Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sprout Change Cloth Diaper Review and Say What?--GIVEAWAY!

If you've been following my blog the past few weeks you know I took the plunge and tried cloth diapers. I mostly used Sprout Change. To be honest, my husband has had to work with them more than I have but we've talked about and both gotten a feel for them now and I can give my honest opinion on this whole cloth diaper thing.
First of all, like I explained in my initial Cloth Diaper Experiment post--I'm not one of those people who is going to make people feel bad for using disposables. That's not my personality, and quite frankly I'm not trying cloth because I'm scared of Pampers harming my baby. Sure, that's a possibility, but it's also possible that my toaster will burn my house down. I wanted to give it a try because I figured if it was as easy as everyone says it would be a great way to save a few extra bucks a month, and keep extra trash from hitting the landfills. I also was thinking it would be more comfortable on my baby's bum and prevent diaper rash (although she's never had it *knock on wood*).

I was sent Sprout Change Cloth Diapers, the All in Two Super Saver kits.

I had organic hemp/cotton and stay dry microfleece (fleece on top, microfiber underneath) inserts to use in the covers.

Here's what I like about them:

1.They're one size. TRULY. There's elastic around the legs, and the back, which you can adjust while the baby's wearing it (here's my video demonstration of how that works). It was easy to fit wide around her thunder thighs, but taken in a little around her belly. It's nice because you set it once, and don't need to change it for months.

I know people who are used to multiple snap diapers for one size say adjusting the elastic is a pain but for me, it makes it faster for every diaper change after the one adjustment every few months. You don't have to line up a gazillion snaps every diaper change. I won't need to buy more covers because these are suppose to last until she's potty trained, or 40lbs.

What's cooler? They now have snap extenders if your baby gets bigger than that! No need to buy more for every time your child moves up a size.
2. The covers are reversible. It's the ONLY reversible diaper on the market. I have 8 covers aka shells, but if you count the other side with different colors that's 16 shells! Depending on the way you put it on the snaps close on the side or on the front. I prefer the front snaps, which close like I'm used to with disposables but different cloth diaper people have different preferences.
3. They aren't super bulky. I don't have a huge stash of diapers but compared to the others I do have (Fuzzibunz, gDiapers, Nifty Nappy) these are the least bulky of the bunch, which is nice because a lot of time her diaper is covered with adorable clothes.

4. Easy to use! I love this all in two system. During each diaper change I don't have to take the shell all of the way off. I just grab the insert, roll it up, and toss it in our diaper pail. Then place a new insert down. If poop does get on the shell, I toss the whole diaper in, but that usually happens just once a day. It's easy when we're out too because I don't need a ton of huge diapers to carry around, just an extra shell and a couple of inserts.

I have gDiapers too but think these are easier because they don't have an extra layer of plastic inside like the gDiapers do. These are EASY! Perfect for a first time cloth diaper person for myself. Did I mention they're easy?

5. Very Effective: They're waterproof, so we didn't have any blowouts like we did/do with disposables. She takes a big crap every morning and these always contain it. (I really need to start taking her to the toilet). Did you watch my waterproof demonstration
sprout change directions
6. The price is right! The all in two system is one I wanted to go for, because the all in ones are more expensive for me to buy a whole new diaper and throw it in the pail after every use. With these all you need are a few shells and additional inserts for however many changes you think you'll have. The inserts are only $5-$7, as opposed to diapers from $16+. Plus, like I mentioned before, they're one size!

7. The stuff is interchangeable. Since we've decided to stick with cloth diapers (can you believe it?) the diapers we already have can be intertwined with stuff we get. The inserts can be used in pocket diapers, the covers can be used with prefolds. I can even use the biodegradable inserts I have for my gDiapers in these!

8. Mom made: I bought a cheapo $5 diaper off ebay then felt a bit guilty after when I realized it was from China. Sprout Change diapers are handmade my mamas like you, right here in the US. I feel right supporting them, versus "The Man".
Some problems I had:

I adjusted the elastic too tight around my baby's thighs (thinking oh she's only 3 months, I can make these tight) but they were too tight so I had to go back and readjust all of them all over again. My advice would be give one shell a try at one size for a few changes and make sure that's working before adjusting them all to save you some time.

