Friday, January 28, 2011

What would you do for more blog followers?

Pay cash money? That's what about 300 bloggers are doing and it made me think about this whole blogging, follower, money making phenomenon. As my girl @whodemis on Twitter says "I can't knock the hustle" and I have to agree because let me admit... This idea was GENIUS.

1. Create an email account connected to business name for advertising.

2. Create a linky for bloggers who want more followers. Make the requirement $10 to be entered on to the linky (it's a business write off).

3. Use money from the first 100 links to set up a raffle, instruct visitors to follow the blogs then comment for each follow to be entered to win $1000.

Initially when I saw it I thought the $10 tax write off was because the money was going to charity. Sweet right? Not exactly. The host, and advertiser for the blogs on the linky pockets the proceeds. Really it's a win win win. She gets to make $2K... or whatever else over the initial $1000, which she's already done. Blogs who want more followers get them, and one lucky follower gets $1000.

Now I could go on a rant about how we need more engineers in this country, people who study, develop new inventions, businesses, and jobs for more people---That "get rich quick" schemes like this are ultimately showing we as a people falling short of the big picture, but I won't go into that. Instead, what I want to focus on is this idea of blog followers.

Why do we have them? Well, Cindy hit the nail on the head with her post about the blogging bubble. When I begged my friends to be my first 7, 100, I'll admit, the number big and bright to the right had me gloating. It was my stamp of "coolness" if you will. A way to obviously show people read me and say "I'm kind of a big deal." No but really, it felt good to know people were reading me. And there's nothing wrong with that. Until it turns into an obsession.

I did some giveaways just for my followers, to gain more followers, and in turn used that number to get better giveaways and even more followers. I know it sounds dirty, I'm just being honest.

Sometime over the last year this craze with that number BLEW UP! I mean, huge in the blogosphere! There were linkies like "Follow me Friday" "More Followers Monday" "Pretty Please Follow Me Wednesday" (ok I made the last one up). And I'll admit, I tried a couple but then realized there was no way I'd be able to read all of these new blogs in my reader, and I felt a bit... Dare I say... desperate. Sure, I'd find a couple gems in the bunch but really? Comeon, let's me honest, we all just wanted to boost our stats. Even if that number has become so diluted, and really null and void at this point because everyone now has a few a hundred dozen fake followers.

But then I would write a post like this one, and gain two dozen followers in a day or two. Seeing the number rising corresponding with a post I wrote from the heart meant so much more to me than a random follower who when you click on their name, it takes you to a profile with nothing more than an email address to contact them if they won, and a list of a thousand other blogs they followed for the giveaways--aka a giveaway hoarder.

So this year I made a resolution to tone it down with the reviews. Mostly accept mom-owned products to make things more personal, and force me to be less commercial. Following was optional to enter giveaways but still a common entry for many people.

But somewhere between doing my own giveaways for followers, dogging this small sortof pyramid scheme on twitter, and then getting called a hypocrite (hey, I can admit it, it's hypocritical) I was forced to ask myself: Why does that number to the right matter? My blog isn't my job. I don't need stats to make money or provide for my family. it's a place for me to release, vent, and rant about things like this. So why does it matter?

If a company is interested in working with me, do I want them to contact me because of a number they see when they visit my blog, or write to me because of the content the read? My guess is before, some were just looking at the number. Which may be one reason I recently got an email from a PR rep which started "Hi Amanda..." when my name is actually not Amanda.

So, now realizing that that number was good for nothing, other that to occasionally stroke my ego as it would go up, or make me feel bad when I noticed it go down, or possibly make others feel bad if theirs wasn't as high, I've decided to escape the circus and simply remove it indefinitely. At least until I regain my reigns.

If people still follow blogs and read them in their reader the old fashioned way (or is it the new-aged way?) they can subscribe my blog via reader by clicking the reader button under my "about" section, or just get my email subscription or just do the for realz old fashioned way and use my RSS feed subscription thingy.

I have to admit, this takes a slight leap of faith. My blog has brought me tremendous opportunities. I've fallen into writing gigs, side jobs, and even recently was contacted by a network news station about my love letters. I don't know if that was because of that number to the right, or because of me.

Going forward, I guess I will.

*Update* It's come to my attention that 1. That blog taking money for the raffle has disappeared, which may very well have confirm my suspicions of a scam. And 2. I have many readers who read my blog who found me through a giveaway but stayed for my content... Who knew? Thanks all yall, really, thank you everyone who reads. Sorry for my rant on this subject, I just was getting annoyed of being thrown into the same pot as many bloggers who only do giveaways. There's nothing wrong with that, but that's not what I want to be known for, or as.


