Friday, April 2, 2010

If I Was a Rich Girl...

And I had all the money in the world, I'd like to buy:
Cannon 50mm lens so I can take beautiful pictures of Spawnie when she arrives. The first photo I want to emulate is one like this:
(picture is priceless, lens is $100)

External pocket hard drive to store all of Spawnie's picture's on.

3D/4D ultrasound so we'd have a DVD video to remember Ladybug in my tummy plus have a sneak peek at her cute looks.

Maternity photos! Good news, I found a photographer! Tara from Forever Bliss Photography who does GREAT work and doesn't charge an arm and a leg for the digital files on CD! $75

A NICE glider chair. I registered for a simple one:That we'll probably buy but I'd LOVE to get a nice soft one like this.

A Prenatal MassageSomething I've been wanting to go for since I found out I was pregnant. Ok, maybe it's just an excuse to get pampered. $80

And last but not least.
Why not?
What about you? If you were a rich girl?...
Meanwhile, I'm debating on a babys shower dress from eShakti. I posted my favorite four here. Tell me which you like best!

Winner of the Speggwear T-shirt giveaway: #50 Sharyl. I don't have your email address but I'm pretty sure I know who you are, unless I know two Sharyl's. Email me your info so I can get it to you!
Check out this Bloghop!


  1. Ah - if I was rich the things I could buy....haha. I like that example of the maternity picture - the sweater is really cute!

  2. I am now singing If I Was A Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani! Being rich would make things so much easier wouldn't it? Love that first glider and the picture of the newborn is ADORABLE!

  3. Ohhh I have a Hyundai Tuscon ('06) and I <3 it to pieces.

  4. Just a word of advice, my friend has that drive and every once in awhile it won't work. It doesn't spin. The best ones out there have their own power source, like the Iomega I have. I got a terabyte (1000 GB) for $100 off Amazon and I will never fill it, but it is super nice to store everything without having to worry about running out of space.

    And that pic is super cute! I've used it on a couple blog posts :)

  5. Jenn we could take that exat picture I have a damask background and the 50mm 1.8 Nikor lens. Thanks for the shout-out! PS I turned on the TV last night and guess who i saw! Y O U! Nick (the hubby) was like hey that girl used to be on the BYU channel. I am home now we should do something!

  6. If I was a rich girl today that is my anniversary (5 years today :)! I would use my jet to flight to Maldives for a long weekend... A girl is allowed to dream...!

  7. I had a prenatal massage and while I loved it there was one part I hated that I would ask for them not to do next time. When he rubbed my belly I hated it. I felt absolutely uncomfortable. I didn't like anyone touching my belly except my husband and family. There was something about someone touching my belly that was holding my beautiful child that just didn't feel right. If I did it again I would ask them to skip that part.
    Also, I had some amazing newborn pics done for my baby and the money that I spent will never be regretted. It ended up costing a pretty penny but I cherish those pics!!

  8. Great stuff! I play the "If I had money..." game all the time. But you should treat yourself to a prenatal massage, and those maternity photos! HUGS :-)

  9. Where is that cute chair from???? The green one???

  10. I just found your blog and I love it!! I'm 23, and currently TTC number 1 after a miscarriage. I hope I look like you when I get pregnant!! :-)

  11. Okay, as far as lenses go, the 50mm 1.8 is the best lens you can buy for the price. $100 may sound like a lot, but it's worth every penny. Most lenses (especially the ones that are as quality as the 50mm) are very costly. Like $500-couple thousand range. The 50mm is really a bargain. So get it, you won't regret :)

  12. wait ... you know Tara Shreeve? How funny. We know her really well. She is married to my husband's BF. She has become an awesome photographer!

  13. I wish I'd gotten a prenatal massage. Everyone I know who's gotten one says it was the best. Gliders are great as well. I wish we'd had one these last two times. We bought one cheap at Big Lots for our first, and it was great. We had rocking recliners though, so I guess it's still OK. Gliders are smoother and easier to get out of with sleeping baby though. My 4D ultrasound wasn't that clear. They weren't around when I had my first. I actually saw it on a talk show when he was a month old. I got one with my daughter and my last son though, and they weren't still enough for them to take good pictures of them. But, I did get to see their little profiles for a few seconds.

