Monday, February 7, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 5

It's not hard remembering to take the photos anymore. Now it's hard deciding which photo to use, trying to be creative with the photos, using more than just her cute face, and remembering what number day we're on.

The weather contract between day 34 and 35 is just hilarious. I also love both of those photos. Aside from those two and day 32, they were taken on my iPhone. The sun flares in day 33 were fun and reminded me of angels. I was surprised my phone caught them.

I want to try to make time to take a nice photo each day with my "real" camera but sometimes I just don't get the chance. Hopefully these will continue to get better, not worse throughout the year.
My favorite this week-Self portrait


  1. Yep, stand up for what is right little girl :)!

  2. This concept is absolutely beautiful. Keep up the wonderful sentiment!

  3. I really enjoy these and am positive little J will too!

  4. Did she pull herself up in #34 or did you put her like that?!? Either way, I can't believe how big she's getting! Also, I remember my mom checking our eggs before she bought any and it's something I do now too :)

  5. The whole idea is so nice and beautiful. Everything really looks so stunning.

  6. I set her there Breanna, she's trying to pull up now and then but I've gotta help her get there sometimes :)

  7. Not to scare you, but keep an eye on that birthmark. My son had one show up when he was about 18 months, on his leg, and it grew rapidly. His was a certain type of mole that comes in dark and grows fast. It started as a speck, and when we got it removed two weeks ago, it was half a centimeter. Chances are it's not cancerous, but they do like to remove them just in case. Chances are, Lil J's will stay small and be nothing, but keep an eye on it and definitely get it looked at if it starts growing or looks extra dark. That said, these are really beautiful and I'm enjoying them a lot!

  8. My favorite picture is the one from your phone. That sunflare is just out of this world gorgeous. And so is your baby : ) Out of this world gorgeous. Sweet as can be. The best camera is the one you have with you. I forget who said that quote. So have fun and make memories with whatever.


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