  1. Good for you! When I get approached by loggers to review our line I don't look at followers. I look at comments on non-giveaway posts. It is a lot more telling about the relationship between Blogger & reader.

  2. I don't thnk there is anything wrong with wanting more reader (I only have like 4 lol) but it really should be because of what you write, which is why I've been reading your blog since way before you "blew up" lol. I love the wayyou write and what you say.

  3. Simply Stacie is doing the same thing, I didn't realize parker PR was too. I admit, in the beginning, I did some friday follow stuff.

    Now, I'd much rather have 500 readers that actually READ my blog, than 2,000 "followers" who don't read.

  4. I've followed you from the beginning on my google reader. I love your blog for the content. Giveaways are just a bonus but I have only entered a handful that interested me. The reason you have so many followers is because you are a great writer. I remember you having a ton even before the giveaways. And like you said I don't think the number of followers should be as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be.

  5. LOL, yeah, I'm not paying money-I never have. Gaining followers has never been a priority for me. This is a hobby for me. Last year I did way too many reviews/giveaways and have got to tone it down a lot.

  6. I totally understand what you mean. There are so many blog hops these days it's so overwhelming for me. I admit, I've joined about five of them just to gain followers -- on my blog's FB account, on Twitter, and on my blog. But then I realized that I simply could not keep up with them. I could not possibly read all of those blogs -- like REALLY read them. So I stopped. Am I at the number of followers that I wish to gain? No. But, like you said, I want opportunities because of my CONTENT, not the number of followers. And besides, I have followers who have never commented on one single post. Not one. This is just an indicator that they have never read my blog OR have only entered for giveaways. Of course, sometimes you have to get your following up there in order for opportunities to roll in -- it's all about how you play the "game" for lack of a better word. But honestly, I'm more interested in my stats than I am my followers. And those who actually read my blog than those who follow it. I'm on a mission to encourage and inspire young, single mothers and I cannot do that with just followers. I need readers.

    Kudos to you for removing it. It IS a leap of faith, but your content is amazing so I'm sure the opportunities will keep rolling in.

  7. Yes I think we all go through this pull and debate as bloggers; but I have found if I am going for the numbers then I usually am not enjoying it and it feels like a job. Sure it would be a cool perk if I could make money for my hobby, but I want my blog to be for me.

  8. I have been thinking the same thing about my blog. When I have giveaways I get hundreds of comments, but on all of my other daily posts--it's nice to hear from the people that truly like reading what I write and what is going on in our house. I have always REFUSED to make following a part of entering giveaways or commenting, because I just like blogging, and I feel like when I force people to follow me, I am "paying" for their friendship. That kinda makes me feel more like a loser than having such a small following. Haha! I've always been the girl that would rather have a handful of great friends, or in this case--readers, than a whole freakin' posse! But slowly, I am gaining more friends, and that DOES feel good. Love your blog. Keep it up!

  9. Some good points here. I started my blog just to write but I have really enjoyed reading the blogs I follow. The blogs I choose are because I feel a special connection with what they say or I feel like I am learning from them. I read the blogs everyday, not for objects but because they are now my "blogging buddies". I have been tempted with jumping through hoops to get followers..and I do believe in advertising. But at the end of the day I love knowing my followers read what I write because they actually like it. Just like I do.

  10. I've been struggling so much with this lately. I want followers. I want to know people are reading what I write (people other than my grandmothers)- that I'm good enough to be heard and that my message is important enough.
    I struggle with the obvious fact that to get my message out- I need followers. To reach the people who need what I'm talking about- my name needs to get out there.
    I struggle with the idea to put our MORE! content MORE! excitement... and the desire to be honest and heartfelt.

    So thank you. You're right and this post is very well-timed. We should be patient, grow a blog and community and be heart-felt.

  11. I started entering giveaways to curb my spending. Only found your blog and started following because of a giveaway. While I agree some hops and things have gotten crazy, I recognize blogging has turned into a potential source of income for a lot of moms- in addition to being an outlet and virtual socializing. There are a million blogs out there one could read; giveaways, hops, etc. bring people in. Then they can choose to stay if they want. Along with a couple strategic giveaways, my numbers have gone up, yes. But so have my actual readers and comments. I don't put any store into the actual number but I know as it goes up I'll find a few new gems that I can really connect with. And I actually want my blog to be attractive to companies in an effort to keep up with the time- some day when the kids are out I'll want to get back to work. Blogging like this will keep me moving with the rest of the world and potentially give me an edge and credibility. While I understand where you're coming from, I also think it plays into the 'women are supposed to be nice and not expect compensation for their work' type mentality that still prevails. Why shouldn't the ladies hosting the 300 blog follower deal make some money? They put a lot of time into blogging, just like a 'regular' job. Maybe they do consider it their job. Of course, I might have a rosier perspective seeing as I won the Fall Follower giveaway... but I'd like to think my opinions would remain the same even if I had not. Good for you for doing what you need to do- just wish you had left out the condescending tone for those that use the methods you no longer want to employ.