For naptime, sometimes we'll stuff the sprout change inserts in a pocket diaper to absorb more while she sleeps (she pees a lot aka "a heavy wetter").  At first she went through a nap strike when we switched to cloth. Now she can sleep longer in her Sprout Change diapers now that she's adjusted (or maybe she was starting to teethe?) Either way, I may try an experiment with two of the hemp inserts to see if those work better for nap time, or lay fleece inside too, we'll see!

Cloth diapers as a whole:

In the beginning we all had to get used to more diaper changes. Lil' J wasn't used to feeling the cloth and wetness like you can feel (which is why cloth diaper users tend to have less diaper rash--because you have to change them more frequently than disposables) so we've had to adjust to more diaper changes. This isn't necessarily a problem with the brand as much as it is with the adjustment period.

Despite what people say, it IS more work than before, nevertheless, after two weeks I feel pretty adjusted. We still use disposables at night, but I don't mind because we were gifted SO MANY diapers that we have a lot to use still. By time time we're running low I'll probably look into tips for overnight diaper usage.

Even though it is more work, it's not as much work as I expected. Washing them is a piece of cake as I just dump the pail of diapers into the wash. Drying them is easy, and then it's not like I have to fold them or hang them.

I'm helping the environment a little by using less trash, and since I am using more energy to wash and dry the diapers I'm going to start line-drying the inserts to save energy too! This cloth diaper experiment has really inspired me to take a look at my life and see where I can cut corners and be a little greener while saving a little bit of $green$ too.--Even though that TOTALLY wasn't me. I guess knowing my daughter and granddaughters will be growing up in this world I'll leave behind makes me think a little more about what I'm doing.
It's not over though, keep following to see more of my cloth diaper findings and tips (I just bought some flushie liners to put over the inserts to hopefully avoid more poop, as well as a cloth diaper safe version of "shout") my cloth wipe attempt is next!

Oh, and speaking of following. Each of my blog followers, old or new (or confirmed email subscribers) who comments on this post before October 27th will be entered to win a Sprout Change Super Saver Starter Kit! It comes with one shell and three inserts. You can choose stay dry or organic. I won't tell you more cause you can read about it on their site. You can also learn more by watching my MomTV show TUESDAY 10/19 at 1pm EST (time change) where Catherine, the owner of The Willow Store will be on to talk about Sprout change. Attendees will be given a code word to get an extra entry to this giveaway!

You can get an extra entry if you follow @TheWillowStore on Twitter or fan The Willow Store on Facebook. Random.org will choose the winner. Good Luck!

*Thanks to The Willow Store for sponsoring this review and giveaway
Winner of the Sound Beginnings Prenatal Music Belt: #12 Mama Campbell
Winner of the Cutie pa tutu: #38 Alice Anne
Winner of $75 to CSN Stores: #59 ShoeStringLiving
I'll email you all, and you'll all have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize! Congrats!


  1. Great review! I'm glad that you've enjoyed using cloth overall. It gets kind of addictive after a while. All those cute colors and styles to choose from...

  2. I'm so glad it's working so well for you! I'm curious to see how less bulky than the gDiapers these are, because we're mostly g's here and I think they are as thin as sposies personally! :)

  3. And I'm now a fan of WillowStore on FB now too (Tori Michel)

  4. Awesome Review! I've been following your cloth diaper experiment and I'm really impressed at how you and your husband have handled the change. I'm really encouraged to give them a try!

  5. I cant wait to have another baby. We have been planning on using cloth with baby #2, and Im loving the Ida of the sprout diapers. They are so cute as well. I make and sell cloth diapers, but love that the sprouts, are once size fits all.

  6. This is something I'm starting to think about now. I want to do cloth, but not sure if I'll be able to handle the additional work. Good thing I still have 6 months to figure it out! Thanks for the great review.

  7. I followed The Willow Store on twitter as @delora

  8. I glad to see you sticking with it! I really do enjoy cloth diapering our little one!

  9. I've loved following your blog. I have a daughter born July 31st so it's been really cool to watch you're experiences with the pregnancy and baby basically at the same time I'm going through it. Keep up the great work mama!

