Sunday, January 23, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 3


  1. Even though I read these on FB I still have to say I LOVE them! Especially todays letter :) You are such an awesome Mama Jenn. You are doing an amazing job, keep up the good work!

  2. I just LOVE how you fixed her hair in day 22. She is a little cutie pie!!

  3. Day 21 is my favorite words but 18 is my favorite picture. So adorable! <3

  4. I have a blog award to pass along and after reading through your blog posts I really think you deserve it! :)

    Feel free to pick it up at:

    Hope you'll enjoy my blog, too!

  5. Beautiful once again! Lil J you are blessed :)!

  6. Love reading these... thank you for posting them.

  7. What a lovely idea. Love this post. I'm so glad to have found your blog on networkedblogs. I look forward to more of your posts.

  8. I love me some lil J. LOL. She's absolutely adorable and photogenic. I can really see her personality in day 16. :)

  9. Just found your blog and LOOOOVE it! Can't wait to search around some more, but now I'm off to put Barbie's head back on her body!

  10. I love these- they are absolutely beautiful (and funny/ true)!

  11. This is incredible. I love this. I fell in love with your emotion and the thought you put into each one. Totally touching.

  12. Love the tips. Flying is getting a bit silly when you have to take babies shoes off.

  13. What a lovely idea. Love this post. I'm so glad to have found your blog on networkedblogs. I look forward to more of your posts.

  14. I have a blog award to pass along and after reading through your blog posts I really think you deserve it! :)

    Feel free to pick it up at:

    Hope you'll enjoy my blog, too!


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