camera, a snack cup, a pouch of baby food, a hat, a change of clothes, my wallet, and a few random things of mine in there. I just grab it and we go and then I try and keep it replenished. :D
    alicia morris 2008 @ gmail dot com

  26. Most of the time, I can get away with a diaper and small pack of wipes stashed in my regular purse. When baby #3 comes, I have no idea what I'm doing. I've always been bad about preparing to leave the house with the kids. If we're going to a dr appt or something, I'll bring sippy cups and some Cheerios. My church bag has notebooks and crayons, and I'll toss some Cheerios in there for the 1-yr-old each week.

  27. Generally I keep everything in the diaper bag and ready to go. I always make sure to add snacks and a sippy cup and usually my camera too.

  28. The diaper bag is always packed and ready to go. I already have premeasured out formula and 2 bottles with the right amount of water either in there already or I throw it in before we leave.

    Since it's just usually my daughter and me when we go out, it's not too hard. We just grab her bag, the carseat, and we're on our way.

  29. Im also a GFC follower

    email in case it doesn't pop up - allison (dot) enoch at gmail (dot) com

  30. Loved seeing Lil' J talking!
    (and walking too) So cute!

  31. Funnily enough, I tend to pack our diaper bag more lightly than my husband. He likes to have every contingency covered while I like to travel light. Ha!! Unusual for me in a way but after lugging that thing around I want it light. Sometimes I just throw a couple diapers and wipes in a handbag and roll with that. Snacks are usually fresh fruit or veggies, and some nuts/raisins as backup. Only drink I carry is water. I like to keep it simple! We have some books and toys in the car and change those out once in a while. Also have toys that we use at the beach/park etc like sand toys and balls. That's it.

  32. I'm an as seen on tv junkie too!! LOL. I've been dying to get Moo a frog pillow pet but that's the one that seems to sell out the most and they're like super expensive at the mall. But I'm ordering her one from online for Christmas. Can't wait until she sees it.

    And it looks like J has the whole walking thing down pat.

  33. I'm a soon to be first time mom so I'm definitely keeping these tips in mind. One thing that I keep in my car now that I think will be beneficial to may sure I stay on top of is handi-wipes and disposable garbage bags for quick cleanup of messes.

  34. I am not a mum yet but will be in 5 weeks and i can let you know about my on the go ritual :)...
    I love your blog page xx

  35. I am not a mum yet but will be in 5 weeks and i can let you know about my on the go ritual :)..
    Love your blog page

  36. I am not a mum yet but will be in 5 weeks and i can let you know about my on the go ritual :)

  37. When we leave the house I try to keep my load as light and simple as possible. Just the basics, a few diapers, wipes and spare treats/bottle. With two babies my arms are always full.

    What a fun giveaway!! Thanks!

  38. I'm expecting my first, but even without a little kid on hand I've learned that when you're pregnant you can't go anywhere without being prepared. I feel ready to pack a diaper bag already. I always need to bring a snack, a water bottle, extra socks for my swelling feet, a little pillow for my back, and a travel size toothbrush. Can't go anywhere unless that bag is packed!

    (stacielouwhoo at hotmail dot com)

  39. I subscribe to your emails!

    stacielouwhoo at hotmail dot com

  40. I seem to always forget something when on the go. Latley, if we are going as a family, my husband takes our kids (1&3) and gets them in the car while I run around getting everything we will need in the diaper bag. Cup for the little one, snacks, paci, blankie, check the diaper supply, etc.

  41. I subscribe through if not two email accounts. lol

  42. First of all...can I please just say I love, love, love your blog! It has been so much help, something I look forward to reading and so enjoyable to see how others handle situations and raise children. I love it!

    My family seems to always been on the go! With a husband in medical school - the help...although he tries...isn't always there unfortunately. He is busy...I am busy and so is everyone else! I first pack diaper bag filled with diapers, wipes, a change of clothes - sometimes for the both of us :), plenty of treats, a variety of games to keep them entertained and more! I made each of them a personal bag full of something special for each of the kids. With so many different is hard to keep them all entertained, so keeping special things each of them love works perfect! Also, personal DVD players don't hurt too! :)

  43. I have 9 month old twinsso I try toalways have a backup diaper bag in the car with all the diapering and feeding essentials

  44. I've been a subscriber for quite a while too

  45. My on the go ritual is pretty much the same. We pack his diaper bag, get him a snack and sippy cup full of water and then sing where are we going? and then sing wherever we are going. pretty simple.

    email is

  46. I also am a gfc follower and email subscriber :)

  47. I have a 1 year old boy, so I try and keep the diaper bag packed and ready to go (wipes, diapers, snack, sippee cup & a car or truck for entertainment) I also always have a snack and some wipes handy in my purse-just in case. You can never be too prepared with boys! Thanks for the chance to win! I spend A LOT of time at Walmart!
    kristen.spencerhill at

