Saturday, January 29, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 4

I text messaged my mom this week making sure I had the phrase right in my latest love letter. "Kill them with kindness," like I tell Lil' J is something my mom taught me when I was younger. She said it's the best way to get back at someone who is being mean to you, and she wasn't lying.

This isn't to be confused with passive aggressiveness. That's when you beat around the bush and don't directly let the person know what you're trying to say. Killing with kindness is when you are overly nice to someone, even when they're being blatantly mean. It will either make them feel bad, or annoy the crap out of them. Take this for example...

You're driving down the road. You switch lanes and accidentally cut someone off. The wacko behind you now starts honking, speeds past you flipping you off and swearing out his window. You could yell back or ignore him but what's even better is when you act like you don't know he's mad and wave. Just look at him, give him a huge smile and wave ecstatically like he's a friend from school you haven't seen in ages. He'll probably get really confused and speed off to put their road rage on someone else. I think the picture I captured of Lil' J today to go with this message is perfect!

My mom couldn't believe I remembered her advice after all these years, she hardly remembered telling me. But it resonated with me, and I use this technique to this day. Besides, I've never been good at witty comebacks or cussing people out.

Remembering this advice from my mom made me even more excited to be making these little memos for my daughter. Hopefully we can both look back and smile at these little tokens I'm sharing with her. I've got almost one month down, 11 to go! Also, on Day 24 she got her first tooth, and on day 28 she got another! I figured I wouldn't take another tooth picture in the same week though, plus, it's hard to capture!

So here's week 4:


  1. I love the bananas one. I love these. My lil guy has two teeth now too. It's so fun. yea and he's still waking up at night too. The dr told me i'd better just let him cry because after 9 months, they can no longer be sleep trained.

  2. Whoa, way to drop a massive hint on her name! ;)

  3. OMG!!! She is so pretty!! I love the pic with her chunky little painted toes! That is something I would do :-)

  4. Omg you are doing an awesome job with these...the photos are absolutely gorgeous..not to mention lil J!

  5. I love the bows in her hair. These love letters are great. I decided to make a "how-to" post by my little guy a regular for my blog. This one turned out cute:

  6. These are just so beautiful. She will really cherish these when she is all grown up! Great job Momma!

  7. I remember when my Baby Girl was her age I would paint her toenails when she was sleeping. Your little J reminds me so much of my Baby Girl.

  8. I think I figured out her name with your clue, and I really like it! It suits her well :) Somehow I just feel better knowing! These are truly beautiful and will be a treat for her when she's older. And to think when we were kids we were lucky to have a handful of pictures from any given phase of our lives. Gotta love digital photography. I don't know how you do it with your job and all, but nice work all around!

  9. Oh, I'll be looking forward to these each week--so sweet. You did not paint her toes--too cute. So the teeth are coming in--I wonder how this will influence breastfeeding--I can't wait to hear how you handle that. Although it's fun reading your blog I learn a lot too so thanks :)

  10. Oh by the way...lil J's name is very pretty :)

  11. I agree with Mrs K, I love your 365 Love Letters!

    Your words are thoughtful and wise :)!

  12. My mom did (and still does) give that same advice. Are you trying to hit and lil j's name? You know google is a powerful tool!!! If it is what I think it is I lOVE it!

  13. These are sooo cute! The "kill them with kindness" is true! I used to bug the crap out of people with that lol.


  14. You have a beautiful baby! She is so photgenic!

    brandielam3 at gmail dot com

  15. like Selena said, Google is a powerful tool! I love her name!

  16. She's adorable! I love the barrettes.


  17. I am seriously in love with this project! Very inspiring, as this is definitely a project I'd love to try out when we have kids. These will be beautiful keepsakes for your daughter!

  18. I really LOVE THESE! I hope you are going to make these into a book when you are done. Priceless!!


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