Friday, June 25, 2010

No Baby

Still no baby. I've been through every emotion today and I'm too tired to put it all down right now. Will update in the morning.


  1. I felt like you on the day that I was due and my baby didn't arrive. It's totally normal and you are well within your rights to feel this way. Even though everyone who has been before you will say that it's normal for your first baby to be late. I think that's why our due date should always automatically calculated to be at least 10 days later, so that we are never, ever disappointed. She'll be here soon enough and that day will be so amazing! My best!

  2. ((HUGS)) my first was a week late, but my 2nd was right on time and my last one was will happen - I promise she won't stay in there forever (even though sometimes it feels that way).

  3. She'll be here soon! Just revel in the last moments of quiet time you will have with your husband (and in the last moments you will be able to go to the bathroom by yourself). And let the anticipation build until the moment you see her beautiful face for the first time. It might be a good idea to write her a letter every day from now (her due date) until the day she arrives. Get your emotions out on paper. It's something she will LOVE to have when she is older. Thinking of you!

  4. hang in there! I remember feeling this way with my 2nd and I posted how I didn't know when baby was coming it was the next day.
    heres a big YOU CAN DO IT!

  5. oh hang in there. Such a hard time, all the waiting, in the discomfort, the excitement, anticipation, anxiety...

  6. May your labor be all that you hope for, and that you get to see your sweet baby's face soon - and as soon as you do, all the months and months of waiting will seem like the blink of an eye - and the real adventure will start!

  7. Enjoy your sleep while you have it! BAHAHA, just kidding. Hurry UP BABY!!! Gosh, as parents we do so much-- and so little appreciation!!! Ha... good luck, hun. I will say, eat like a pig until they tell you to stop, cuz you'll be hungry!!!

  8. Sending you *lots* of labor vibes! Like I've said before, those last few days are torture on the momma! Seriously, the last five days of my pregnancy between when my doc said she was bumping up my c/s to the time they actually pulled little dude out I totally swear was a longer period than the time between the day he was born and when he turned 1 :)

  9. OH i hope the reason for your 2 day absence is the spawnie decided to show up finally!!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your precious little one!!


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