Sunday, December 19, 2010

My (not so) Secret Cheese Dip Recipe: What I'm Makin Monday

I'm not a cook by any means, but I'm learning ok?

So when I offered to help out with some snacks for a friend's baby shower I was reluctant to choose anything I'd have to make.

I read off the list of my options to a friend at work.

"Fruit or veggie platter, chips and queso, cake..."

My friend suggested I take the the chips and queso because it's not hard to make, and it's inexpensive.

At first I was intimidated by the idea of making something myself, but she told me a secret recipe with only two ingredients: Velveeta cheese and two cans of Rotel.
GENIUS. I thought. I'd make this yummy dip and everyone would think I spent an hour slaving by hand to make it so tasty *evil laugh*.

Little did I know my secret recipe wasn't so secret after all. In fact, the husband of the mama-to-be made that very same cheese dip when we visited them days before the shower.

Then at the shower, when I was running late and resorted to making the cheese dip at the party, all the ladies oohed and aahhed about it being their favorite way to make a sauce for chips.
So, it may not be top secret, in fact, I believe I saw the very recipe on the side of the Rotel can. But I still got to feel like a cook for 30 seconds, nonetheless.
My beautiful friend and mama-to-be!
I'm going to work on cooking more next year. I say this every year but I'm REALLY going to work on it this time! I have a game plan. I'll decide what I'm making, give my husband a grocery list, and he'll buy the stuff I need while I'm at work. Then I'll cook when I get home. Finding the ingredients at the store is half my battle. So maybe if I make him do that part I can conquer the kitchen.

Another challenge for me is finding recipes I like and can understand. I'm going to resubscribe to E-Mealz and pull your submitted recipes from here (link also now in my sidebar). If When I make it, I'll link to your shared recipe. It's my effort to be more domestic, and to eat better. Thanks for your help!

What did you make? Link up!

What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)


  1. The Crock Pot is your best friend. This is your new motto!! You can make just about anything, with the help of Google and an idea. I love making Swedish Meatballs and Chicken and Dumplins. I would share recipes but I just Google what I'm craving and go from there. But seriously...Crock Pot. Also, DELICIOUS pulled pork in under 4 hours....need I say more?

  2. We love that stuff, too. Add some chicken and rice and you have a yummy meal that picky kids will eat! And, for the first time in a long time, I didn't cook anything today! Yay!
    Cooking is simple once you learn the basics, and it can be fun, too!

  3. I love queso! Up until this point however, the only queso I've ever known is the kind that comes in a can. Thanks so much!

    PS, I've been a "stalker" of this blog ever since you got pregnant with your daughter. I finally JUST realized how to comment ;) Needless to say, I'm just a LITTLE technology-challenged.

  4. I love chips & queso!! I like to ad a little bit of ground beef to mine though.

  5. I actually put hamburger meat in my rotel! YUM!!!

  6. Crock pots are awesome. You can make anything in a crock pot. Soups, chili, roasts, chicken..Anything. You pop it in, turn in on and 8-10 hours later you have a great meal that only needs a side.

  7. If you crumble/brown a 1/2 roll to 1 roll of breakfast sausage (spicy if you want)and drain it, then add it to the mix, it's SO yummy. If it gets too think add milk to thin it out.

  8. I'm definitely going to have to try this one...and reading the other comments, I'm almost positive my mom bought me my crockpot for the holidays and I can't wait to get crockin'!!!

  9. Cute post. The point is that you made something. Yay for you. What I find helpful is making out a schedule of what I plan to cook a week ahead of time. That way your hubby can get all the ingredients and can even get it started by the time you get home. Good luck with cooking more next year--YOU CAN DO IT!

  10. This is the ultimate beauty if the food, we can get altogether a new taste by adding or trying different ingredients which are similar in nature.

  11. Cheese dip is usually a crowd pleaser. You friend sure looks like she's enjoying it. Thank you for posting your recipe.

  12. You can't beat velveeta and rotel, but if you want to take it up one more notch here's a plan. Brown a lb of breakfast sausage meat, drain it, and throw it in the pot. Amazing.


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