  14. Massages are such a nice splurge!

    I want an iPhone and an iPad!! :)

  15. Get the lens, it is by far my favorite lens. It works so well with low light too.

  16. If I was a rich girl, I would buy a new house, a new car, I would take the prenatal massage, maternity pictures, and a completely new camera. The one I really want it over $500.00. lol.

  17. Dropping in from FF!

    That chair looks awesome!

  18. Go for the Lexus! Go for the Lexus!

    Found you through the Friday Follow, glad I did!

    Have a great weekend:-)

  19. I’m your latest Friday Follower! I would appreciate a follow-back on Google Friends Connect and/or Networked Blogs.


  20. Do the massage. Seriously, do. it. Find someone qualified and treat yourself, you will not regret it. Even if you have to forgo some piece of baby equipment (all you need are boos, arms and diapers, right?), get the massage. You may be able to find someone that is a student in maternity massage and could do it for cheaper than full price.

  21. Lisa... And everyone else who wanted to know, the chair is from Babies R Us believe it or not!! Cute huh?!

  22. I'm not sure how I found your blog but hello and Congratulations! You can find the Canon 50mm 1.8 for a pretty good price use. It was my favorite lens (before I got my 50mm 1.2L) and I bought it used too :)

  23. I have way too many things on my wishlist. I just started taking maternity photos, and I LOVE them! You'll show off yours, right?

  24. Following from Friday Follow. Stop by when you can.

  25. Love your blog!!! Glad I found you! Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest

  26. Stopping by from SITS! Happy Saturday Sharefest :) Great list, I'm sure I could think of a few things.....mostly camera related like the lens on yours!

  27. Another one stopping by from SITS - Happy Saturday Sharefest!
    The shoes I would by if I were rich! And dresses! But since we are relocating to a new country in two years, I guess I would like to buy lots of nice furniture too. I looooooooooooove decorating!

    Great post chica!

  28. What a GREAT Post.....Enjoying a Saturday of blog hopping and reading all the Easter posts. Hope you will stop by for a visit.
    On Sunday night I will be drawing for
    Happy Easter

  29. #2 is fab! And pink is a must at your shower - you're having a girl!

  30. Gosh your list could be mine! I actually did splurge and get a Canon Rebel (with the reasoning that I would save on spending money at a portrait studio). Instead of the Lexus though, I settled for a Honda CRV--which I love and totally has enough room for the stroller and the dog.

  31. What an interesting post. Good luck with the baby...and I hope you get lots of these things you want.

    found you on SITS.

  32. How fun for you! I remember all the excitement of picking out baby stuff!

  33. I won a pregnancy massage with my first. "They" called and congratulated me and said they'd send the certificate in the mail. I didn't take note of who "they" were and my certificate never came. I contacted the Baby Fair I had attended and they acted like there was NO possible way for them to see who it could have been. I'm sure "they" where the only ones at the fair. So, I never got one, not even with number 2 or 3. :( I hope you'll treat yourself.

  34. oh and I stopped by from SITS. :)

  35. Go for the prenatal massage... It's totally worth it :)

  36. This is a cute list. Have you considered checking Craigslist for a rocking chair? Often, grandparents who bought baby items for their home sell them when they figure out they over bought ;)

    I've already had my kiddos, but I want the nifty 50! What kind of Canon do you have? I have the T1i and the video and images I've been able to capture with it are priceless.

    Found you on Sits. I love the way you've captured your journey. You're taking me back! You look so cute pregnant! You don't have much longer to go before the real fun starts. I'm so excited for you! Kids invite the most beautiful love into your life. It's a whole new world and I'm glad to welcome you to the club.

    Did you have your baby shower yet? Which dress did you decide on? I like the turquoise dress, but the white is classic and ethereal.

    Congrats on your Sits day!You can check me out at

  37. Happy SITS day!! I really, really like the last dress you picked.

  38. Oh I love your list! I have a 50mm lens and I love it!! I would love to upgrade me DSLR if I were a rich girl.

  39. ha ha...I have camera envy too...perhaps I will be despising you before you get a chance to defend yourself! :)

  40. Great post! I think I say this on a weekely basis. I might need to do this on my blog, someday! Hope you had a happy SITS day!

  41. Great post! I think I say this on a weekely basis. I might need to do this on my blog, someday! Hope you had a happy SITS day!

  42. Go for the prenatal massage... It's totally worth it :)


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