Friday, November 18, 2011

Mini Mod #13: Toddler Poncho and Animal Print Dress

I'm happier than I've been in a long time. Maybe ever. And this little one and her daddy are the cause of it all. I could go on wish gushyness but I'll spare you for now and just leave it at the plain and simple fact that I'm blessed.
Continuing my weekly edition of Mini Mod, where we link up and show off our kids and their cute clothes here's a piece of her fall wardrobe.

I am starting to get the hang of sewing, if everything gos according to plan I may be able to show off a variety of Christmas outfits I make for Lil' J next month. Then, after I master that, maybe crocheting is next. I'd love to be able to make her a cute poncho like this someday. Anyone crochet and know how hard these are to make?
I got this cute one from CrochetPlay. Love this store! I have two of her dresses and a few of her bows too. If you order a dress from her tell her I sent you and she'll throw in an extra bow!

Lil' J's dress is by MudPie and I got it from Lollipop Moon, as you already know by now, is one of my favorite online boutiques. They have some of the best deals on MudPie and I love their funky holiday lines.

Her shoes are from Classic Kids in Oregon, they were gifted by a friend of mine at EVO and I was so excited that she can finally fit her feet in them. If you live in Oregon check them out, they're having a HUGE sale through Christmas.

And her sweet little clippie is from Cambria Laine.

What did your kiddos wear this week? Link up!

Happy Friday!

PS: Lil' J pooped in the toilet this week. If you don't follow me on Facebook you may not know but you cna read all about it on my BabyCenter blog.

Mini Mod
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)


  1. Once you get a good reference for learning to crochet, please post!! I've been wanting to crochet a poncho for V as well. onto the post. I love the color of the poncho and her sweet little dress. I'm a big fan of the green/brown combo!

  2. I love her entire outfit, but I really love those cute little shoes that match so well!! :-)

  3. What an adorable outfit!! She is rocking that outfit!

    A little poncho isn't hard to crochet and doesn't take long at all. If you want to learn to crochet - youtube is your best bet. There are TONS of helpful videos you can watch. Here's one:

    I love the poncho your little girl is wearing and while it looks very easy to make, I'm not totally sure where to get that particular pattern. It may be on that CrochetPlay created herself - it is very cute! Here is a list of free poncho patterns that you might find useful:

    Hope this has been helpful and good luck learning to crochet!!

  4. Love the outfit, but the giraffe print is to die for! LOVE IT!!!!


  5. What an adorable outfit! Crocheting is very easy to learn, and a child's poncho like Lil J's would be a good project to do once you've learned working in rounds, and the granny square.

    I've been crocheting since the age of 8, and have loved every minute of it! I can only hope that when my little one is old enough I can pass this art form over to her :-)

  6. Cuteness that your daughter has a poncho!! So cute!!!

  7. Have I ever mentioned how I adore her curls...!?! Oh, I have!?! :)

  8. What a delightful child! She looks so well bread, too. Congratulations. May God bless her with all of His gifts, and may He grant you and your family many-many years of love and joy.


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