  10. I am glad you are liking it overall. I originally switched because the big is allergic to disposable diapers, but saving money having 2 in diapers is the biggest motivation now.

  11. Oh gosh Lil' J is tooo cute, she kills me!

    Yay! For cloth diapers

  12. I really wanted to try cloth diapers but my hubby said if I wanted him to change diapers, we had to do disposable. I buy Seventh Generation because I like that they dont use bleached materials and they are more earth-friendly, but I want to try cloth when she gets a little older! Glad its working out for you! Looove the photos!

  13. So glad to see you are enjoying cloth diapers! I have thought about doing that for my baby that is due in February. Still on the fence b/c of the price, but we will see!

  14. I used all kinds of cloth (through two babies!) and finally my favourite was BumGenius stuffables/pockets. These have the advantage of a fleece lining, so the wetness is drawn away and the skin stays virtually dry. I extended the life of these by using an extra fleece liner on top, I changed this each time I changed the inserts (I used a variety, from folded Terry squares which dry super fast, to presewn insert pads) and only changed the actual shell if there was poop on it.

    I'm so glad you like cloth, I had a feeling you would, you're crunchier than you think!!

  15. Ooh, sign me up! :) I have 6 thirsties covers and 36 prefolds, but would love to try some inserts, and more covers can't hurt!

  16. OOh. I really want to win this one. :D. We have been transitioning slowly to CD, DH has been a little resistant. We started w/ Gdiapers w/ bio inserts.. which work well. Then we got cloth inserts, which I don't think work so well and always leak. BLEH. We mostly use prefolds and covers now, but I would love to try pockets!! Off to look at sprout diapers now.

  17. Awesome review!
    We're planning on cloth diapering our little Elliot (once he's big enough to fit into one-sized dipes). I hadn't even heard of or considered this brand. But I do love AI2s so I'm going to go check them out now! :)

  18. So glad you gave it a try - we really love cloth diapers!

  19. Thanks so much for the posts on cloth diapers! I have been wanting to do cloth diapers but my husband wants noting to do with them, he thinks it is gross. I am hoping once our little one comes a long he will be more open to it. Now I have a place to start cause I dont know anyone who does them. This was super helpful! Thanks!!!

  20. Great review! I would love to win these!!!!!! Can't wait to have children so I can try them! :)

    P.S. Lil J is so amazingly adroable!!!!!

  21. Great Review. I have never heard of these before! They sound perfect!!

  22. I have some Bummis diaper covers and gDiapers that I am going to use, but having more is always nice! Not every brand works for every parent. I am going to follow The Willow Store on Facebook too!

  23. I would love to win these! We've been needing to try some new kinds of diapers.

  24. I am addicted to cloth diapering and adding to my stash constantly! I haven't tried the Sprout Change yet though....
    what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

  25. I follow the Willow Store on Twitter @whatmamawants
    what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

  26. I already like the Willow Store on FB
    Robyn Lucas
    what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

  27. can't wait to cloth my next baby!

  28. following TheWillowStore @sugarsweetbaby

  29. They are so cute! I never really thought about going the cloth diaper route, but I would give it a try!

  30. oh, and I'm following tThe Willow Store on twitter now!

  31. I'm a follower and would love to win these. We are having a baby in December and I've always thought about making the switch.

  32. Great review and BEAUTIFUL pictures! She's such a doll. :)

  33. I was so scared to try cloth, but since we've started, I don't know why I was so nervous about it. I love our cloth diapers. We don't have a huge stash (only 13) but it's enough to get us through 2 days before a wash. My hubby was not for it at all, but I reminded him he doesn't change diapers, and he'd be keeping his money. That got him to cave.

  34. I would love a chance to win too:) this sounds like a good idea for my daughter the earth and my family:)

  35. Lil J is so darn cute. What a great model :)

  36. I've been scared to use cloth diapers but you have given me faith! Loved your video examples too!

  37. I would love to have a chance to try these, they are so unbelievably cute on Lil' J!

  38. I also became a fan of the willow store on FB :)

  39. Love cloth giveaways! I hadn't heard of this brand before reading your blog so here's to hoping I win so I can try it out!

