Tuesday, October 18, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 38

I've gotten behind in uploading my 365 love letters and with less than 100 days left I didn't want to quit now.

Though I've been taking photos for this project daily, I haven't been the best at editing these letters and uploading them online. But I love the feedback I get when I share these, and knowing others are enjoying them too.

Normally when I get behind on editing these, I wait until I catch up and can upload them all in one big batch, but I knew that could take a awhile, so as I finish editing these I'm uploading them in the weeks they were taken. I have my calendar filled in with the photos I've taken and I hope to be caught up by the end of the week. A few of these may look familiar... I got a couple of my dates mixed up in my last post and had to re-edit some. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be back to uploading one a day before bed like I did at the beginning of the year. It's much more fun and exciting that way.

I think my favorite in this batch is either 267 or 265.

Which do you like best?


  1. Aww...how cute! She's getting big. Huge Stevie Wonder fans over here too!

  2. Hello! I am a new follower of yours. Actually, i've been following you for awhile, but just recently got a blog of my own. I love the 365 day pictures! I wish I would have thought of that! It will be wonderful when she is older to sit down and look at those together. What a wonderful memory.

  3. I just love these letters! I like 267, 266 and 258 (last one). I want to have a tea party!

  4. Day 266 :Got me thinking… very true.. { and all the “ ladies” in the picture look super adorable}

  5. I love them all! Great pictures!

  6. #267. :D They are all awesome though! This is one of my favorite things on your blog. I need to do this for my daughter and son. Maybe someday I will find the time for that- yikes!

  7. I LOOOOOVEE Day 266! Its so true and as a female you will come in contact with gossip very early on. All of the lil ones outfits in the photo are sooooo stinkin cute! I love the letters (Been checking the blog out for a long time now) an I hope I remember to do this when I have a child. Great Job :)

  8. What inspired your love letters? This is a beautiful and creative idea, will you print them and bind them for your daughter?

  9. LOVE them ALL! BUT 258 is my fav! The colors and lil J's smile are GORGEOUS!!

  10. the clothes she wears are soooooooooo cute i can't even stand it!!!!!!!!!! best. baby. fashion. EVER.

  11. My heart just melts...... Beautiful moments.

  12. #266 - Um, why is she the CUTEST child I've ever seen?! That little ruffly outfit is killing me. Where did you get it?

  13. That gossip one is too true unfortunately. Great one for the future!!! And 262 and 259 have my heart.

  14. I LOVE IT!! Your daughter is gorgeous and you can feel the love in every picture. I'm hooked :)


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