Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 Tips for flying with a baby

If there's one thing I think I've mastered in motherhood, it's flying with an infant. Granted, it's different every time, especially since she's getting older and more active/nosey/hard to tame but I've still had nine flights with her in her six months of life, and yes, I finally set up a frequent flyer account (no, my daughter can't have one yet).

My first flight with my daughter was when she was about two and a half weeks old. I know some people say you shouldn't travel with babies that young but I was exclusively breastfeeding and kept her wrapped up around me, plus our pediatrician gave us the O-K so we went for it and flew to Utah. My mother in law flew with us and it helped a lot having an extra set of arms.
Our second flight was back home when she was about a month old, and my husband flew home with us, again making traveling relatively simple. Then a week later Lil' J and I flew to New York City for the Blogher conference. That was our first of seven flights alone together after the first two with help.

I've had several people write to me asking tips for traveling with a baby so I thought I'd write some of the things I've learned in a post, so someone else can hopefully find these things helpful.

1. Pack light. I know this is hard, and pretty impossible with a baby because you need so much. Diapers, blankets, burp cloths, PJs, clothes. But try your best to keep it to a minimum. On one of my trips, to my mom's house, we decided to pack a few diapers but buy more there. Along with baby soap, and small sizes of things I could use while I was visiting. If your family is anything like mine, you'll most likely be bringing more stuff home from your trip, so leave extra room in your suitcase if you can.

2. Only bring one carry-on. Yes, you're entitled to one carry on and one extra bag or purse but I was sure to make it easy on myself and only carry on her diaper bag. One time my check in bag was over 50 pounds so I took my camera out to carry it on with me and forgot it on the plane when we got off. Luckily I realized this once I got to baggage claim and was able to ask the Delta people to page up there and have someone bring it down to me. An extra bag with a baby can be a lot to remember.

3. Wear your baby. This would be ranked number one in my books of things that make traveling with a baby easier. On 9/9 flights with my daughter I wore her in a wrap through the entire boarding process and most of the flight. On our most recent flight we were waiting in the airport for hours, and she just hung out in our Moby Wrap. I thought having a stroller would be a necessity but I'd argue that would only make things more difficult.
In the first few months of my daughter's life she fell asleep moments after being snuggled in my wrap. She was out like a light while we walked through the airport, went through security and everything. These last couple of flights she wanted to face forward (like pictured above) and watch everything, and she was too excited to fall asleep, but it was still an easy way to have my hands free while going through the boarding process.

Will you need to take them out through security? Yes and no. I only was asked to take her out of my wrap once out of our nine flights, and they made me take my wrap off too, which was super annoying. It was our most recent flight though, and they had recently upped security measures. On our flight before that, to Salt Lake we were given the option to take her out of her wrap while we walked through the metal detector or have a pat down. At first I was like "give me a pat down" but then I realized it wasn't hard to pull her out for a second and put her back in. So total I took her out twice.

4. Look for signs that help you. In most of the airports we've been to there are separate lines for families through security checkout, so you can bypass the long wait. If you're flying with a child under two they not only get to fly for free, but you get to get on the plane first (or right after first class, depending on the carrier).

5. Don't put booties or shoes on your baby. At least not through security, unless you don't mind taking them off, but it's just an extra step they make you go through. Socks are ok, so I make sure she was wearing her Trumpettes on the rest of the flights after this happened.
6. Dress easy. Meaning don't wear a belt you'll have to take off at security, or shoes you'll have to untie and tie again, or a big coat that will get in the way... You get the idea. If you're flying alone with a baby these things that are normally simple to do are a HUGE PAIN!

7. Nurse, feed your baby or let him or her suck on something during takeoff and landing. But don't freak out about it if they're sleeping. You know how you yawn, chew gum, or swallow to pop your ears during the elevation changes? Same concept. Lil' J was asleep during our first six flights however, so I let her sleep, and she didn't seem to be affected. If she was awake, I nursed her, and she did ok with the pressure changes.

