Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just a wee bit excited

You know how it’s fun to add things to your to-do list after you’ve already done it, just so you can cross it off? It’s just as fun—if not more so—to do that with a bucket list. I’m transforming my old “baby bucket list” into a “before I die bucket list” and adding “Flash Mob” to my group of must dos.

Funny thing is, we’re going to be in one today.

“We? Who’s going to be in one with you,” you ask. “Surely not your husband.”

Heck no, Lil’ J and I are going to be flash mobbing it up doing chants and dancing with other moms and their babies at Whole Foods.

I hardly ever step foot in that place. It’s too expensive. But I along with a dozen or so other moms are going to pretend like we’re shopping and join in on the dancing and singing with our babies when we hear the cue. My yoga instructor organized this, and we’re expecting a pretty good turnout.

I’m working all day but I’m planning my lunch break around this so I’ll grab a meal at the salad bar right before the routine kicks off, or right after, and have some fun in between. My husband is meeting me there with Lil’ J and hopefully a video camera (he promised) so I’ll be sure to YouTube and post the success (of failure) after.

Wish us luck!

*Update!!* It SNOWED! So the flashmob is getting rescheduled. Now I can officially add this to my list cause we MUST be in one!

If you haven’t seen a flashmob before here’s an example. Though don’t expect ours to look like this, this is the funniest one I’ve ever seen.


  1. Love it! I can't wait to hear about it!

  2. It's uncanny how alike we are, Jenn. I had the urge for spontaneity and joined Flash Mob Austin a few months ago.... then I see that you're flash mobbing it up. Uncanny. We really need to hang out more.

  3. OMG! How cool is that! I can't wait for you to tell us about it!

  4. That is on my list as well. I thought I was going to cross it off when my bff wanted to do one at her wedding reception, but she changed her mind. Someday...
    Have so much fun!

  5. That is so awesome! I was totally laughing and clapping the whole time! You HAVE to do this! :-)

  6. Girl i so cant wait to see how it went and hear all the good details :)

  7. I have just to see an actual flash mob event up close and personal. I'm still holding out that some one will stage one here. I'm not really sure if I'd ever be in personally though. That is where my shyness kicks in. LOL. Hope you guys had a blast.

  8. Thanks for your sweet comments! It got canceled cause of the snow. But hopefully we'll be doing it next week. I can't wait!!

  9. I hope you get your chance soon. It looks like a lot of fun.

    I think I'd be a little too scared that security would try to haul me away.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  10. That is great!! New follower from Utah! Visit back if you have time

  11. That is great!! New follower from Utah! Visit back if you have time

  12. Thanks for your sweet comments! It got canceled cause of the snow. But hopefully we'll be doing it next week. I can't wait!!

  13. I have just to see an actual flash mob event up close and personal. I'm still holding out that some one will stage one here. I'm not really sure if I'd ever be in personally though. That is where my shyness kicks in. LOL. Hope you guys had a blast.


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