  40. These seem great! I would love to try them with our little boy who is due in December!

  41. Hey, Jen...

    I don't know what kind or where you are getting your liners, but... I am using the Bambino Mio biodegradable, flushable liners for catching the solids. They come in a roll of 200, and I purchased them at Target, and LOVE them! It makes using cloth diapers even MORE amazing. lol

    I am using the BumGenius Flips, and I love them! They have the same concept as your Sprout Change diapers... The 2-in-1... I also have a few BumGenius 3.0 that I reserve for night time use, because it's a quick easy change. Along with some Bambino Mio and cloth pre-folds, I am set. Having the 2-in-1s are awesome, because (like you said) you can use just regular pre-folds in them or any other insert you may have lying around. Cloth diapering has evolved SO much since I used to change my siblings' diapers! I'm loving it, and so is Caroline.=)

  42. I would love to try these diapers out in May when LO comes! :)

  43. This would be perfect as I am expecting my first and will be cloth diapering!

  44. I'm so glad to hear cloth diapering is working out for you! I can't wait to use cloth for my first baby :) Thanks for your honest opinion!

  45. Great review! I'd love to win the Sprout pack. I follow with GFC.

  46. I was so happy to read these posts, you did such a good job of providing your honest opinion.

  47. Oh and I follow @thewillowstore on Twitter

  48. I have been wanting to try out a Sprout Change diaper for some time. And I am so glad that I read your review...it just proves to me why I should try one out! GFC follower!

    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  49. The Willow Store FB fan: Bekki Orr
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  50. Following The Willow Store on Twitter: @bekki1820cb
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  51. I finally got my BFP and DH and I were just discussed the cloth vs regular diapers. We have some time to decide, but you make them seem so easy!

  52. Way to go mama! I love cloth and I too had way less blowout with them then disposable go figure! I bout some cloth diapers with our first baby and we are sill using them with our third!

    Makes me smile seeing how much $$$ we save by doing so:-)

  53. Love it! I've been eyeing some of the other brands, but I like the insert idea. I might have to try it out...

  54. Cloth diapers are the way to go!

    I absolutely love the pictures of you baby girl, she's so cute a chubby =]

  55. i am always in for trying a new diaper!

  56. Love that they're mom-made! And reversible...That's unusual in the CD world! My affinity for cloth diapering is a bit selfish sometimes in that I prefer the great colors and designs to the cartoon characters of disposables. I don't want my kids to be walking advertisements.

  57. I really wish I was brave enough to try cloth but I just can't get over the whole part about cleaning poop and doing extra laundry.

  58. Awesome- My husband and I have really been considering trying make the switch to cloth diapers. So THANK YOU for the review, it makes it seem A LOT more doable!

  59. I really, really want to try cloth diapers. They are way over my budget, though.

  60. It's great to see you normalizing cloth diapering. Way to wave the green flag!

  61. These diapers are so cute! I've never heard of this brand, but I like the fact that they can be used with other items and that they're reversible! She looks super cute, love the first picture!

  62. Too cute! I think I might just buy a diaper if I don't win it!

  63. What a great blog post! You're right...we all need to do our part to help this world out for our future kids/grandkids etc
    Lil J looks really cute in the blog too!

  64. I think it would be interesting to try cloth diapers but I don't think I could handle the poopy wash, as it's bad enough when she leaks from her disposable diapers. I don't want to spend a lot of money to try cloth.

    (fyi, I also just added @TheWillowStore on twitter - my twitter name is jk_chinchilla)

  65. very thorough post! As a CD mama, I could not have stated the facts better. I'm glad your great cloth diaper experiment has returned such positive results.

    btw, lil J looks fantastic in a fluffy diaper

  66. I've never heard of sprout change until you started using them. The only think that I see that could be a problem with them is breathability. But I'd love to try them out none the less.

  67. I've enjoyed seeing your journey through cloth diapers. I'm glad it worked out. And there are so very cute!

  68. This would be perfect for my new baby. I've been following your journey and may just decide to finally take the plunge this time.

  69. I'm about to begin our cloth diapers on my soon-to-be-born boy. I'm with you on the saving money and helping the environment reasoning. It just kind of makes sense now that cloth diapers seem so much easier and we don't have to hire out a diaper service. Your review is great! i'd love to try the Sprout system!

