Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines t-shirt dress: What I'm Makin' Monday

Sorry my Makin’ Monday post is a little late this week. I was hoping to craft more last week but all I had time to make was this Valentines t-shirt dress. Here’s my t-shirt dress tutorial in case you want to make one too. I made the obi sash to match using a pattern from Dizzy LizzieBoutique. I made the matching rosette bow headband too with tulle and scrap fabric. There are lots of rosette tutorials but if you want I can do one for making something like this.
I used my ruffle foot for this dress, and it attached the ruffle while ruffling at the same time. Very cool and easy.  I’m making one more Valentines dress for her to wear to her party at school tomorrow, along with some heart-shaped cookie pies today I hope. Lil’ J is going to help me make the cookies. Surprisingly this girl loves to work in the kitchen!

Are you working on any crafts or cooking? I'm trying to get a feel for how many of my readers are domestically challenged like myself.


  1. I LOVE this dress, and the headband is just too adorable. It's really so impressive to me all of the cute dresses you sew. Do you have any tips for someone like me who has used a sewing machine a few times with minimal success? Seriously, I've made an apron that looked okay-ish, a felt pillow that was nothing to brag about, and a few baby leg warmers using knee-high socks. I would LOVE to be able to work up to something like this, but I don't even know where to begin!

    Oh, and your daughter is way too cute for words. :)

  2. She is always precious, and you are fab!!! To the U.LOUS! :) ha. I love it. We have cute {purchased} outfits for today and tomorrow. And I baked, ready????? About 80 cookies yesterday and bagged them up. Yes, I am nuts. Yes, I made sure NO nuts were in the cookies. Whew....not very crafty, but busy, indeed.

  3. Kim, the link to my tutorial in this post walks step by step through making one of these. I promise it's not hard. I may do another one tonight when I make another dress to see if I can make it more clear, and add a video for the ruffle foot. Trust me, if I can sew, ANYONE can. I just started sewing a few months ago :)

  4. Are you kidding me? This is so CUTE! I wish I could make that. But I was horrible in home ec when it came to sewing so I quit while I was ahead years ago. LOL

    Nope, not baking. Not crafting. I'm very undomestic. Baby girl might get to play with some cool whip for Val. Day. But that's the big sum of my plans.

  5. Before I share, I'd like to say that the dress you made for Valentine's Day is adorable. I've completed 2 hats since last Monday. Today, while my daughter was in her pre-op appointment, I started another hat. (She is getting a cyst removed from her wrist next Wednesday.) I hope to complete 3 more hats by Sunday and have the strings embedded so that I can give it to a friend who volunteers at a homeless shelter. She can then give the hats to those who need them

  6. so super cute! If I have a girl next, I'm totally learning how to sew...your daughter is quite the photogenic beauty :)

  7. SO adorable!! My friend just lent me her sewing machine and I'm attempting to learn how to sew- but for now it's just been a few burp clothes but gotta start somewhere!

  8. She's a doll! I love the fabric and the entire dress, wonderful work Jen. I would love it if you would post a fabric flower tutorial. All the ones I've seen look too hard for me to figure out yet I would love to learn how to make them.

  9. I L-O-V-E ITTT!!!! and yes, please do a tutorial for her cute head piece! She is adorable as always :D and the dress is beautiful! !!

  10. I love this dress and your daughter is such a cutie! I would love for you to do a tutorial on the headband too.

    I got a sewing machine for Christmas, but it's still in the box! I need to get busy.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. She looks like a doll! Adorable outfit, as always! I've yet to get my valentines post up, I'll do it tomorrow, but yea I've been cooking more new things. (thanks to pinterest)

  12. Making dresses like that means you are no longer allowed to call yourself domestically challenged, girl! Great job!

    And I love her bow/headpiece/headband thingie. It looks like a fascinator! :-)

  13. Very cute! I love it. I think this might be favorite of all you've made!

    By the way, I'm not sure you can refer to yourself as domestically challenged anymore when you're making such fab dresses and headbands!

    I am trying to cook more, but craftiness and kitchen creativity just doesn't come naturally to me!

  14. Cute!Lil J is wearing that dress! I can not craft worth a flip. When I was way younger I remember making things, I even had a sewing machine. I have no idea where all that knowledge went. I think I traded crafting for cooking!

  15. i love this dress, you are getting so good at lil j clothes making

  16. I am head over heels in love with this dress. I'm trying to find something like it now for my daughters first birthday shoot in March!

  17. I'm dying to know how you made that headband!!


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