Friday, February 10, 2012

Lil' J says...

My sister-in-law wanted to hear her talk so I recorded and sent her this video.


  1. awww I LOVE her little voice!! So precious. You must do more videos of her cuteness..

  2. Love hearing little ones learn how to talk. Thanks for sharing with all of us too! :)

  3. if cute could kill i'd be dead as a doornail right now! lol her little voice is adorable, especially her animal impressions! i can't wait to hear how my daughter's voice will sound when she actually begins to say words other than "uh-oh" "ba-ba" and "mama"...not that those aren't great too :)

  4. awww...super cute lil' baby voice! my little one is almost a year. hard to imagine him actually talking!

  5. Awww She's the cutest baby girl ever! I love this. More videos please!

  6. Oh my, super cute! Love the jammies too!

  7. Love the video! She's doing great! My so does the same thing- "dog" ("dah") is always followed by "woo woo woo"!

  8. A-DORABLE! I love seeing her little personality develop through videos and pictures!

  9. Oh I could just die. She is so cute. I'm so glad I got to finally meet her last month. What a darling peanut she is. Those thighs in those pjs... just too much!

  10. the sweetest thang. EVAH!!!! lol. Seriously though.

  11. Love how her lil nose squishes up. She is adorable. Love it.

  12. Cute, can't believe you got hubby in the frame as well :P

  13. She is so stinkin' cute I love! Made me smile:)

  14. Jay is saying the exact same things, mostly the same way:) Fun to hear how similar thier talking patterns are.

  15. OOOOOOh my God!!!! this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute :o) she is soooo sweet, i want to hug her awwwwwwwwww

  16. Oh my gosh, she is SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!!!!!! All of her cute little words and facial expressions remind me of my Emmma when she talks. :) I love it!!!!!

  17. awww she is so scrumptious!!! I love how she looks like a lovely cocktail of both you and your hubby! Also, I love how big and expressive her mouth is when she speaks - SO cute!!! That's where that gorgeous smile comes from. Keep up the good work Mummy and Daddy!!!!


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