  70. We're on the fence about cloth diapering once baby makes his appearance (hopefully any day now). But you have made it seem a little more appealing with all the sucess you have had.

  71. Great review!! I have never seen a more thorough cloth diaper review. I really like that you stated "facts". I use flats but if I was looking for a cloth diaper, I would look into this company. Your baby is adorable btw!!


  72. I follow your blog. Thanks so much for posting these reviews of Sprout Change diapers. I ordered some a few days ago and cannot wait to try them! It would be even better to win one more with this giveaway!

  73. I'd love to add this to our stash (building a stash for our baby due in February!). I've really been enjoying your cloth diaper posts, btw.

  74. I follow the willow store on twitter! (@emilyisland)

  75. I'd love to try Sprout Change with my little one on the way! Love the photos of Lil J in this post!
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  76. i love your progress updates! lil j should be an official CD spokesperson =)

  77. following willow store on twitter!

  78. Will love to try Sprout Change, I've never heard of them till you staretd using them

  79. MomTV! For my extra entry :)
    jennifer_atchison at hotmail dot com

  80. Well that's a very thorough review! I would love to try these. We're currently low on cloth diapers because my girl is growing out of a few of them that aren't one-size.

    ecoblogz at gmail dot com

  81. I like the Willow Store on FB

    ecoblogz at gmail dot com

  82. So great to read about your experience. We're planning on cloth diapering from the get-go (ok, maybe when little one is about 2 weeks old), so it's great to see how the transition has been for you!

  83. I would love to try these diapers, but the hubby has already mentioned several times that we have "more than enough diapers now" :(

  84. Oh, and MomTV for my extra entry!


  85. I follow willow store on twitter

    twitter ID - @britterbug84

  86. And finally, I like Willow Store on FB!

  87. Yay! I'm so glad cloth diapering is going well for you guys, it makes me hopeful it can work for us when our first is born in March. Thanks for offering this contest!

  88. Great review! i would love to try these too!


  89. i follow WillowStore on Twitter as @theleakysippy


  90. We're having our first baby in December and I've been trying to figure out what cloth diapers to try once she's big enough to fit into them - it would be great to win one!

    By the way, I'm a follower through my Blogspot account - Mel, melarchi (at) gmail (dot) com. I just never use that blog, hence the wordpress linked comment.

  91. Thanks for all the info and the videos! My husband and I were just discussing whether we would use cloth or disposable diapers when the baby is born. I definitely would like to try these!

  92. Forgot to mention (above) that I'm a follower.

    Also, I became a fan of The Willow Store on Facebook. :-)

  93. Yay cloth diapers. I would love to try the sprout system since my little man is getting bigger and the reversibility of it intrigues me along with the adjustable bit around the legs.

  94. I have been cloth diapering my son since for a while now, and I would love to try a new type of diaper! These diapers look/sound nice...I would love to win one!


  95. Also, I "Like" The Willow Store on Facebook.... :-)


  96. Oh my heavens, your little girl is so cute! She's cute enough to sell even ME on cloth diapers!

  97. Great job with the cloth diapers and I'm glad you chose to stick with it.

  98. I wonder whether I could handle cloth diapering on twins!

  99. Reading these posts about cloth diapers is really getting me interested in trying them with baby number 2. I recently took the plunge in going Green as far as soap and moisturizer and of course I already recycle. So, this will be one more way that I can help better the environment.

  100. Gosh, she is just precious. And perfect. And a wonderful model. I am jealous...

  101. thanks for the review. I've been debating making a switch to these.

  102. thanks for the review. I've been debating making a switch to these.

  103. I would love to try this, your posts are making me want to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  104. I'm glad you are enjoying your cloth experience. I can't wait to have little missy to try these Sprout diapers out on her. I've always uesd pre-fold s with the rubber pants. I'll feel like a new woman with this simple system!!!! I'm heading over to FB now to follow the Willow Store there too!

  105. I love cloth diapering as well It's good for baby, the environment, and they are cuter in my opinion :)

  106. Following the Willow Store on Facebook
    (Betsy Hoff)

  107. Would love to try these!

    Following on Twitter & Liked on FB!