8. Do your best to get a window seat. We've been lucky enough to have one on all of our flights and it makes breastfeeding on the plane so much easier as I can just turn towards the window and no one knows the wiser.
Before our 9th flight back home
9. If you're nursing and/or pumping during your trip don't worry. You're allowed to bring the milk on the plane for your baby. Just tell security about the milk for the baby, and if necessary, they'll take it aside to screen it. They didn't even do that with me. On one of my trips I had about 70 ounces I was bringing back, so I bought a pound of dry ice to keep it frozen, and put it all in a cooler in my checked bag. On other flights with smaller amounts I kept it in my carry-on. Also, a breast pump is considered a "medical device" so you can bring it on the plane with your other two bags, or check it for free. *Car seats, strollers, pack n' plays and other baby stuff are also free to check*

10. Track your flight before you get to the airport. Lil' J and I missed a flight that was actually on time when we arrived just minutes after they cut off the check in time (45 minutes before your flight takes off). It SUCKED! But luckily we were able to catch the next one for a minimal fee. After that, I was sure to be prompt or very early to our flights. But it wasn't until after checking into our last flight (and having already returned my rental car) that I realized our flight was TWO HOURS delayed. I wasn't happy. And it's not fun sitting at an airport just waiting with a baby. Luckily I had my camera with me, and some toys for her, so we were able to keep entertained, but this could have been avoided had I checked the flight tracker beforehand.
So there are ten tips that will hopefully help you on a trip with your little one. Let me know if I left anything off or if there's something else you're wondering.

To help make your next trip with your baby much easier, everyone who comments on this post before February 1st will be entered to win an original Moby Wrap of their choice. You can get ONE extra entry by thanking Moby Wrap for this giveaway on facebook or twitter OR if you're a one of my "homies" (top right). Winner will be announced on my facebook page.


  1. We will be taking our first flight with baby in June...I am dreading it!

  2. Great tips!

    I would like to win one Moby Wrap for my sister-in-law who gave birth to a girl two days ago :)!

  3. I've been wanting a Moby for THE longest time! Thanks for the opportunity! :)

  4. If you're traveling overseas request a bulkhead seat when you make your reservation. This includes a built-in bassinet for the baby that helps so much when you have very long flights. Many airlines also provide organic jarred baby food free of charge!

  5. Thanks for the advice! Good to know about I wont be charged for the stroller, etc I was wondering about that. We will be taking our first flight Feb 7th!

  6. Thanks for the tips! Do you ever need to bring a carseat? That's been my biggest struggle in our travels so far - I've needed to bring the stroller that snaps into the carseat & then not used the stroller outside the airport the whole trip! Wearing my son sounds like a much better alternative - then perhaps I could check his carseat?

  7. Great tips! I know I am one of the ones who, in a panic, said "Oh, Jenn! Help me!" . . . since then we've done several flights and TSA is different depending on the day and the airport. We were asked to take off the Moby recently in Phx, despite having flown/passed security with it only 3 months earlier.

    And 6 flights later, I've learned that you just have to be extra extra (EXTRA) patient . . . and go on blind faith that all your "stuff" will end up at the end of the checkpoint together and intact.

  8. Great tips - and great photos!!! Love the one of her on the plane. We will be taking baby on a flight and cruise when she's about 9 months old so I found this post really helpful!

  9. We have had one practice run when we flew to Montana with one layover in Salt Lake City. Baby Bee did great but her Papa has to carry her in the Baby Bjorn because someone gave me a knockoff wrap that I have tried a million times to put her in but she hates it. We are flying to Hawaii on Monday with two layovers!!!! AHHHHHH!!! We live on the East Coast so this will be a looooong trip for my little 6 month old. She's a sweet baby, and luckily we are traveling with my in-laws and flying first class, but I am so nervous about this one.
    Baby Makin Mama: did you know that Delta offers a bassinet on overseas flights including to Hawaii? The baby has to fit certain height and weight limits, but you can request it and they will sit you in the bulkhead row where they attach the bassinett.
    Thanks for your tips! I will definitely try to streamline my packing!