  12. I've fallen prey to entering this type of giveaways. Following tons of blogs for extra chances to win. I have found that if you don't have content I'm interested in I'm not going to come back to your blog or I'm going to "unfollow" when the giveaway ends. Also I have found they expect to be followed but A LOT don't follow back.

  13. Great points Stacy! I don't think my tone was condecending at all though, except for explaining my personal evolution with the follower widget. I said the woman's set up was genuis, I'd take that as a compliment if that were me.

    And I did mention *I'm* not doing this for money, so for me, it doesn't matter as much but I do understand a lot of mommy bloggers want/need more followers because it is their job, or a source of extra income and it helps with clout, more power to them!

  14. When I started my blog, I made a choice about the whole "follower" thing. I don't follow blogs because I simply don't have time to read all of the blogs I love every day. I didn't want to be an obligation to my readers, I just wanted them to come visit when they had the time and inclination, so the follower thing was never a deal for me. I do have a RSS feed button, but it's an afterthought that I added when several people to. I don't make my living off my blog and I wouldn't want to. It's my place to connect with other foodies and people who think like I do. I live in a rather remote area with not a lot of neighbors and it's really more of a social outlet than a business one.

    So, I also went over and read your post about the idiot woman who called your little princess a, well I can't even type that word much less say it... sheesh...

    I truly thought we were past that in America, but I guess we still have some moron/rednecks who just don't get it....

    Keep writing, I don't even have any children left at home, but I love reading your words!



  15. More signs of a blogging bubble! I've been following the multiplication of useless and vapid blogs with some amusement over here:

    Some people really don't get what a blog is for. You obviously do!

    You might appreciate that post, if you've got a minute to click over. If not, I won't be offended. :-)

  16. Well, you already know that my devoted reading of your blog had nothing to do with the number of followers you had. I was just desperately looking for other moms like myself to relate to and then of course after reading your blog for a while I got the courage to start my own. I think that a lot of bloggers get lost in the glitz and glamour of their blog follower numbers going up. I'm always reminding my readers and myself that I started my blog to inspire and be a resource to others like so many blogs were and still are to me.

    I think that your readership will be fine and will continue to go up because you have a realness about you that can't be faked. At the end of the day anybody who's not here to get to know you or your journey will unfollow your blog in a matter of days and sometimes minutes. I am very thankful for my loyal followers and those who comment on my blog regularly not because I'm offering them a chance to win $1000 but because they feel moved by something I've written.

  17. It depends on what the bloggers wants. If the blogger wants lots of followers (whether they are reading or not) for better giveaway opps, then that's their prerogative. If people want to blog just for readers, that is their prerogative. There are no rules on blogging, and that's what makes it so great.
    I do some following link ups sometimes because... I want to. The above comments shouldn't make me feel bad because I want to do that. It's MY blog. If you don't like it, don't read it. I'm sick of people saying "omg she does giveaways. LAME!" Heck yeah I do giveaways. I get free stuff and I get to work with some really awesome people. My new job started out by doing a review on a cloth diaper. If it wasn't for my review blog I would not be in the position I am in now. And there are no words to describe how thankful I am for that first AppleCheeks review.
    Something that does annoy me is when really really ugly blogs or rude mean bloggers get all these amazing reviews and giveaways. So I don't read them. And I just continue to work on my main blog and my review blog to make it what I want. I do what I want because it is what I want to do because it is my blog. :)

  18. I've followed you from the beginning in my google reader because you are a great writer. the giveaways are just bonus stuff I think. Good for you for doing this. Sometimes I wish I had more followers to my blog because then I think it will bring opportunites for me to make money from my blog. But that is not the reason why I started my blog in the first place. I love that I have few followers because I know that they actually read what I have to say. And so I am content.

  19. Bravo Katie! I love that you DO YOU and stand behind it! No need to feel bad for MY opinons cause really, what do they matter? This is my blog and the way I wanna do things here but everyone is different and will do theirs differently.