  108. Not only is it amazing to cloth diaper for health, or going green, but i am doing it to SAVE green! With a reversible, seriously one size fits all.. how can you go wrong?! count me in!

  109. I also liked The Willow Store on Facebook! My name on FB is Chelsea Marie Lush.

  110. I am following the willow store on their blog.

  111. I loved your experiments so much that I am going to give this set as Christmas present to my sister-in-law whose baby is due in January :).

  112. I love the photos! Especially the one of her surrounded by dipes! My daughter loves to play in her CD's and will even pull them out, make a "bed" and nap on them! Thanks for a great giveaway!


  113. I like the willow store on fb

  114. I would love to win the cloth diaper starter kit! reading blogs like this and doing research on BBC makes me wnat to try cloth diapering my 7 week old daughter but i dont know where to begin!

  115. I'm enjoying reading about your cloth diaper experiment. I like that you've been honest about the actual savings and struggles. I've wanted to try it out, but have been afraid since some reviews seem a little sugar coated. :)

  116. I think it's great you're trying and sticking with the cloth diapering thing :) I plan on cloth diapering our little man (3 weeks old Tuesday the 19th of October) soon! I just need to get my act together and get a diaper pail or wet bag and begin my journey into cloth diapering. I have Thirsties and some prefolds, but again, I need to get myself together to get some more prefolds, etc... :P Hopefully my act will get together soon! :D

  117. I am a new follower GFC. Sign me up to win. I am still fairly new to cloth diapering and working on building my stash to diaper full-time. Right now I am washing every other day if I can make it that long and need more diapers.

  118. I like The Willow Store on facebook as Sticemichelle

  119. I follow the Willow Store on twitter @Sticemichelle

  120. Spiffy looking dipe! phinemamma@yahoo.com

  121. love the review I am now following!
    sunni08 at gmail dot com

  122. following the willow store on twitter as yaddayaddamama sunni08 at gmail dot com

  123. I've been reseaching cloth diapers like crazy and had never heard of these. I'd love to be able to try some out! laura.adcock@yahoo.com

  124. I'm following your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect! Thanks for a chance to win this diaper, and to hear about your experience in trying out cloth diapers!

    katiekstewart at gmail dot com

  125. I'm following The Willow Store on Twitter (@katie0stewart)

    katiekstewart at gmail dot com

  126. New GFC follower...love the reviews and cute pics of your LO
    ashley-conner at att dot net

  127. i follow the Willow Store on twitter as mama407
    ashley-conner at att dot net

  128. I follow you now on GFC. We've been using cloth for a while now and we'll never go back! Yay for you!
    sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

  129. I follow The Willow Store on FB
    sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

  130. Thanks for the great review! madelinemiller at gmail dot com.

  131. I like The Willow Store on facebook (Madeline Doms Miller)

    madelinemiller at gmail dot com

  132. I follow The Willow Store on twitter (MadelineMiller)

    madelinemiller at gmail dot com

  133. I want to try a reversible diaper!! It seems so cool! Maybe front snapping is easy but side snapping is great for curious toddlers!


  134. I follow @TheWillowStore on Twitter


  135. Ok - I am convinced. I need these! I have cloth diapered some of my kids exclusively and some partially. My baby is 12 months and we're off and on but I think with these we would be more ON! They sound great. All of my diapers are about 8 years old so I'm definitely in the market for new ones and one size would be awesome!

  136. Also, liked The Willow Store on facebook.

  137. I love love love cloth diapers, I admit there was a learning curve...but it is great! Thanks for the great review!

  138. I would love to try out these diapers

    richardrachel at hotmail dot com

  139. I also have a don't knock it till you try it view so I'd love to give cloth diapers a try.

    jmhirst at hotmail

  140. I'm a new follower.

  141. Simply adorable as always! I follow (Karine Traverse)

  142. Follow The Willow Store on twitter (@SAHMofDQ)

  143. Have always wanted to experiment with the cloth diapers! Love your blog, too! Thanks!

    hukolb at hotmail dt com

  144. DH and I are trying to decide between cloth diapers and disposables. Thanks for the review. :)

  145. I'm following @TheWillowStore on Twitter: hillfam2005

  146. laura4him@bellsouth.net
    I would love to try this diaper! Please enter me!