  10. once they start eating solids, bring snacks. we brought cheerios on our first flight and they kept my daughter entertained most of the time! :)

  11. We will be taking our first flight in March, and its a long one. A Moby would be perfect!

    I am a follwer also! :)

  12. Thanks for the advice! I haven't had to travel out of state with C yet, but I'm sure we will eventually.

  13. And I 'liked' Moby Wrap on FB - I was bumped from your loyal peeps list ;)

  14. Hey Jenn!
    Thank you sooo much for this post! This was very helpful.

  15. Awesome tips! We have not had to fly yet, but I am sure that day will come!
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  16. we are taking our "little one" on her first flight in July - she will be 2 1/2 and I am worried that she is too big for some of the normal baby stuff (like sharing a seat, etc.) but too little to do well!

  17. Thanked Moby for the giveaway on their FB: Bekki Orr is my FB name.
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  18. I took a flight from CO to CA in Aug of last year, alone, when my little one was only 3months old. O the way there I was lucky bc he gota seat bc the flights were't full but ont he way home they were. He's a big boy,but like you, all I took withme was my diaper bag. I "gate checked" mycarseat that way I would't have to run holding him in my arms. I also say, if weather permits, wear flip flops or sandals on the plane bc asyou say, is easy to change. And,bring yourself a small change of clothes (ie:light workout clothes or something) you never now, when babies diaper isn't going to work. :)

  19. Also, I am a hommi, as I've been following your blog since way before, when we bothfound out we were pregnant at the same time. :)

  20. I travel a lot with my infant as well. For the first few times I LOVED having a baby carrier! But last time we traveled (in December) I was told that I could no longer have my baby in the carrier during security...Bah! There is nothing more difficult than holding a squirming baby along with a coat and two carry-ons...

  21. I have been dreading having to fly with Addison, thanks for the tips!

  22. I absolutely LOVE my Moby Wrap and want to win one for my best friend who is due in May :)

  23. Great tips! You make it sound easy. I hope that when I travel with my baby it will be that easy.

  24. Oh, I am anon above and I am also one of your followers.

  25. Great advice! The Moby Wrap seems so nice!

  26. First time I flew with my daughter, she was 17 months old and it was from Arkansas to San Francisco. It was not too difficult on the way out- we did get stuck in a middle seat with a nice lady on either side of us, and lost my little girl's cuddle toy as we boarded the plane from Denver to San Francisco. This made me work overtime to keep her busy and quiet, and it worked.
    The trip back though, was ROUGH. She had caught some bug a couple of days before we were leaving for home, and I had to rush her to the ER with a fever of 104. So she was on antibiotics and all she wanted to do was nurse the whole.entire.way to Denver. And we were stuck between two guys this time. I finally cracked, since the Asian guy in the window seat was absorbed in his guidebook, and the guy on the aisle was talking to his family across the way. So with the next kid, I'm bringing a bottle!
    THEN we were delayed in Denver for 5 hours. Thank the good Lord I had an umbrella stroller. But it was one of the toughest evenings I've had with my little girl.
    Sooo, while I've always heard that it's not too hard to fly with a baby, when it's a toddler it's different...

  27. My 3 year old and 6 month old have already flown more times than I can remember and my 3 year old LOVES the airport! So delays are no problem for us thank the Lord. We turn everything into a learning experience! and I agree about the stroller thing...more hassle than it's worth and they get very dirty and beat up when you check them at the gate!

  28. Ooh, I would love a Moby Wrap. They just look so comfortable for mom and baby!

  29. I did some of those things... but I was highly annoyed that I had to take off my wrap (and boots.. yeah that was stupid to wear) at security. Other than that, it was easy! Thanks!

  30. Thanks for the tips! I'm hoping that we'll be flying to Georgia not long after baby is born, & I could use these tips

  31. Thanks for the advice! Wouldn't have thought about several of your suggestions!!

  32. Love your blog and I'm a follower!

  33. Clara and I are about to go on our second plane trip. I can't imagine doing it alone!

  34. I follow the blog and you on facebook!

  35. I completely agree with taking only one carry on. I made the mistake and took two plus a carrier and it was a nightmare getting down the aisles.

