Friday, September 9, 2011

Mini Mod #3: Thrift Store Dress and GIANT Bows!

I can't believe I haven't posted since Monday. But I kind of can. Especially since I've worked about 100 hours the past two weeks and seriously thought I was pregnant. It would have been a big shock to you and me but I'm happy to say I'm not with-spawn. I did buy 50 pregnancy test on Amazon for $9 to keep any future freakouts at bay.

Anyway, welcome to my third week of Mini Mod posts! It's a chance to show off your kiddos sporting your favorite styles, and share where you shop. Link up below so others can visit you. If you want, link back here or grab the button to do so more can find it and link up too.
Dress via Savers; Bow via Izzy Diane's Bowtique
Lil' J may be getting some more teeth, or something because she did not have a happy day at school today. Her teacher told me she cried most of the day which broke my heart. She was grumpy in the morning and I worried she may have a bad day. I dropped off some milk halfway through the day and just missed her in the hallway (purposely, if she had seen me, her pleasant mood would have turned sour).

Even though I'm working just as much I feel like I see her less. Maybe it's because when my husband was with her it felt like I was with her. I could call when I wanted, received picture texts, skype with her, or even drop by. Now I go a full eight hours without seeing her.
Lil' J's shoes via Immanuel's Closet; Her skirt: Gifted; Her Shirt: My Natural Baby Boutique; My Shirt: Gifted
I've been trying to make our time together more worthwhile. The weather cooled about 20 degrees the past week and we've been outside almost every day since.

Labor Day we went to a mini water park with some friends of ours, and next week I want to take her on her first bike ride.

We've also enjoyed going out and playing at parks. Her cute little striped dress is from Savers. It was only $2.99. I am extremely picky and pretty thrifty with her clothes, and when I saw this dress I couldn't pass it up. Then it happened to match this bow perfectly!
I didn't think I would like over-the-top bows but Izzy Diane's are just stunning. We have three! She wore this pink and brown one to school this week and got so many compliments. You wouldn't believe it but she kept it on all day.

People keep telling me "Enjoy it while she wears the bows, soon she'll be pulling them off like my daughter did" but ya know what? So far so good. Maybe putting them on her from an hour after birth had something to do with it. I dunno.

Hope you'll link up your cuties again this week! I enjoyed looking through yours last week. One of my favorites was this little cutie on Being Mrs. Jones. Stop by and show some love to this adorable little one and her mommy!

Mommy's Idea
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)
Don't forget to link up and visit each other. I'll be stopping by:

Also linking up to:
Small Style


  1. I have been told the same thing about my daughters headbands. She's now 18 months, has never pulled them out. We love our big flower-headbands, but I've recently started putting in the simple side clip bows. She loves wearing them, I often find her wearing 5 around the house and in case I leave the house without one, I have a backup always in the car!

  2. My daughter is nearing 4 and she knows we don't leave the house without a bow. LOL She had them on from day one as well and never ever tried to pull them off. Lil J will surely be the same way.

  3. I love your pictures and she is too cute!

  4. LOVE the big bow! I can't believe she wore it all day. If she is wearing that to school not, she is going to shut it down in kindergarden! I don't have any pictures to link up this week : ( I will be back next week!

  5. Aww she is sooo freakin' cute!! I used to love your blog - I found it when you were pregnant and then I was offline for a long time and couldn't remember the names of the blogs I followed lol. Sooo glad to have found this one ;) I am not a huge fan of huge bows either but that was is super cute! I give you HUGE kudos for being a working mama ;)

  6. I love thrifting! You'd be amazed at all the good things you can find for cheap. Love the bow. And I'm placing a custom order with Christina for her to make a bow to match Moo's birthday outfit. We're going with a Princess and the Frog theme.

  7. She is super cute!! I love the bows..haven't been here since you were pregnant..

  8. Love love love the bow and the sweet little girl underneath it!


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