Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Red Velvet Valentines Cream Cookies Recipe (seriously, I can't believe I pulled this off) and other Valentines stuff

Ok, so remember those cookies I shared that I pinned from Pinterest awhile back? Actually they may have been whoopie pies or something like that. I was planning to make my own version by making small heart-shaped cupcakes then smuching them together with icing, but when I bought the red velvet cake and turned the box over I saw a recipe for cream cookies so I adapted it a bit (because my lack of ingredient and skill, not because I'm cool and know how to do that) and they turned out great!

So here's what I used:
1 Box of Duncan Hines Red Velvet Cake Mix
1 Medium Egg
1 Spoonful of vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter
1 Can of cake frosting
Baking instructions:
1. Melt the butter in the microwave. I heated and mixed about 3 times 8 seconds each time.
2. Mix the egg, cake mix, vanilla and butter together. It's going to be SUPER SUPER sticky. Then use your hands and mix some more. Expect your hands to turn red and for it to be unbearably sticky.
3. Make it into a big ball and wrap it in plastic wrap and stick it in the fridge for at least an hour. Overnight is ok too. I left it in there for about an hour and a half.
4. Take it out of the fridge, unwrap, and flatting it out a bit, use a cookie cutter to cut out heart-shapes (or circles, or whatever you want, but I did this for Valentines Day of course so I used hearts). Place the cut outs on a greased cookie sheet (or wax paper, but I don't have any).

5. Bake in oven on 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
6. Let cool, then spread icing on one half of the cookie and smush another half on top.


They are so yummy and were a hit at Lil' J's school. I'm honestly still shocked that I made these. Because I don't do so well in the kitchen. Lil' J on the other hand already LOVES to help. She helped me press the cookie cutter into the dough and she even handed one she made on her own to me while I was arranging them on the baking sheet (the one in the middle).
I was so behind I rushed and made her one last Valentines dress to make to school today. I used a thrifted shirt from Goodwill and some clearance fabric I had bought for the occasion. I didn't have time to make a cute sash, but I did made a new record and finished this (with Lil' J in my lap) in about 30 minutes flat. I've never put the pedal to the metal like that but we were in a hurry trying to make it to her school party.
It's not my favorite dress I've made for her. I wanted to add some shirring to the bodice but didn't have time. But it's ok for her just wearing it once. And the top is a 3T size so perhaps next year she can wear it as a tunic top.
I took her to her class party this afternoon and my husband got off work a few hours early so we went out for an early diner date at Olive Garden, and then went to the shooting range. It was my first time shooting a gun but I didn't do so bad.
He bought my my favorite--Chocolate covered strawberries, and there was a sweet red rose inside (of course reminding me of the episode of Once Upon a Time I just watched!!!).
So the day turned out to be a blast. Sadly I couldn't find heart shaped cake pans (ok well I finally found one at Target but wasn't willing to pay $30 for the stupid thing. Why does Target think they can charge so much for the same old stuff?) so I settled for the cookie cutters, but it worked out well.

I'm about to down some more strawberries then climb in to bed early. I hope you had a fantastic day. I'd love to hear about it. If you blogged it link me, or just share in the comments.
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  1. Those whoopie pies look so cute! We used the same cake mix but just did a regular cake (DH's request!). Here's Nia in the Cutie Pa outfit she won (thank you again!): http://www.harlemlovebirds.com/2012/02/happy-valentines-day.html

  2. they look so good! i have to do something like this next year!

  3. My favorite cheecake is red velvet. I eat it every Sunday almost...

  4. Our Target has pretty good prices. Don't forget they price match now too. The cookies turned out well and no you didn't do too shabby at the shooting range.


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