  36. I'm going to send this link to my girlfriends who are afraid of moby wraps (or think they're weird for some reason). They just make so much sense to me!!! Yes, I'm sure strollers are handy at times, but really, it's just more STUFF to drag along.

  37. This COULD NOT have come at a better time...my 2 1/2 wk old and I are flying cross country on Saturday. I bought a Baby K'Tan and we both love it, but I would also love to try out the Moby.

    I had been wondering if I would have to take him out of the sling at security...thanks for answering that!

  38. I am also a homie-- megan.howlett at gmail. :D

  39. I am so thankful for this advice. I am traveling with Marley in April and I'm SOOOOO nervous about it. Any tip I can get, I'll TAKE! Plus a Moby would be nice too.

  40. I agree wholeheartedly with all of these! and I Am dying for a moby wrap ever since I saw your video demo a few months back :)

  41. I LOVE my Moby. Now that my son is older, I found a hip hold that he just adores. I'm surprised to read that they didn't make you take her off during security screening for the most part. And that picture of her little shoes in the bin? Priceless :)

  42. I want a Moby Wrap for my newborn niece! They are so cute.

  43. Love the tips! I'd love to win a Moby wrap for my sister, who is having twins in a few weeks! She'll definitely need the extra help when traveling!

  44. couldn't agree with you more. i have a Baby K'tan (like a Moby but no wrapping) and i have used it on 5 flights so far. in 4 of them i was actually able to walk through security without taking my daughter off - YES!!! but this last flight they made me take it off!

  45. Thanks so much for the advice! My little peanut and I will be making our first trip at the end of February, I'm hoping airport security will be in a good mood that day, maybe I should make them cupcakes, jk. I haven't tried the Moby wrap I'd love to win!

  46. Great advice! Not traveling with baby anytime soon (he's due today!), but I would love a Moby for these coming weeks at home with him.

  47. I had no idea car seats and PNPs were free to check! that's fantastic!

  48. Thanks for yet another bookmark-worthy post :)

  49. Another thing that I learned on a recent trip was that carrying on a boppy as your extra item is really handy. My 4mo was lying on it either napping or nursing for about 90% of our flight and it made it so much more comfortable for me. I was able to have my hands free for a snack and to read!

  50. Great tips! I flew (alone) with my 20 month old and 3 month old several years ago. I could not have made it without the sling for my 3 month old. I still had to have a stroller for the 20 month old, but the sling definitely made things easier. And I wish I had your advice about packing light. That's the one thing I'd do differently: only carry one bag! I had to tote my 20 month old's car seat and so it was a mistake to also pack a bag of toys/snacks for her and a diaper bag for the two of them. Looking back, i would definitely try to pack more efficiently!


  51. GFC follower!

  52. Good tips! Lil J has been on more flights than I have - she's brave! :-)

  53. Thanked Moby on FB!

  54. Love your tips! We flew with our baby when she was 4 months old and she enjoyed it even more than me!

    I am curious about your opinion on buying babies a seat vs. holding them on the flight. We were originally going to hold her, but I did some research and got all freaked out about safety and we ended up buying a seat at the last minute- so of course it cost more than both adult tix combined! Then she ended up nursing or wanting to be held the whole (short) flight anyway.

  55. I would love to try a moby wrap -- I've heard such great things! ngiraldi @ gmail . com

  56. I follow you through GFC ngiraldi @ gmail . com

  57. Thanks for the tips! I can NOT believe how big Lil J is getting! It totally blows my mind!

  58. Oh how this would come in handy! Not just around the house day to day but we are planning a plane ride back to Michigan from Florida in a month and I'd LOVE to have a wrap to put my son in. Thanks for the giveaway!

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com

  59. Thanked Moby on Facebook @Alisha Lesage

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com

  60. I'm one of your homies @Alisha L.

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com

  61. I'm due in June and this is fantastic advice! It's also great to know that you traveled when she was so young and it was totally acceptable!