  147. laura4him@bellsouth.net

  148. laura4him@bellsouth.net
    I follow via gfc

  149. i am a blog follower and i would love to win, we are expecting!

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  150. I follow on GFC. We are trying for #3 and I really want to use cloth on this child :)

  151. I would love to win this for my little guy he is 7 weeks and we are trying cloth thanks for the chance I follow your blog eaglesforjack@gmail.com

  152. I follow the willowstore on twitter @mrstinareynolds,

  153. I am a fan of the willow store on facebook (mrstinareynolds)

  154. Thank you for the awesome giveaway please count me in :)

  155. like willow on facebook kathy l pease

  156. I'm following you on GFC - Mickey Coutts

    mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

  157. Following @TheWillowStore on Twitter (mickeycoutts)

    mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

  158. Fan The Willow Store on Facebook (Mickey Coutts)

    mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

  159. Spiffy looking dipe! phinemamma@yahoo.com

  160. Have always wanted to experiment with the cloth diapers! Love your blog, too! Thanks!

    hukolb at hotmail dt com

  161. I also liked The Willow Store on Facebook! My name on FB is Chelsea Marie Lush.

  162. I would love to try out these diapers

    richardrachel at hotmail dot com

  163. I follow The Willow Store on twitter (MadelineMiller)

    madelinemiller at gmail dot com

  164. i follow the Willow Store on twitter as mama407
    ashley-conner at att dot net

  165. I've been reseaching cloth diapers like crazy and had never heard of these. I'd love to be able to try some out! laura.adcock@yahoo.com

  166. Yay cloth diapers. I would love to try the sprout system since my little man is getting bigger and the reversibility of it intrigues me along with the adjustable bit around the legs.

  167. Great review!! I have never seen a more thorough cloth diaper review. I really like that you stated "facts". I use flats but if I was looking for a cloth diaper, I would look into this company. Your baby is adorable btw!!


  168. I'm about to begin our cloth diapers on my soon-to-be-born boy. I'm with you on the saving money and helping the environment reasoning. It just kind of makes sense now that cloth diapers seem so much easier and we don't have to hire out a diaper service. Your review is great! i'd love to try the Sprout system!

  169. This would be perfect for my new baby. I've been following your journey and may just decide to finally take the plunge this time.

  170. I think it would be interesting to try cloth diapers but I don't think I could handle the poopy wash, as it's bad enough when she leaks from her disposable diapers. I don't want to spend a lot of money to try cloth.

    (fyi, I also just added @TheWillowStore on twitter - my twitter name is jk_chinchilla)

  171. These diapers are so cute! I've never heard of this brand, but I like the fact that they can be used with other items and that they're reversible! She looks super cute, love the first picture!

  172. I really wish I was brave enough to try cloth but I just can't get over the whole part about cleaning poop and doing extra laundry.

  173. I finally got my BFP and DH and I were just discussed the cloth vs regular diapers. We have some time to decide, but you make them seem so easy!

  174. I have been wanting to try out a Sprout Change diaper for some time. And I am so glad that I read your review...it just proves to me why I should try one out! GFC follower!

    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  175. Great review! I'd love to win the Sprout pack. I follow with GFC.

  176. I would love to try these diapers out in May when LO comes! :)

  177. Love cloth giveaways! I hadn't heard of this brand before reading your blog so here's to hoping I win so I can try it out!

  178. following TheWillowStore @sugarsweetbaby

  179. I used all kinds of cloth (through two babies!) and finally my favourite was BumGenius stuffables/pockets. These have the advantage of a fleece lining, so the wetness is drawn away and the skin stays virtually dry. I extended the life of these by using an extra fleece liner on top, I changed this each time I changed the inserts (I used a variety, from folded Terry squares which dry super fast, to presewn insert pads) and only changed the actual shell if there was poop on it.

    I'm so glad you like cloth, I had a feeling you would, you're crunchier than you think!!

  180. I followed The Willow Store on twitter as @delora


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