Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: A Bribe...

Lil' J,

I know you want to wear this tutu dress for the 4th of July. Mommy made this for you, and by the time you come out it'll have pretty stars sewn on it, a big flower bow, and a matching flower bow for your hair.
Here's the catch... You've gotta be born before then to wear it! You've got about a week of leeway.

It's up to you.



Link up and blog hop! I'd love to see your pictures today!


Winner of the Bundled Giraffe Rattle: #21 Nichole. Congrats! Email babymakingmachine(at) to claim your prize!


  1. Great bribe...I hope it works!! It's adorable!

  2. That is such a lovely tutu, and the bribe is fair.

  3. Oh my gosh! Precious. I hope the timing works out for ya. Drop by and link up!

  4. That's so cute! I love the little stars and stripes on the ribbons.

  5. awww look at you mama just planning a way. I purchased a halloween costume for my little one who was due on the 24th would you believe he waited til NOv 2 to come.

    Good luck hope baby makes it before my birthday july 3rd ;D

  6. Hmmmmmm....A cozy, warm uterus or a drafty, itchy red-white-and-blue tutu? I wonder which one she'll pick. ;-) It's very cute! For your sake, I hope she cooperates.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm due with Baby #3 on July 24. It's a boy. What would you recommend I use to bribe him out? :-)

  7. I might be a pessimist but I don't think it will work. I hope it does however.

  8. I wish I had tutu making skills like you, but I have all boys so I'm just screwed either way.

  9. So incredibly cute! Congrats on your baby :)

  10. how cute...hope your baby cooperates for you!!!! They have a way of not cooperating, it seems! :) Happy WW...stop by my blog and link up!

  11. Awwwww! That is a gorgeous tutu! Good luck on baby arriving before the 4th of July. :) Happy WW!

  12. that's the cutest bribe I've ever seen! :)

  13. Okay I take it it's a Girl.... Great Tutu

  14. That is adorable! Hoep she cooperates for you :)

    I've got a linky up on my WW post too. PLease pop over and link up!

  15. Wow - That'll one cute baby in that tutu!!

  16. Oh that's SO cute! Too bad I have all boys (although my son DID try on his cousin's Tinkerbell outfit last year. hah)

    Melissa from

  17. Oh gosh!!! I sure hope she makes it!!! But no worries -- she can rock it all summer long! :)

  18. omg that is so cute! I really hope she gets to wear it!

  19. super freaking cute!!!! I voted in the poll too! :D Happy WW!

    Stop by and enter your link if you like:

  20. You have really tapped into your inner crafting godess during this pregnancy, haven't you? I'm convinced that there is NOTHING you can't make! Thanks for stopping by and linking up Jennifer. I hope the timing works out with Baby J. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  21. She will be so adorable in that tutu! I hope she comes just in time to wear it!

  22. Thats an awesome deal. Its super adorable, as I am sure she will be too. Happy Wordless.

  23. Very cute and patriotic, hope she gets to wear it!

  24. so flippin cute! love it.

  25. LOL, nice bribe. The question is, will it work? Good luck!
    Sorry I'm late, I have been having computer troubles and just now got the chance to make my WW rounds... Thanks for stopping by my blog and linking up!

  26. no, not cold here anymore! (thank goodness)....just put some older pics up!! i see you are in texas...we are getting ready to move to dallas. been there before, so i am ready for that 100 degrees!! :)

  27. are gorgeous by the way!!

  28. This tutu is super cute. It's pics like these that make me want a little girl (although I've got a handful already with my two boys). Also makes me wish I didn't have two left hands!

    You must be very excited (and beyond done) with due date around the corner. Best of luck :-)

    from Babes about Town

  29. That is so cute!! Hope she cooperates and is here to wear it!

  30. Awwwww! That is a gorgeous tutu! Good luck on baby arriving before the 4th of July. :) Happy WW!


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