  62. Just found this blog. Love it. I want the Moby!


  63. Love how you interspersed the pics of Lil J the jetsetter!

  64. I don't even have a plan to fly with the baby yet and I am already dreading it. PS I got the miracle makeover photoshop action set and I LOVE IT!! :)

  65. Very thorough...you pretty much address any issue that may come up when travelling with babies. Great tips!

    Lil' J is such a cute jet-setter. Babies sometimes get a bad rep for being distracting on flights but I wouldn't mind have this lil' seasoned passenger on my flight at all! lol

  66. Wow. Lil' J is well traveled...way more than me. I've only been on a plane a few times.

  67. Oh, another tip: Whenever I travel I visit this website called SeatGuru.com

    Based on your airline and flight number, you can look up the specifics of your particular aircraft: which seats may be roomier than others, if your flight will provide any amenities like Internet access, etc. It's great!

  68. wonderful tips! And your baby girl is soooo cute!!!

  69. My lil'man had his first flight at 1mth and was great fed on the way up and slept until collecting bags at other end :D The best thing I every got was a collapsible stroller that folds into an overhead sized bag ("quick smart")- out and then in once through security then stress free onto the plane and no having to carry a heavy child through the terminals :D Saved my poor back/stomach muscles many a time with delayed flights!!!
    The other thing I learned quickly was to always carry wipes and snacks (lots of snacks for bub and mum!!!)
    Great tips!!!!

  70. Great post on travel tips! :) I'm expecting baby #4 and we'll be going on a weekend trip sometime after she's born. I'd love to win a Moby Wrap! I've heard so many good things about them! :)

  71. I have taken 4 roundtrips with my 6 month old! Planning is a necessity! and being early!

  72. GREAT post! Thanks for all of the giveaways!

  73. Would love a Moby Wrap so that I can wear my baby! We have another brand of wrap but it gets way too hot with the material used.


  74. I'm a follower!


  75. I am now a Homie! :3

    I'd like to win a wrap for a fellow teacher who's expecting her second baby (and second boy) in June! She has back problems but wants to babywear and breastfeed, so I know this will be perfect for her! I'd probably get her an Indigo or Forest. Or Moss. Blues and greens are her favourite colours. She's from India, so I know she'll be wanting to travel there while the baby's still young to visit her family.

  76. I have always wanted one of these wraps but haven't been able to afford one!

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  77. I'm a homie :)

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  78. What great tips! Those are really informative :)

  79. We have flown once with our baby so far. He was still pretty colicy then, but there was a lot to look at. A Moby wrap is a great idea. Next time....:)

  80. Very good tips! I have always dreamed of having a Moby wrap...all my friends with babies rave about them. I love your blog and I think you're doing a great job raising your beautiful daughter!

  81. I flew with my 18 month old a year and a half ago and she was golden. I'm flying again with her (now 3) and my 9 month old. I'm nervous about taking him along. I was debating the Moby Wrap because we haven't used it very often, but I think I will bring it along. Now for maneuvering two carseats and two kids in those narrow airplane aisles...

  82. I can't believe they made your baby take her shoes off. That's almost amusing in a rather frustrating way. Anyway, love the moby wrap, just never been able to rationalize the cost on my budget.

    anothersarahsmith at hotmail

  83. Thanks for the advice. I'd love to win the wrap :)

  84. Love this advice! Very helpful to hear it from a seasoned traveler! :)

  85. Thanks for your tips. Found them helpful and encouraging as dreading over 24 hours of flight to NZ with a 6 month baby (just about Lil' J). As we'd be going for a stay of many months, packing lite is not an option. We'll need to take all we can :-( Hoping we'd manage and having a wrap will certainly make things easier.
    I'd love to win it and hoping that this is open to all and not only to US residents.

    Thanks again and I'm a regular here as I love to follow Lil' J's growth along with my own's :-)

    Looks like I might be the 100th poster...unless there is a list awaiting confirmation or something.

  86. I loved your travel tips. I traveled with my little one last summer, she was almost 2 and my moby wrap was a life saver. We still use it, the best carrier I have ever tried. I wish I had one with my other kids!

  87. These are some great tips. Especially the one about shoes. I remember you telling us about that when it happened. Before long Lil' J will be a pro when it comes to travel!

