Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ultimate Blog PARTAY 2010!!

Hello! Those of you visiting my blog for the first time, thanks to 5 Minutes for Mom's Ultimate Blog party ... My name is Jenn, aka Future Mama in this thing I like to call "bloggy land." I started this blog at the end of November 2008. Although the title my blog "Baby Makin(g) Machine" may immediately make you think of the Octo-Mom, I'm not even close... I Started this blog when it was just, me, my husband, and our pup Snoop and I was DEBATING becoming a mom.. To be or not to be! Then, September 2009 I finally turned the "Baby Making Machine" ON and in October... BAM, PREGNANT!

I'm LDS, and I'm in an interracial marriage. Translation: I'm a black Mormon married to a whitie. That unique enough for ya? I'm very curious to see what flavor our baby will be.

My blogging life here has been my journey toward motherhood. And boy has it been quite a journey!... From contemplating motherhood, to reading up on fertility and trying to conceive to being PREGNANT... I'm 7 freaking months pregnant now!! My first baby (it's a girl) is due June 25th. My new favorite post is probably when I wrote about finding out I was pregnant.

Miss the back story? You can catch up quick by reading my Baby Makin' Story.

I've been going through a lot of changes, physically, emotionally and mentally, and my blog has too!

Every week I write a letter to Spawnie (that's what I'm calling my baby girl for now) and I'm doing a Full Term of Giveaways. I also have awoken a strange desire to CRAFT and COOK so Mondays will soon become "Look What I Made Mondays." I hope you'll show me what you made so I can try to make it too (and link back to you when I do of course!)

So browse around... Or if you're in a hurry, become a homie, click the little "follow" button to the side and come back later. Actually I made it easy for you, you can click the link there, or here.

So look around! A good place to start would be my by visiting my "popular post" section, oh and answer my poll to the right! You can also find me on Twitter: @FutureMama

I'd like any of the prizes, especially the baby-related ones, and the $50 giftcard to Target, maybe some chocolate chip cookie dough (hey, I'm pregnant), a giftcard to Amazon, a hand stamped necklace from Double Stacked, a lot of Love, and Buds to Bloom photo necklace. But I'm not picky! Anything will do! :)


  1. What an exciting journey :) I have to say you're absolutely beautiful at 7 months!!

  2. Nice to meet you! I wish I would have started a blog when I was pregnant... what a great thing to be able to look back on :)

  3. I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow. Please come check me out..

  4. Hello are you enjoying the UBP? I am introducing myself again. Hope you come and visit me today, xxxMsBabyPlan.

  5. Howdy, there! Have a fun blog party! I joined in at

  6. I don't believe that you were pregnant yet, the last time I visited your blog. So congratulations are in order!! Enjoy the party.

  7. I am so jealous, you are so darn cute!

  8. I already follow you (because you are so darn funny). Glad to see you at the party though!

  9. Look at that belly! Oh to be pregnant again. I am a new follower from ff..nice to "meet" you! I can't wait to hear more about your journey. I myself am in a biracial marriage.


  10. I already follow you - but I'm stopping by from the UBP ... Happy Friday!! :P

  11. Look at your perfect little belly!!!! To cute! I'm new to your blog. Love it!!! Keep up the good work.

  12. Hi there! You have such an adorable prego belly! I will be checking out some more of your posts!

  13. Congrats on your pregnancy! You are adorable! I can't wait to read more as I look around here, you seem like you're pretty laid back and fun. Stop by FTSN for a visit and some peanut butter pie when you have time!

    ~ Michelle

  14. Awww, love your story! Good luck with the new baby. Hope you're enjoying the UBP.

  15. Hi..I’m Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @
    & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.

  16. Hi! I'm stopping in from UBP. Congrats on the soon to be new arrival. It sounds like you are making a smooth transition into the world of mommy. I've enjoyed reading your post.

  17. Hey Mama! You are absolutely beautiful and your baby bump is too! I did not know you were LDS! My whole family is, I just don't practice like I should. Happy party week hun!

  18. Toot Toot the #UBP10 Party Train coming through!!!

    I love meeting new bloggers! You're not new though! I've been here many times and already follow you!

    Love your pregnancy picture! You are looking fantastic! Your post on what "flavor" your baby will be totally cracked me up!!!

    Have a great party!

    @Susieqtpies at Scraps of Life

  19. You are gorgeous pregnant! Happy ubp!!

  20. You and your blog are adorable! I'm working on my own TTC story, and I was excited to find your blog through the UBP! I will definitely be following you! :)

  21. Here from UBLP but I've been randomly popping in to read your posts the past few weeks and don't know why I haven't followed yet. Remedied now. Looking great! (was that kind of creepy?) :]

  22. What a cute blog the layout..Party hopping and having a many great blogs....I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment.
    I am number....294 and 295.....Stop by and see me at either blog...Happy Saturday!


  23. awww congrats!! I make hair bows...thats my craft of choice...oh and diaper wipes cases :) Good luck with the last couple months of pregnancy!!

  24. I am LDS too! Congrats on being pregnant... what an awesome experience. You are absolutely beautiful.

    The blog I update most is Opinions, Thoughts and Everyday Life

  25. Congrats! Bi-racial babies (no matter what race) ARE THE BEST! I'm the result of one and so is nearly everyone else on this planet. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  26. Hi there! Visiting from the UBP! Love your candidness! Looking forward to reading more of your blog in the coming weeks and months! Oh and you are due on my hubby's birthday!

  27. you look great pregnant so cheerful I am glad to meet you and read your story. I stopped in from the UBP and will travel along the route now

  28. I couldn't help laugh when you said you're married to a whitie. You're so silly! You are looking very vibrant, mama.

  29. It definitely is an adventurous journey and your are just beautiful!

    I'm visiting from the UBParty. It's nice to meet you again and read more about you :)

    Have a great week and enjoy the party hopping!


  30. Hi! I'm Stephanie from "And Twins make 5! - A Mommy Blog". Just making the rounds via the UBP 2010, hope to see you around my blog too!

  31. oh my goodness you look amazing. If it's even possible, you look BETTER than you did before you got prengant. Quit being so danged cute!

    Blog hoppin' with the party, but i've been here a bazillion times.

  32. You sound like such a fun person! I am so excited to have found your blog through UBP!

  33. WOW I love your blog!!! Not only is your home and blog gorgeous, so are you! Congratulations on your baby! I miss those days... I have three - "I'm done!" :)

    I actually have a pregnancy
    on one of my sites... and some pregnancy blog
    too - you might like it!

    Happy blog party and have a TERRIFIC birth!


  34. Congrats on Baby #1! Babies are such a wonderful gift! You look great for being 7 months preggo!

    Lauren @

  35. I love your blog and have been following it from the beginning. Glad to see you have joined the party. Good luck with "spawnie."

  36. Hi,
    I like your style lady....

    It is good to meet you...
    I am last minute hopping @ the UBP

    You will have a beautiful baby I am sure....and the babies hair will be gorgeous.

    gotta go hop some more...

    Take care!

    Plz come visit=)

  37. Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -

    49 FutureMama


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)