Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mini Mod #9: My Baby Loves Fashion {and Lollipop Moon Giveaway)

One thing I love about my daughter--Ok, I love everything about my daughter, but one thing I really love is the fact that she will wear and love just about anything I put her in--With the exception of some hats. But that's ok because I'm not a huge hat fan either. I have my days, and so does she. Other than that, she will prance around in cowgirl boots, tutus, giant headbands, what have you, and not bat an eye.

Not only that, she'll bring them back to be when I take them off. And now, when I grab a bow and hold it toward her to see if it will match her outfit, she reaches to her head as if to say "hey mom, it goes up here!"

That's my girl!

Welcome  to Mini Mod! My weekly linky where you show off  up your stylish kiddo!
Strangers always say things to me like "Oh, enjoy it now, soon enough she'll be pulling those bows out" or "My daughter used to wear bows, I miss those days." I'm not sure how old their kids were or if they know how old my daughter is but if she doesn't want to wear something, she lets me know already. There's no protest on her behalf.

Others ask me how in the world she manages to keep them in. "Why doesn't she pull them out?" they ask. I have no explanation--Except perhaps, the fact that she's had something on her head or in her full head of hair since moments after birth.
That's my girl!

If she grows up and turns into a tomboy, so be it. We'll just have to make sure she's a fashionable tomboy. But for now, I'm glad when I put her in something as pink and frilly as this, she can look back at me and give me this face.

What she's wearing:
Baby Love Pettiskirt and Onesie: New at Lollipop Moon
Pink Clippie: Crafted by Mommy

Want it?
Lollipop Moon is one of my favorite online boutiques. They carry all sorts of adorable baby lines including Lollipop Moon, MudPie and One Posh Kid. I'm already scoping out their holiday sales for Lil' J's Christmas wardrbobe. They were one of the first boutiques to do a promotion with me and the continue to be so sweet to my readers and I. The owner is once again offering a $25 gift card to one of you.

To enter use the giveaway form below. Don't worry, giveaways won't be taking my blog over, I'll be doing a select few. And I'm not going to offer a million different ways to enter. This is a new fun way I hope to administer giveaways going forward, to make it easier and more fair for everyone.

I'm bringing some giveaways back to my blog (but not becoming a "giveaway blog"). If you have an item you think fits the concept of my blog you'd like to have considered for a review or giveaway please email me.

Can't wait to blog hop and see what you share this week. Link up above!

Mini Mod
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)


  1. My children are still so young I can dress them in anything but I love for them to look stylish :)

  2. My one year old loves just about anything I put on her, but is definitely partial to frills and poofs! lol
    My 11 year old is in her tween stage and some kid fashions are a bit too "kiddie" for her. We manage to find things that work though.

  3. My almost-10-month-old boy doesn't care much for fashion, but neither do I. He'd rather go pantsless!

  4. I really wish M would still leave bows in her hair!

  5. I keep trying to lean towards more fashionable outfits, but baby girl loves her comfy clothes! If she's in a good mood, she totally doesn't mind a headband, but it's easy to see that she's more interested in playing than wearing cute clothes. And I'm okay with that :)

  6. my 4 year old loves to pick out all her clothes. not sure it all matches but she has pretty good taste.

  7. My little girl is a few weeks younger than yours and wears just about anything we put on her. When she's with daddy (sine I'm a teacher) she's usually in pj's or comfy clothes when I get home. headbands or hats are a no go around here these days!!

  8. My kid thinks fashion is a combination of tutus and house slippers lol. Much to learn!

  9. Love all the bows! My daughter is only 7 months old but I get asked all the time too how I manage to keep the bows on her!

  10. My daughter is nearly 4 and still wears bows no problem! I think you will be just fine in that regard :-)

  11. My baby girl isn't a fan of being all dressed up yet, but hopefully she will be soon!

  12. Violet loves wearing bows, sunglasses,and bracelets. I think she's developing my attraction to all things girly.

  13. Little L loves whatever I put on her so far, but she is only 4 months TODAY!!! YAY!

  14. My almost 12 month old will wear bows bur not headbands! I wish she was as easygoing as your little one. I have also been putting them on her since birth. :)

  15. I think my little boy could care less. He probably doesn't even care if I put clothing on him. My little princess isn't quite old enough to have a say yet, but I'm hoping she'll be girly and colorful!! :)

  16. My daughter is almost 2 so she isn't quite into fashion. I still try to give her a choice everyday about an item she wears. Today it was choosing between the "cute shirt" or the "witch shirt"... she goes "Mama, cute shirt!" That's how fashion rolls around here

  17. My daughter doesn't care about her clothes one bit and she started pulling bows out of her hair about the same time she started walking. But I keep her in cute clothes anyway (since she doesn't care it works out, haha).