  88. Love these photos! Lil J is just too cute!

  89. Great tips!! Not an easy thing, flying with a lil one, but planning makes all the difference!

  90. I've haven't flown at all with Mason! Makes me a little nervous!

  91. Thank you so much for the info. I can't believe you traveled with 70 ounces of breast milk!

    The Moby sounds awesome for travel. I "liked" it on facebook and wrote a comment.

  92. I am new to the blog world but I loved your post. We are taking a trip this summer to Florida; flying from Louisville, Ky to sunny Orlando. I am a mother of 4 boys (all under the age of 6!). Our youngest, Luke, is four months old and loves to live in the Moby! He is just now able to face forward and loves it. I cook dinner, vacuum, and do laundry wearing baby Luke. It's nice to connect to fellow mamas who embrace baby wearing. Back to our Disney trip, your post has been so helpful in preparing to take our flight in June. This is the first time we have flown with the kids and, truth be told, I am pretty nervous! Your words of wisdom and encouragement have been awesome!
    I would love to win the Moby Wrap for my beautiful sis-in-law who just had her first in december. Baby Nat and mom need to experience all the wonderful benefits of baby wearing. Thanks again!

  93. Great advice! I'm having a baby in March and planning on traveling a Moby would be so helpful!

  94. Great advice! I sent this to all my friends with kids!

  95. I just thanked Moby on Facebook too!

  96. I am new to the blog world but I loved your post. We are taking a trip this summer to Florida; flying from Louisville, Ky to sunny Orlando. I am a mother of 4 boys (all under the age of 6!). Our youngest, Luke, is four months old and loves to live in the Moby! He is just now able to face forward and loves it. I cook dinner, vacuum, and do laundry wearing baby Luke. It's nice to connect to fellow mamas who embrace baby wearing. Back to our Disney trip, your post has been so helpful in preparing to take our flight in June. This is the first time we have flown with the kids and, truth be told, I am pretty nervous! Your words of wisdom and encouragement have been awesome!
    I would love to win the Moby Wrap for my beautiful sis-in-law who just had her first in december. Baby Nat and mom need to experience all the wonderful benefits of baby wearing. Thanks again!

  97. GREAT post! Thanks for all of the giveaways!

  98. My lil'man had his first flight at 1mth and was great fed on the way up and slept until collecting bags at other end :D The best thing I every got was a collapsible stroller that folds into an overhead sized bag ("quick smart")- out and then in once through security then stress free onto the plane and no having to carry a heavy child through the terminals :D Saved my poor back/stomach muscles many a time with delayed flights!!!
    The other thing I learned quickly was to always carry wipes and snacks (lots of snacks for bub and mum!!!)
    Great tips!!!!

  99. Wow. Lil' J is well traveled...way more than me. I've only been on a plane a few times.

  100. I would love to try a moby wrap -- I've heard such great things! ngiraldi @ gmail . com

  101. Thanked Moby on FB!

  102. GFC follower!

  103. Great advice! Not traveling with baby anytime soon (he's due today!), but I would love a Moby for these coming weeks at home with him.

  104. Thanks so much for the advice! My little peanut and I will be making our first trip at the end of February, I'm hoping airport security will be in a good mood that day, maybe I should make them cupcakes, jk. I haven't tried the Moby wrap I'd love to win!

  105. I'm going to send this link to my girlfriends who are afraid of moby wraps (or think they're weird for some reason). They just make so much sense to me!!! Yes, I'm sure strollers are handy at times, but really, it's just more STUFF to drag along.

  106. Thanks for the advice! Wouldn't have thought about several of your suggestions!!

  107. I'd LOVE to win the MOBY wrap!

  108. Oh, I am anon above and I am also one of your followers.

  109. Thanked Moby for the giveaway on their FB: Bekki Orr is my FB name.
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  110. If you're traveling overseas request a bulkhead seat when you make your reservation. This includes a built-in bassinet for the baby that helps so much when you have very long flights. Many airlines also provide organic jarred baby food free of charge!


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)