  48. I follow your blog, for the additional entry!

  49. I have a 6 month old and am always dragging her to Wal Mart (which I really don't like but regardless I find myself there all the time!!!) and the mall. She doesn't require much at this point because she's a pretty easy going kid (thankfully!!). So I just make sure I have the diaper bag stocked with wipes, diapers, bottles and On the Go packets of Similac formula. Those are ingenious!! So easy to use. I also make sure I have a changing pad, blanket and an extra onesie just in case. I learned that lesson the first time I took baby to the doctor and she had a diaper blow out. I didn't have an extra change of clothes and I had to take her home in a diaper and a little hospital like gown that the nurse gave me. Mortifying!!
    So I LUV your blog and am addicted so keep up the good work.
    email is

  50. And I follow your blog on my Blogger dashboard. Thanks!!

  51. Oh, and I have added you to my Etsy circle because I just love how you dress Lil J! She is soooo adorable! I ordered a dress from Dapple Gray that Lil J has and my daughter looks fabulous in it. Love your sense of style!

  52. If I'm just taking a quick trip, I grab diapers and wipes and a few toys to clip to the cart cover

    Demureprincess7(at)gmail(dot) com

  53. My routine is still a work in progress. Ever since having my third it's been crazy getting everything ready. I really just have to make sure I have all the baby stuff for my baby and for my 5 and 3 some water. But im still figuring it out. Hope I win.

  54. I have always been super bad about carrying too much stuff. I have twice as many diapers and wipes as I will need, same with food and formula, and I always carry two outfits. With my first, I often ended up out and about without something. My kid would have a blowout and with no new clothes, that meant we had to go home. I also always have medicines and bandaids. Literally anything I might need. My husband calls me a pack mule. :-)

  55. My on the go routine is WIPES! I kept getting caught with out them. Now I keep a pack in the car.

  56. I have a 31 zipper pouch that holds my lil one's diapers, pad, and wipes - so nice because I can just grab it and put in whatever bag I need. I have another zipper bag that has other essentials like straws, crayons, bib, comb, and hair ties. Then each morning I usually toss in some snacks and her water - goldfish and cinnamon Scooby snacks are her fav right now.

  57. I have to have Go Fish audio cds in my car as my 15 month old LOVES their music and if tired or cranky will calm down immed when he hears those Dads sing :)

    mjblog09 at gmail dot com

  58. My biggest on the go help is always having a well-stocked bag ready to go so you can just grab it walking out the door. It saves so much time just having it full and ready to go!

  59. That gyro bowl looks awesome. Now I think we need one! :)

  60. Toys, toys, and more toys! That's the key to outings with my little girl! She gets bored fairly quickly so we need lots of entertainment to keep her happy. She also loves the little mirror attached to the back seat and spends a ton of time staring at her own sweet face! It's way too cute!

  61. I have a diaper bag and anything I use I replace so it's always ready to go!

  62. I follow on GFC as bukaeyes

  63. i always have snacks in bags and books! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  64. Life on-the-go has gotten a million times easier now that my little guy is big enough for Cheerios!

    megan.howlett at gmail!

  65. I have 4 kids now and not only do I have to make sure my 3 oldest have a water bottles and snacks but I have a diaper bag full of things for my now 10 month old (sippy cup of water, snacks, toys, 3 changes of clothes, 2x's as many diapers then time I am out because she seems to do her business alot when we travel anywhere, wipes, diaper cream and now I have to have teething gel and a frozen teething ring, well not frozen but darn near to keep her happy)....

  66. Luckily my daughter is almost 8 now so I just ask what she wants to take and it's not a huge deal :P

  67. Follow on GFC

  68. My on the go ritual now is to always grab an extra set of clothes, some snacks, and mini water bottles for my 3 kids!

  69. What a fun giveaway! Our on the go ritual is always a hectic/frantic one...haha. I've tried to put a clothes basket in the back to keep soccer stuff/swimming stuff/snacks/basic baby supplies so that wherever we're going or wherever we might end up...we'll always have a good supply in case we forgot something...which seems to happen A LOT!

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  70. I'm a follower - yay! :)

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  71. I love Walmart! I have to buy my 4 year old all her pants from there because they are the only store that fit her! She's skinny and tall so their little big girl sizes are great for her!

  72. I have my diaper bag already filled and just refill things that have run out, i.e. diapers and wipes. Then I grab her pacifier and go. It's pretty quick.

  73. I do not yet have an on-the-go ritual, but I will in 2 months when my baby arrives!

    onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

  74. As a mom of a 2-month old and a 20-month old, a stocked diaper bag is a MUST! I always make sure an extra outfit for each of the babes is in tow, as well as snacks and the same smoothie things from your video! You can never be too prepared :-)

  75. Honestly the best on-the-go tip I can give anyone with kids of any age (or husbands for that matter) is to keep baby wipes in your purse. At least one kid out of my three has some mystery sticky substance on them at all times!