  18. I don't know if my first comment went through or not (darn smartphones..) but their stuff is too cute!

  19. My daughter has had a head full of hair from the begining and she will keep bows in her hair too!

  20. Loving the outfit, especially the shirt with heart made of fabric roses.

  21. My kids too little to have a fashion opinion, but I love to dress her up! She is sadly one of those babies who likes to rip bows from her hair, even though she too has worn them since birth .:(

  22. My daughter is 6 months old and she doesn't really care what I put on her! Yay! Haha. She doesn't like pants after several hours, but she loves skirts, which is fine by me! =]

  23. Really hoping our new baby is a girl so I can shop at this fun little shop again! My 8yr old is wanting to make her "own" fashion decisions these days, so I'd love to have someone I can dress up again, lol!

  24. My kids, other than the baby, would have everything in fashion if I would buy it!! They want it all!

  25. I think this is my favorite outfit I have ever seen her in! I am dying over all the pink and ruffles! Soo cute!
    She will just love all of the pics you take of her once she is older :) and I agree... Tomboys can be fashionable too ;)

  26. So not fair....clothes were not that cute when my Jackie was a little one. If I could get Jackie to wear a tutu (at 15 years old she would kill me for even trying), I would enter. Alas, all I can do is wish all of you lucky moms good luck.

  27. I have so much fun with kid fashion. Serenity LOVES dressing up too so she makes it even more fun! She thinks it so cool when I sew outfits or buy - as long as it's fun and girly - oh and she thinks it's especially wonderful if it SPARKLES too!!

    Thanks for the Giveaway!!

  28. My daughter is only 4 months old so it's easy to put her in anything I want at this point. She doesn't have a problem with headbands - I generally just forget about them. I can't until her hair is longer so I can start using all the adorable clips that we have!

  29. My kids are still pretty young so I get to have fun and dress them in about anything I want.
    BTW- Your daughter is gorgeous :)

  30. Super cute pics like always! My ll month old will wear head bands most of the time too... but she takes them out when she gets tired. I hope she always stays the girly girl I want her to be!

  31. My little one is still cooking but come February I plan to have her in dresses too! I have heard many say it won't last but I grew up in dresses and still love them, so there's hope!

  32. My daughter Gemma is the same way, She loves shoes,and will keep them on all day if i let her! It's so much different than when my son was a baby,he hated shoes.

  33. my little one pretty much wears what I pull out but has gotten more into "characters" as she has gotten older ;) but she loves having her nails done and doing her hair!

  34. My daughter used to wear anything in her hair. Around 9 months, she started pulling out bows, head bands, rubber bands, etc. She is finally starting to leave bows in again, at 18 months! I'm so glad! I think the bow makes the outfit!

  35. This is sooo cute. I love it..She's so adorable. I found ya blog hopping around to meet new blogger's and I'm officially following ya with smiles.. I'm Marilyn from The ArtsyGirl Connection..:))

    PS: I am hoping you could join in and hopefully participate in "Project Pink Blog Day" Please check out this post of mine, I would LOVE to have you be a part of my Project Pink Blog Day if it fits your schedule.. "All blogger's going pink a day for "breast cancer" -- Wishing you a lovely weekend..

  36. My daughter will still wear anything I put on her, but I generally give her a choice between 2 things. She'll grab one and I'll dress her in that.

    Oh and hats and bows are hit or miss.

  37. My kids love dressing up and trying different things. I have a 10 year old, a 6 year old, a 3 year old, and a 7 month old. Hopefully my 7 month old will continue to love being primped by mommy. Thanks for the great giveaway :)

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  38. LOVE this set of pics oh so and Lil J are SO FAB!!!!!


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