    I don't hate review/giveaways blogs, I think I've just come to the realization that that's not me anymore. I still love them though, I have scored some pretty cool stuff!

    Thanks for not taking offense to my post and showing a different side of things!

  20. That is crazy, I agree it makes me feel 100% better when someone follows my blog because of something I put on it as opposed to a "blog hop". Oh and the link has been removed from blogger, I wanted to see what you were talking about, oh well.

  21. I am going to confess: I am something of a giveaway hoarder. However, the fact that I am responding to this post shows that I read at least some of the blogs I follow! I don't blog myself, so I never really know what any given blogger is looking for when they want "followers", or if they pay the least bit of attention to who is following them.
    Honestly, most of the blogs I "follow" for giveaway purposes have absolutely no interesting content- it varies between product reviews and giveaways, and most of the products don't interest me. After I jump through the hoops for whatever giveaway that brought me there, there often is nothing to bring me back. And then the writing styles of many bloggers don't appeal to me either. (I thought spell check is standard these days, but the internet is trying to convince me otherwise...)
    Your blog caught me because of the content. I like the occasional giveaway, but I like reading the posts for themselves. And I can tell you now, there aren't that many blogs out there that have caught me that way.
    So thank you for letting us into your story!

  22. Interesting.
    You know, I read lots of blogs every day and have given up entering their contests because they have too many entries-but I just keep reading their blogs.
    I read yours because it is fun, interesting, and different. I enjoy your personality and you write wonderfully! Plus, your baby is a doll!

  23. I read alot of blogs but i don't subscribe to them. I don't think its that big of a deal to "add to the number". Also, on my blog, I never check the stats. I don't care who reads or comments. Its nice that people do but it wouldn't make a difference if they didn't for me. Also, I hate the word "follow". I don't like what it implies. I'm not a follower. Never have been ya know? I'm on twitter and I think I have 60 "followers" and that's fine with me. I'm not promoting myself to gain more. I guess those type things just never mattered much to me. Mostly because it doesn't speak of my "coolness" lol. I'm still freakin awesome regardless of whether people read my blog or "follow" me on twitter.

    Blogger is being stupid and not letting me log in with my wordpress ID. I tried like 5 times on different blogs.

  24. I love your blog and would read even if you cut out the reviews and giveaways completely. Your story is what I love to follow and your babymaking tips are great!

    I enjoy blogging just to blog, so gifts and reviews are cool to me, followers are cool to me, but not the end all be all! I wouldn't pay to have followers...and truthfully, it's cool to see that I now have over 200 followers (a drop in the bucket compared to you!!) and I love that people are reading, but the few folks who actually comment are the folks I feel like I'm writing for sometimes.


  25. You know I love your blog mainly for what you write. And it has been so since the first time I found it in 2009!
    What you write are thought through and it just nail on the issues all the time. Getting good opportunities through a blog is great but that shouldn't come mainly from numbers of followers but from the content.
    I know my few loyal readers read my blog for what I write and they comment giving great advice :)! And I love it!
    I blog for the many ideas that go through me and not for followers, but it is nice to see the number grow ;), but you are right to say that we end up becoming obsessed with gaining followers. I wanted thoughtful comments on my posts and not just followers, that's the reason I started Thoughtful Wednesday Blog Hop but that didn't pick up and I gave up :(!
    I even considered revealing my identity to gain more followers but at that point my husband asked me: Do you think people read your blog for what you write or for how you look?

    I am just focusing on my writing and blog about what I like and would like to read in the future on my own blog ;)!

    As I promised I want to enjoy blogging more that ever :)! And I am looking forward to Feb.

    xoxo, MsB.Plan

  26. Thanks for sharing this post. Interesting. I am at the beginning of my blogging experience and to date I have approximately 9 followers. I am confident that number will grow as begin to post more. Like you, blogging is not my source of income (obviously) but it has already become a safe place for me to think out loud in ways that I can't in my regular life. Please stop by and check me out when you have a chance and let me know you came through!

    P.S. Your baby is ADORABALE!! Great pictures. I have two little ones and the best advice I can give any new mom is to CHERISH every moment. Especially with video:) Watching old videos with them as they move through different milestones is priceless.

  27. Awesome post Amanda. I learned alot. Keep up the good work with your writing!.................haha! I'm funny right? ;o) I hope you didn't delete this before realizing it wasn't spam! But seriously, this does take a leap of faith after having such an impressive number to the right there after all this time. But yeah, whatever makes you comfortable. If you are blogging just for the venting factor and not to fully support your family off of your site then by all means go it the way you are. That's respeckable! :o)

    My best, Lynn


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)