  76. My routine is to have the diaper bag packed and ready to go the night before!

  77. My on-the-go routine is to grab everything we could possibly need and take it with us! Especially for events that are like my sister's wedding last week!
    hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

  78. GFC follower - emillie.
    hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

  79. I always pack as though we will be gone for the day, I pack several snacks, gerber graduates dinners, juice and water, 1st aid kit and toys

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  80. google follower

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  81. I am always toting around tons of stuff since I have a 16 month old little boy! I feel like my arms are always full and it is hard to get out of the house on time as well. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. I am an e-mail Subscriber!
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  83. Hello, I really don't have a on the go story to tell yet, I am due in May with my first child, but I would guess that I will back everything but the kitchen sink? lol This is a great giveaway and I would like to be considered to win one. Thank you, Molly Bussler

  84. I subscribed by email - Molly Bussler -

  85. I pack snacks, sippy cup, 2 or 3 diapers and some wipes and an extra outfit. In the colder months I pack an extra jacket and blanket. raenyone at gmail dot com

  86. I am a GFC follower.

    raenyone at gmail dot com

  87. Hi! We do water and raisins or fruit leathers in the car. It helps him get into his seat without argument or complaint! We're not big on music or noise, so we mostly just talk and look at things around us.

  88. what a great giveaway! I try so hard to remember everything I will need when I am out but I always seem to forget. I now leave my diaper bag in my car and stuff a diaper pouch in my purse...I try to always remember his sippy cup with water. Don't want to dehydrate the little guy!!
    jen@afterthealter dot com

  89. I'm a GFC blog follower! :)
    jen@afterthealter dot com

  90. I have simplified our on the go! I use a much smaller diaper ag now than I did before. It makes my life so much easier! I was carrying all th lotions and creams and everything. Not any more! I carry snacks, sometimes lunch, juice, a couple emergency purees fruit packs, diapers, wipes, a burp cloth, a onesie, a bib, sticky place mats, diaper disposal bags,spoons, and a hair brush. It all fits in my tiny Winnie the Pooh bag. Love it!

  91. OK so somehow I ran across your twitter page, then read and liked your blog, and pics on FB then I saw lil J on etsy and got excited like I actually knew her needless to say I'm a fan ; )
    I have a 3month old and a 5year old. I have a organizer that straps to my seat in the car with diapers wipes and even extra clothes in it just in case I forget to refill the diaper bag I keep in the car! I have snacks and blankets in my car as well. You just never know what you'll need with two mini divas in the backseat... oh did I mention the endless supply of lipgloss in the middle console!

  92. When my daughter was a baby I always had diapers, wipes, a couple changes of clothes, snacks, sippy cup, and toys in my bag for her. But she loves to shop, like me. So she's never been real fussy or anything when in town! She's my little shopping buddy!~

  93. We don't really have a routine. I don't have a diaper bag, I think it's cheesy. I just shove stuff into my oversized handbag and then off we go. Our stroller pod has the necessary stuff which is always in the car... Usually we don't really need anything.

  94. email address for mishu is

  95. I keep a small diaper bag in the car along with a organizer that straps to Emmy seat that I keep diapers wipes and extra clothes! Since I have a a 3 month old and 5 year old I keep snacks inside the diaper bag as well there is also a small blanket for cold nights and mornings when they still wanna snuggle! And since I have two mini divas I have a stash of lipgloss in the middle console!

  96. my on the go ritual, is to make sure bag is packed with diapers and extra change of clothes, and extra juice. o and also snacks, plenty of them.

  97. i am a gfc follower / kIM c

  98. We pack up her fav blankie and some sort of electronic. Either my nook or ipod :)

  99. My bag is always ready to go with wipes, diapers, snacks and water. I only have one so it is easy to leave the house real quick.
    BTW Jen you are the cutest mom ever!

  100. my bag is always ready to go with diapers, wipes, a snack, and water. Having only 1 kid makes it super easy to get out quick.

  101. I have to make sure that I have everything that I need before I go out the door. Paula C.

  102. GFC Follower - Paula C.

  103. Email subscriber - Paula C.

  104. TWO diaper bags, a stroller for EACH car, more baby wipes than I ever can envision using, and always a small safe to eat snacks for along the way. with 4 kids, you just learn a rhythm and go with it!

    I have two diaper bags, one in the car and one for re-loading to take back out to the car. (Yes I do forget them! And always have an emergency shoe box sized rubbermaid with a change of clothes/diaper/wipes/sanitizer in each car near the spare tire just in case). Power bars and ketchup packets travel in the glove box for other said emergencies, and empty sippy cups adorn my car seat pockets.

    Stroller because they'll sit strapped in to that, but not a shopping cart, and momma doesn't chase toddlers around a store. No thanks! Snacks on the tray, and drinks...we're good to go.

  105. also blog follower :) Should give you my email info when I leave a comment right? I don't want to post it publicly. Thanks!

  106. Hmm... I think my on-the-go ritual consists of keeping everything I might ever need in one bag and trying to remember to take that bag with me when I go out!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  107. I'm a GFC follower!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  108. I make sure I have everything I need on the kitchen table. Then all items either get moved to my purse or the chair by the garage door. If I have large items, or really really important items to go; they get put in the car the night before. Then I know I didn't forget them

  109. I follow GFC


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)