Monday, November 21, 2011

DIY DSLR Camera Lens Puppet {Tutorial}: What I'm Makin' Monday

I sometimes do the craziest things to get my toddler to laugh while I'm photographing her. At times I run and jump over her then turn to snap the photo, sometimes I sing songs or make funny noises, and sometimes I threaten to tickle her. I usually don't have to do much though cause she's one happy girl.
Ruffle sweater dress: Re-purposed by mommy (tutorial); Shoes: Immauel's Closet; Bow: Simple Little Things
I have a fun little butterfly lens puppet from Tiny Tots boutique, and I've been meaning to attempt to make my own for some time now. The other day she saw my butterfly one outside of my camera bag and took it to my camera and tried to put it on. She's quite the clever one. It gave me the push to surprise her with a new one.

I decided to go with her favorite Seaseme Street character: Elmo. Without using a red scrunchy, and using things I already had around the house.

What you'll need:
1. Red fabric (probably something soft and simple like cotton. I didn't feel like going to get some so I used some thrifted red velvet fabric I've had stashed for a year. You could even use a piece of an old red t-shirt you don't need anymore)
2. White and orange felt
3. Black buttons
4. 1/4in elastic (or cord elastic would work).
5. Scissors
6. Hot glue
7: Needle and thread
8. Sewing machine/thread if you want to sew it, or iron-stitch if you want a no-sew version
Step 1: Cut the fabric out. I cut mine 17in long and 4.5in wide.
Step 2: Cut the eyes and nose out, the eyes in circle shapes and the nose in an oval shape.
Step 3: Cut the elastic. I cut mine about 10in long to fit all of my lenses, some with lens hoods.
Step 4: Fold the fabric in half hotdog style with the outsides facing each other (inside out) then sew down the side of the fabric (or use iron stitch here and iron down the edge for no-sew version).

Step 5: Flip the strip right side out.
Step 6: String the elastic through by using a bobby pin, or just sliding it down through.
Step 7: Sew the elastic ends together, (or tie it together if using elastic cord or doing a no-sew version).
Step 8: Tuck one end of the fabric tube into the other then sew the two ends of the fabric together, making it like a scrunchy. (If doing a no sew version, iron another piece of iron stitch here).
Step 9: Map out where you want the eyes and nose placed on the scrunchy before gluing, maybe place it on your lens first to see how it will all look. Then hot glue eyes and nose on the scrunchy.
Step 10: Sew the "eyeballs" or buttons on using a needle and thread.

Go take pictures of your little one and watch their face light up at your funny-looking camera.
TADAAAA! Love it? She does!

If this is too daunting, there are other etsy shops like this one, who sell a version of these. 

Would love to see your creations, craft, food, or just bragging about something you've done!

Feel free to grab the button so others can know to share their craft ideas.
What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)


  1. I'm not that crafty, but I look forward to your tutorials. Great idea!

  2. Awesome! Fable is a huge Elmo fan, so I might have to do this. I showed her your pictures and she was already laughing!

  3. She really is a happy girl!! I really admire your ability to make things: I don't think i'm that good with my hands. Haven't tried though. I just might. Thanks for the lesson!

  4. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of DSLR do you photograph with? I am in the market to get one and am doing my research, as wells as getting opinions on the cameras that people already know and work with.

    And of course, here is a link to my post today on my blog :-)

  5. I soooo need to BUY one of these. Cause let's be honest....THIS momma is not making one. hehehehe...they are too cute though.

  6. DH just bought me a DSLR for Christmas and I'm SO making this for Nia - she LOVES "Melmo" as she calls him. Thanks for sharing!


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