Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crazy Cravings (Or Lack Thereof)

In a response to the #1 question men ask me when they find out or see I'm pregnant: "Do you have any weird pregnancy cravings?" I decided to document a few I have... And show my big belly a little.
I read an article about pregnancy cravings on The Bump and it turns out, when I do have an occasional pregnancy craving it actually means my body is lacking some nutrient and telling me I need it. For instance, my craving for a chocolate milkshake could mean I need calcium. My craving for a hearty cheeseburger or a steak could mean I'm low on iron (which I have been craving, and have been low on). I once had my husband bring me a nice big juicy steak while I was at work so I could satisfy my desire.

Sometimes we also just want excuses for eating something extra sweet and chalk it up to a pregnancy craving.

What about you? Did you have cravings?... Or not?

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  1. Not so much with the cravings, but I ate a lot of Popeye's red beans and rice for some reason.

  2. Each pregnancy I craved different things, or not at all, but one of them that stands out is... not a craving but a sickness.. everytimes I tried to eat chocolate, I would feel like puking. lol today this little girl doesn't like chocolate! the end. btw- cutie... crave away, you look awesome!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I craved hearty cheeseburgers, Cocoa Krispies (the cereal) and ICE :) I had iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy with all my kiddos which is why for the craving of burgers & ice.

  5. Oh my goodness.... With my daughter, I was craving Hamburgers every day for a week before we even knew I was pregnant. (not a big meat eater ol) and with this pregnancy I crave chocolate milk and orange juice. lol. I can't get over how tiny and cute you are!

  6. lmbo for some reason I am getting the biggest kick out of the fact that Billie Jean is playing in the background. IDK why it just makes me giggle.

    I craved Mexican food my entire pregnancy. And then randomly, once, I craved pumpkin pie and then green bean casserole. Random.

  7. I craved Enchiladas ALL THE TIME. It was like a never ending thing. And I ate them all the time lol. Dh definitely got very sick of them by the end.

    Oh, and Hooter's chicken wings. Mmmmm...

  8. Hi Jennifer! This is my first post and I'm also having my first baby this August (a girl as well!). Rather than having specific cravings, I found the list of what I did eat became very short. I suddenly started craving red meat, probably because I'm low iron, but before I knew it was a girl I thought craving meat meant it was going to be a boy.

    My mom had 3 girls before my younger brother was born and she craved sweets with the girls and meat with the boy. Oh well! I also crave OJ, cheese and anything Mexican. I used to have a bad sweet tooth but luckily, sweets now turn me off.

  9. This sounds nutso BUT...

    chewing. on. ice.

    That was all I wanted and still continue to do (even in the ninth month.)


  10. Brownines,gummy bears, chocolate, cheese burgers, french fries, fruit.........

  11. Okay, so I don't really remember any crazy cravings, but I do remember that I could not eat a fresh vegetable to save my life. That was pretty sad because I am a veggie-holic...Love salads!! Every time I thought about eating a salad, I would get sick to my stomach! All I ever wanted was carbs. I was big into comfort foods...potatoes, mac & cheese, soup.

  12. I am only 8 1/2 weeks right now so I dont want to really want to eat much. But when I feel better, I always want animal style fries from In-N-Out...mmmmm...

  13. This pregnancy I have been craving cucumbers! Love them!

  14. First, I want to say you're way to cute for words! To answer your question about craving, with my son; I had to have hashbrowns all the time, and not just any old hashbrowns, they had to be from the waffle house, smothered in onions, covered with chees, chunked with ham, peppered with jalapenos and diced with tomatoes. Then and only then could I eat them, heaven forbid they were missing an element too. LOL

    Hope you enjoyed your cake!
    Mrs. Sergeant

  15. PS. I love your hair and I need you to email me or something about how you take care of it. Kthxbai!

  16. I wanted potatoes a lot at the beginning. Like A LOT! But that seems to have subsided. I love enchiladas and could eat them all the time. I've also wanted donuts and pigs in blankets.

    Where did you get your shirt?!?! I MUST have one!!

  17. With my first, I craved Mexican food like CRAZY. We ate Mexican food almost every night for nine months. My husband would get home from work at 2AM, and if I didn't have to work the next day, I'd make him get to the car and drive to get me tacos. That was the good thing about Arizona. There were TONS of 24 hours Mexican food joints. By the time our son was born, he wanted nothing to do with Mexican food. Root beer floats were the craving of choice with my daugher. Also, whatever didn't give me heartburn, I ate. However, there wasn't much that wouldn't give me heartburn. With my 5 month old son, I craved pickle flavored potato chips. My husband would buy me two bags every week on his way home from work. Oh, those were the best.

  18. I had cravings for the mini fried chicken wings & drumettes as well as Slim Jims. And I had to have sesame chicken at least once a week. And of course, I was crunching on ice a round the the clock. My craving for ice was so bad, I spent the night with my mom once and my sister had to go out in the middle of the night and get a bag from the grocery store.

    It was awful. The hospital kept me well stocked tho. I had ice delivered to my room every two hours. LOL.

  19. I'm your newest follower, I found you through Friday follow!

    Will you come check my blog out as well?

    Have a great weekend!


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  21. When I was in my 6-7th mth pregnancy, I had this crazy Wendy's phase (that's what my hubby calls it) where I will be eating at Wendy's 3 times a week... the same meal everytime... and then I shifted to McDonalds (when Wendy's burgers get smaller in size) and I had to order double McDonalds meals each time!.... Crazy...


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